SBF, Reboot Boogaloo, July 25

yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
I'm so happy to have air conditioning right now - I'm sure we are setting some kind of record for 100+ degree days and number of days without rain. It is so sad to look at places that don't get water. Texas is normally brown in the summer, but I'm starting to worry about the trees.

Anyway, I didn't get yoga in yesterday, even though I bought myself a big yoga present (a backbender or whale bench). I couldn't resist the used price. I haven't used one much and need some guidance. Usually studios don't have one, or they only have 1 or 2, so it's not taught a lot. We did go to the pool yesterday. We spotted Charlie's coworker, so we tread water while we talked to him - which was really hard - in the past we would tread for 5 minutes, then do something else - but since we were talking to him, we couldn't switch, nor could we touch bottom well (we're both short). So it was a good workout.

Today: teach two classes and get a walk in while the bread is rising. Since I'm having guests over for dinner, I don't have time to go to another yoga class. I'll go tomorrow.

Treading, boogaloo.


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy new week!

    We had a rollicking thunderstorm about 4 am, so I'm optimistic it broke our heat. We've had over a week of upper 90-100+F degree days, which is crazy for here. So many people do not have air conditioning, so I have been really grateful that we do. Today I'm doing my little "gorilla trainer" app in between work sessions (1 set after each work session) and will see how much I can accomplish. Even set at the absolute beginner, I am finding it challenging, and need to constantly remind myself to be gentle with myself. Since Zumba was very challenging yesterday, I will see how I feel energy wise after working, and decide on a gym session today, or to wait until tomorrow.

    I'm jealous of your yoga present, Mary. I always hang over a balance ball at the gym when I'm finished working out, so I love that sort of stretch.

    Hooray for storms that break the heat!, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Mary, that bench looks like it would feel and hurt so good. :tongue:

    V, I hope you get some cooler weather. Without AC would be miserable. That's why I decided I don't want to live in Russia (or visit) during the summer. It can get up to the 120's in Moscow (like last summer) and very few places have AC. Yuck. Send some of that rain and cooler temps down here. I think we are in week 6 of 100+ temps or something like that.

    Livi, how are you doing today? More energy?

    I'm fried and it's only 11 am. Steve didn't sleep well last night due to anxiety with work (a massive project gone wrong and the other tech is gone on vacation all week), so I didn't sleep well either. I still plan on doing week 3 day 1 of C25K today. It requires 3 minutes of straight jogging, 2 times. I hope I am up to it. All I want to do is nap, and I will at some point. My house is still clean, so just light cleaning today. I also have to pull out baby stuff from the storage room to give to my friend. It's hard to let it go but it's been sitting there 5 years and hasn't been used. It's replaceable. If I ever have another baby then we will just get different stuff. But it is still emotional for me.
    The house search continues. Steve is checking on one that he really likes (other wise he wouldn't be checking on it). The price is right and it's in the city we want to stay in. But he hasn't heard back and the for rent sign wasn't up in the yard. One person he talked to said she thinks it's still available and he waiting to hear back from another person. Praying praying praying!
    I went to get blood work done this morning for my thyroid (should get results tomorrow), talked to a nurse about switching thyroid meds to something cheaper, and got the order for the hormone test. Then we went to the pharmacy to get the hormone saliva test. I have to wait till the 21 day of my cycle to take the test, which thankfully is just ten days away or less. I have to spit in a tube first thing in the morning, no drinking, brushing or eating before hand. If I can't fill it up, I have to freeze it and finish filling it the next day. Sounds fun right? It checks everything though! DHEA, reproductive hormones, cortisol, etc. I'm excited to have it done. I won't get the results for two weeks after I take the test. So just in time for us to leave for Russia just about. :laugh: I sure hope I am feeling a little better by then anyway. My headaches haven't been as severe the last two days, so that has helped a little.
    So I am going to have an early lunch, work out shortly afterwards and then take a nap. Or maybe nap first then work out. Depends on whether the toothpicks hold my eyes open long enough. :wink:
    Tests and hopefully answers boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    We drove by the house that Steve has been aggressive about. We LOVE it! I mean love it. Of course we've only seen pictures of the inside. There is a park right behind the house with a small walking trail and a playground, volley ball, and picnic tables. It looks like a really quiet neighborhood. We have an appt to look at it tomorrow evening, the soonest they could meet us. We are filling out the applications right now and Steve's going to give them a credit card number in the morning, basically reserving the house for us, sort of. There is still a chance it could fall through, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up but we can't help it!
    In other news, I managed to get rid of my baby stuff without tears and was able to bless my best friend with them. I also did week 3 day 1 of C25K. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to run for three minutes straight but I did! Today has been a little better for me. I have been feeling a little better. After running I didn't feel like I needed a nap, which I am glad for.

