Drivers License Weight



  • ValeriePlz
    ValeriePlz Posts: 517 Member
    My mom has had her high school weight - 130 - on her license for years. She's probably twice that now.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    I have both little goals and big goals. I lost 100 pounds, so in isolation that just seemed like a huge goal. Breaking it up into manageable pieces made it much easier when it came to the mental aspect of it.

    In addition to specific goals that were significant in some way (college weight, healthy BMI, etc.), whenever I hit a 5 pound increment, I immediately set a new mini-goal of 5 more pounds. I also counted decreasing the second digit in the weight (going from 191 to 189.9, for example) as a goal of its own. The thing I liked about that approach was that I never went too long without hitting some it helped reinforce the new habits because I had a whole range of goals I had met.
  • Kfletch1959
    Kfletch1959 Posts: 21 Member
    Massachusetts only height on the License. I have the big goal but usually think only about the next small goal. Whatever works for you.
  • caitky1013
    caitky1013 Posts: 31 Member
    CT only height on their licenses not weight. But to answer your question, I have a main goal of losing 150lbs, but I look at each 10lbs as a milestone loss. Each 50Lbs will be a medium sized goal. This makes it much less overwhelming when I think about what I have to lose.
  • StacywithaY
    StacywithaY Posts: 117 Member
    I love your goal!

    Stealing it for myself
  • TheJourneyToFabulous
    TheJourneyToFabulous Posts: 381 Member
    edited May 2017
    Sorry I'm of no help. Come live in Australia, where the only thing on our licences is

    date of birth
    Photo (and not even recent). The photo on my licence was taken over 5 years ago. I renew my licence every few years on the internet.

    zero info about appearance/weight/height/eye colour etc

    I had to comment, because I've always found your licence regs fascinating.

    We are the same in UK name, address, photo, licence number and dob
  • AurorabelI
    AurorabelI Posts: 28 Member
    I like both! I have TONS of goals really. Some are what percentage of the way done I am, if I reach a new 10's number on the scale like 260's or 270's also my highschool weight and my healthy BMI etc. I'm really excited for the "overweight BMI", can't wait to be out of the obese range!. I've been on 78 days so far and down 26 pounds. Anyone feel free to add me! Love making new friends on here! :smile:
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,074 Member
    Mini goals work best for me. I really wanted to comment on the driver's license weight. I have not put my real weight on a license in many years. I am not sure what it says now. I am sure it is more than I weigh. When I last got my license I was much bigger and I do not think I would have lied that much about my weight. Why do they need your weight on your license anyway? In case you get lost? I dont know.
  • Aarjono
    Aarjono Posts: 228 Member
    I started with almost 100# to lose. I'm focusing on 10# at a time.
  • qpmomma1
    qpmomma1 Posts: 220 Member
    My DL says I weight 120 because that's what I weighed 15 years ago when I got my DL lol. I'm now 172. I've never updated it.
  • mirelaavdich
    mirelaavdich Posts: 41 Member
    This post had me check my driver's license as I have not had it updated since I got married and changed my name in 2003. It says I weigh 160lbs and I weigh 153lbs now. I am definitely changing that next year when I renew :smile:

    I actually never set a big goal and I am going until I get there. However, I did set small goals like 5-10lbs to lose by certain date. That made it not so intimidating.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited May 2017
    I loved getting to my drivers license weight! That was my favorite favorite thing when I was losing, as it was just a few pounds from my goal weight. It's still the middle of my happy zone 15 years later.
  • Cbaka27
    Cbaka27 Posts: 35 Member
    I made it my next goal today. After hitting my "Drivers License weight goal my next goal was to get to wedding weight (218). I hit that this morning. So now I am 80 days of logging with only 1 day of going over my net Calories. I have lost a total of 30 lbs. Next goal is my half way mark 214. The ultimate goal is to drop 68 obs. Keep pushing everyone!!!
  • kam3190
    kam3190 Posts: 157 Member
    Years ago, before I had a license lol, They used to put your SS number on your ID. I remember this because my mother would freak out anytime her ID went missing. This was mid 90s in Ohio
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    My drivers license weight is what my lowest ever adult weight was. (76kg = roughly 167.5lbs) I've only been that weight for about a month as an adult and have spent most of my adulthood 30-50 pounds heavier than that.

    My goal weight is at least 30 pounds below what it says and I'm about 5 pounds heavier than that now. Crazy!