Overnight weight loss...



  • strixhunter
    strixhunter Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2017
    It's not just water weight or BMs; your body is constantly metabolizing to produce energy and regulate itself. You're not adding calories while you're asleep, so you tend to have a deficit overnight, irrespective of the water you drank. If you have lots of muscle, you need more energy and therefore burn more calories, even while you're resting. Your BM represents only a small proportion of what you actually ingested in meals--it's just waste that couldn't be converted into energy. Also keep in mind that a lot of energy is being lost as heat, 24-7.
  • fgonnello
    fgonnello Posts: 1 Member
    What all of this thread needs to understand is how the body actually loses weight, and what it means to "burn" fat. Do you know where it goes?

    Truth is, burning "energy" doesn't make the fat cells just disappear. The chemical composition of fat breaks down into CO2 and H2O, believe it or not, and you remove it through your body the same ways you know from grade school - you breathe it out, and you excrete it. It actually happens at a rate of, roughly, 84% CO2 and 16% H20, so this overnight weight loss can happen merely through breathing and sweating.

    Of course, if you are excreting anything between measurements, that counts, too.

    As for gaining weight during sleep, the law of consrrvation of mass means that you cannot simply create mass from nothing. To create fat cells, you'd need to form molecules something like C55-H144-O6 (IIRC), and that can't happen just by ingesting some oxygen all night - you'd need the carbon and hydrogen atoms from food - possibly what's in your belly before sleeping. So eating fattening foods before bed run the potential of more Oxygen being retained in your cells overnight. Large gains in weight in this manner would be unlikely overnight, so it may just be variance in your scale to blame more than anything else.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    edited November 2018
    Well, this is a weird 18 month old bump. Weird because the information provided is actually correct, while most bumps of old threads seem to provide much more random information.

    So @fgonnello How did you come by this thread?

    The thread itself and most of the posts in it are actually almost 7 and a half years old.

    In the spirit of the original topic, I usually lose about a pound. I like to hop on the scale after I've brushed my teeth at night and play 'guess tomorrow's weight.' :tongue:
  • jean133mjg
    jean133mjg Posts: 133 Member
    When I do weigh myself before bed and then again in the am after peeing, it's usually down about 2 lbs, but I don't keep that 2 lbs off all day. It will go up from there for the days consumption and/or exercise until the next morning again.
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    edited November 2018
    Every day (and night).

    I record my weight every morning at the same point in my morning routine but I also step on the scale last thing every night before I go to bed. The nighttime weigh in isn't recorded or anything, I'm fascinated by the different amounts I lose while sleeping.
  • nhrig
    nhrig Posts: 6 Member
    2.5 lbs ish over night But I also have a Ileostomy and 64 reduced to 1200 calories a day 60g carbs ish 2to3 ptrs a day. given up drinking wine and scotch for 30 day and lost 8lbs in 14 days so far .... 45lbs to go, I need to be around 200lbs. I fast in the mornings just Tea Homemade soup for lunch and a good dinner. As for drinking ...slimline tonic Tea or water ... walk 2 miles a day walking the dogs and busy life style
  • EthanJeremiahsMama
    EthanJeremiahsMama Posts: 534 Member
    0.5-1lb for me. I’d seriously be so happy to see 2-3 lbs of a loss the following morning, lol! What time do you guys usually have dinner by and what is your dinner usually like? Would love any tips to lose more!