    New house? boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Okay, I hope someone posts before I post this. I look like I am talking to myself. :tongue:

    Quick post. Busy morning, hopefully lazy afternoon. We hardly slept last night and I mean hardly slept. I had pains and felt wide awake for the most part. These are symptoms of the thyroid problem. I will call doc's office this afternoon if I don't hear from them first. I hope I hear from them today. I suppose it could be tomorrow before the results are back. I think we both were also overwhelmed and excited about the possibility of moving too.
    This morning I went to the store before seven to get some food to make a meal for my cousin. She is having a rough pregnancy. I got it made and I'm going to drop it off to her after horse therapy. Then we may have lunch with Steve. After that probably a nap. (I hope I make it that far.:laugh: ) Then I want to start going through our closet or something and get rid of stuff and more organized. Tonight we go look at the house. :love: We could be moving in about three weeks! Yikes! Miss I will be home in about 5! Yikes! We are crazy to attempt this.
    A LOT going on boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    I'll keep my fingers crossed about your house. A park next to the house is a big draw for someone with almost 2 kids :bigsmile:

    V- just to make you more jealous - I was a little, shall we say high strung, yesterday when I got home. I went to the backbender for 8 minutes, and felt completely renewed. The balls are nice too and retail for $20, rather than $700 (though I got mine used). On Thursday, you should go early to yoga and use theirs (most studios will let you do this. My teacher is currently at the big guy's (BKS Iyengar) studio in India - his granddaughter is teaching and he's lying over the backbender teaching her how to teach.

    So my dinner went well. I think I have two more planned for next month. We are eating at a friend's house tonight, so that will be one of them. I feel like the thing I do best is dessert (more of a baker than a cook, chemistry over art), so I need to do stuff that highlights that ability.

    Today: maybe a bike ride this morning. It's getting to 105 today, so I need to be careful. Then some yoga at home tonight - I think backbends :bigsmile:

    Dinners + yoga = boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    MM, the house sounds awesome, and I really hope it works out. Mary, I'm only a little jealous.:wink:

    Today is work, then a trip to the gym for couch to 5k on the elliptical and some sort of resistance. Then, rest. Yesterday we went to see the Harry Potter movie, so that was fun. Also, the heat broke, so now it's still hot, but not crazy hot. I hope you Texans get rain soon.

    Rain soon, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Yesterday started out alright. I got up at a decent time and got busy right away, was being very productive....and it just kept going more and more downhill until I was just miserable. Barely got in 20 minutes of exercise in the afternoon and felt really bad about it. In the evening I was plagued with thoughts resembling "Scones! Cheesecake! Muffins! Scones and cheesecake on top of muffins! With whipped cream!" And yes, pretty much that simplistic. Thankfully I didn't give in.

    I slept in today, and I'm feeling sore for some reason, even though I didn't exercise for very long at all. Hoping for a better day.

    Goals: Complete my to-do list, STUDY (yep, even if math does hurt my brain), get in some kind of workout.

    MM- The house sounds lovely! I'm so excited for you!

    Day by day (without cheesecake-scone-muffins), boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    How are all my pebbs this morning? :wink:

