Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • That_Country_Girl82
    That_Country_Girl82 Posts: 122 Member
    Anyone can add me. I'm very supportive
  • Gibney8
    Gibney8 Posts: 3 Member
    I need motivated friends!!
  • corpsebride2017
    corpsebride2017 Posts: 4 Member
    Morning bex here from the uk feel free to add me xxx
  • littledainty
    littledainty Posts: 25 Member
    Looking for a few friends to keep me motivated.

    5ft, 140lbs from the UK :)
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. Please just add a short message.
  • ajbroman
    ajbroman Posts: 1 Member
    I could use some friends considering I've been using this app for 3 years now with none
  • Bennyboypiper
    Bennyboypiper Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, new to MFP. Feel free to add me.
  • AObravo123
    AObravo123 Posts: 66 Member
    If you have open diaries!
  • Misspinklift
    Misspinklift Posts: 384 Member
    Friends please and open diary is open too
  • amanda1beaulne1
    amanda1beaulne1 Posts: 1 Member
    I am new to MFP, and so far have no one as a friend on here for motivation. I would love some enthusiastic friends who are serious about their weightloss journey :)

    Motivation is key
  • AskMorphis
    AskMorphis Posts: 155 Member
    Add me if you wish !
    More friends means more fun !
  • kanjigirlcolo
    kanjigirlcolo Posts: 7 Member
    Lost 50 lbs about 12 years ago and now need to relose 30. On my own at MFP, so I'd appreciate (and reciprocate) any motivation I can get. I'm a web developer working on being more active with stand up paddle boarding, running and strength training. Thanks!
  • cmanitowabi
    cmanitowabi Posts: 17 Member
  • nataliatanchevski
    nataliatanchevski Posts: 45 Member
    I could use some friends and lots of motivation and I really want pizza too <3
  • LexiKazoo95
    LexiKazoo95 Posts: 83 Member
    Add me folks! Love to have more encouraging MFP friends on this journey
  • Pipsqueakz
    Pipsqueakz Posts: 1,363 Member
    Feel free to add me.. back at it with 2 months needed off
  • pinkbaba03
    pinkbaba03 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm about to start back up, I could use always use the support. I'm here to help motivate as well! :)
  • lillybellesgma
    lillybellesgma Posts: 8 Member
    I'm trying MFP again. Went to the Dr. yesterday and he kicked me in the butt about getting my health in order. So I need motivation my friends. I'm one of those people who say, "Take me as I am...this is it or leave it". And then I turn around, look in a mirror and hate myself. Just to forewarn you...I use humor and sarcasm to deal with the trials and tribulations in life, but I am serious about my health challenges. It's time for a change!! :)
  • Akiera34
    Akiera34 Posts: 9 Member
    I have 100 lbs to lose. I'm gonna be here for a long time. So let's do this together. Add me!
  • AshEvelynn
    AshEvelynn Posts: 205 Member
    I find it very supportive in my weak moments to reach out to the MFP community for back up...anyone need that extra support themselves? Please add me as a friend so you can help me and I can help you.

    I'm stuck at the office for another hour and can't stop eyeballing the box full of assorted delicious chocolate (donation box) on my receptionist desk! Going to walk briskly past to fill up my 32oz water bottle and chug it all.

    *Update...they moved the box of chocolate on top of the water dispenser...