    Well, yesterday was newsy. My thyroid came back normal which was not expected. But the doctor is really good about looking at the body as a whole and not just numbers. Since I have symptoms they may have changed it just a little. I got back in a month for more lab. They put me on a medicine that has the T3 and T4 combined, so I only have to take one pill a day instead of four! I just hope it works well. It's suppose to be the exact thing I was on just in different form. It's also $100 a month cheaper! So I hope it works out and I don't have too much going into my system etc.
    The house: well, we loved most everything about it, but it's a little...odd. There's three things that we didn't really like. First of all, there are no ceiling fixtures in the bedrooms or the living room. They apparently were removed at some point because there are light switches. We assume (have an email out to them) that the light switches at least control a socket or two so we can plug lamps in. So we'd have to buy at least 6 lamps to get adequate lighting. It looks pretty light during the day, but I need a lot of light or I get depressed. Steve knows that so he has been reluctant. Also the walls are painted brown. I can live with that. Steve didn't like it. Thirdly there is no access from the inside of the house to the garage. You have to go out the front door and unlock the door to the garage which is right next to the front porch. Otherwise I really liked the house. It's old but it's clean and nice. Steve found another house (4 bdrm) this morning that just showed up. Location is really good etc. So he emailed, she already emailed back and is going to send interior pics. It's $50 more a month but it's also over 100 sqft bigger and has an extra bedroom. Anyway, that's more than you all probably needed to know. We are going to try to look at this other house today, hopefully by lunch, and make a decision today.
    I did not sleep well last night again, though better. I am struggling with anxiety. I wish I was not. I have a lot I want to get done today: day 2 of week 3 of C25k, hair cut at 1 (yay! so overdue!), and I'm going through my closet to start getting rid of clothes, shoes and reorganizing. Time to get this wagon moving! Even if we don't move soon my house will be ready when we do. The scale is not going down but I can tell I am shrinking a little. And I have runner's calves :love: so that makes me happy. We will also go to church tonight and plan to go get frozen custard/ice afterwards.
    I am really chatty lately. Hope that's not annoying. :wink:
    Lots going on boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    You could also probably talk to the owner to see how they would feel if you painted the walls a different color. I think most owners would be ok with that. I have pregnant woman's calves - I could never wear cowboy boots well.

    I don't know if it's the heat or weight gain, but my ring is tight, especially when I work out, and my pants feel tight in the morning. Urgh. I looked back at the time when I got my DEXA scan and my weight was 154 & 152 (they were a year apart). I'm almost 10 lbs heavier now. I really feel like I'm eating less. I give this "no appetizers" another month before I decide on something else. So, September 1st, I will assess everything.

    Today: teach two yoga classes, do some yoga at home, and a walk, oh and PT. I haven't been great at doing the PT. I only did it once this week.

    Re-assess, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    I managed the C25K week 2 day 1 yesterday (on the crosstrainer, not the treadmill) but I must have had high adrenalin, because I needed to keep upping the resistance/incline. When I got off, I had serious jelly legs.:laugh: then I did my little gorilla trainer workout (it was squats and pushups) and that was enough. I'm enjoying this little trainer app. The workouts are just enough to feel like I'm doing something resistance-wise, but they don't take up a lot of time. Perfect for work breaks. In other news, I slept like a baby last night.

    I retain water in the summer more than the cooler months, Mary. . .just a thought. I also suffer from big calve syndrome. Cowboy boots are cool, but I can't wear most boots that zip up. I have to find the ones that come in "large calf" varieties, or fork over the money to get them fixed at the cobbler. Which reminds me, I keep meaning to take a pair of riding boots to the cobbler. But I digress. . .

    Today is therapy, recovery from yesterday's workout (so maybe a walk, but not much else due to jelly legs/sore hams and quads and calves and pretty much everything). and good food choices. I am doing good in the "eat, but don't binge department." Although I am suffering from a bit of a watermelon and cantaloupe (is that really how you spell it? my computer and I disagree about that "U") addiction. Beats my last "eat ice cream for dinner" problem.

    Watermelon, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    My brain is all over the place, slept in AGAIN (I feel so lazy if I stay in bed past 6:30-7:00am...and I didn't get up til 8 :grumble: ) and I feel sluggish. But yesterday made two days in a row where I got everything on my to-do list accomplished! So I guess I must feel a little better since I'm getting more done. My cleaning is also under control again and I've slipped back into my normal routine of having everything clean before I go to bed. It's so much nicer to maintain the housework instead of fixing a mess!

    I'm quite sore from my exercise yesterday. Today I'm planning step aerobics for whatever duration I can manage (but more than 20 minutes) and with whatever modifications I need.

    Goals: To-do list, study, nutritious food, and exercise that makes my body feel good.

    Focus on the good stuff, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Good morning!

    Mary, my rings are definitely tighter in the summer. I have had them slip off in the winter. And in this long summer heat I imagine it may be worse since there hasn't been a break in temps for weeks.

    V, watermelon and cantaloupe are a step up from ice cream. :wink:

    Livi, I also feel lazy if I sleep in past 7. Saturdays are kind of hard for me because Steve wants to lay in bed for awhile and cuddle. It's usually at least 8 before I get out of bed and I feel like I've wasted half the day by the time I get breakfast made etc. Isn't it a great feeling to get the house under control again and just doing maintenance cleaning?

    Well, as you may have seen, we have a new house to move to. We can begin moving in August 13th but we have the last two weeks of the month to completely move in. I can not even explain to you the blessing of this house. It is absolutely gorgeous (older but well maintained!) and it is huge! I will eventually post pictures on FB. The master walk in closet is big enough to hold a full size bed in it at least! There are large closets everywhere. The yard is huge as well. She wanted us to move in sooner so they wouldn't have to keep the yard up anymore. :laugh: Having my old camaro there is not a problem (as long as it's out of sight) because they worked on old Ford Mustangs (69 Mach and a 70 fastback, Mary, and she has had at least two other ponies). That in itself is such a blessing. We were concerned about it. She said the neighbors are awesome. Oh and it's a four bedroom house so Steve can now have his office. :smile: She's never rented before but she is very attentive and takes good care of things so I think it will work out great. She could have gotten at the very least a few hundred more dollars a month for this house, easily. So really it was a total God thing. There's no way else this would have happened. There's one quirk in this house: one bedroom has vertically lined blue and white wall paper. We walked in the room and instantly I thought that would give me migraines. Before we even said anything she said if we didn't like it she would paint over it. :happy: I was already trying to figure out how to cover it up!:laugh:
    Anyway, on to work out news. My legs are cramping at night from running. Maybe I need more potassium? It's one of the reasons I am awake at night. My calves are big (zip up boots have to be large) but they are getting more toned. I don't see or feel a difference anywhere else though. I really thought I'd be losing weight by now. Today is grocery shopping and starting on the packing. (I still can't believe it!) I am thinking my neck pain/headaches/ clenched teeth are sinus related. I have no congestion but my head hurts so bad. I finally took some sinus medicine and it seemed to help. It's weird not to have any head congestion and just have a lot of pain. We need rain. Maybe that would help.

    Whirlwind boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Wow, MM so much for you to do. Moving is always a great de-clutterer for me, too. Although when I read about a closet so big that a bed would fit into it, I thought, that in this town, it would have been marketed as a bedroom. :tongue:

    Today is yoga, and a day off from thinky thoughts. I may go to chinatown to pick up my acupuncture prescription (and maybe eat dumplings) if it's not storming, but it's pretty grey outside already. Also sleep in = past 7? You guys are amateurs.:wink: This morning I had to set my alarm for 9. Sleep, I am a champion.

    Sleep champion, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Congrats on the house MM. The Mach 1 was my favorite mustang - my brother had one when he was a teenager (being 6 years younger, I thought it was the ultimate car since it was painted sparkly black). When you said "cantaloupe and watermelon are a step up" I read "set up" - either too many cooking shows or my brain spends too much time on food.

    So we may have a little tropical storm heading just south of us. Ideally, it will hit the mid Texas coast and track west. In the right conditions we could get 10" of rain, but I will be happy with any. The storm's name is "Don", which is my dad's name - so I'm hoping the two of them meet.

    Today: bike ride and yoga at home. I just bought a groupon for yoga classes - make the classes $6 a piece, which is a steal. I only like one teacher at this place, but I could easily go to her class 6x in 4 months.

    I thought we had the entire month of August free - well that was so last week. My sister is doing a residency in Corpus late next month, Charlie is going to Dallas, and I invited friends over for dinner. So my next available weekend? September 10th - and after that? Oct 15th.:noway:

    Putting out the welcome mat for Don, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Good morning!

    I slept quite a bit better last night. Either the thyroid medicine is helping or my sinuses are clearing up (with aspirin and medication). I did wake up and couldn't go back to sleep for at least an hour. It was my legs keeping me awake. I think I have shin splints. Almost on the left leg and yes on the right leg. I've never had shin splints before so I'm not definite on it. My right leg just doesn't stop hurting. Because of that I am taking today off from running which means my next day to run is Monday. I don't know that I will get much exercise this weekend and I am eating out several times (though not all at restaurants. A couple of times at other people's houses.).
    The church is having a small "baby" shower for Miss I and for my best friend's baby tonight. We had wondered about waiting till after she gets home (we plan to have a "Meet Miss I" party like in October), but typically orphanages strip the children down bare when you go to pick them up so we need to have clothes for her, including shoes and underwear. So that's why they are having the small party tonight. Honestly I have forgotten about it. Too much else going on!
    Goals for today and this weekend: enjoy my sister being here, show her the house (hopefully), and maybe get some packing done, maybe not. I want to relax and rest this weekend. Just hang out. I think it is much needed. My husband on the other hand will continue working 60 hours this week and maybe next week as well. :ohwell: Poor guy. But the over time is great!
    I posted pics of the house on FB. :smile:

    A little R & R boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Have fun at your shower tonight, MM. Doesn't look like we'll get our showers tonight, the tropical storm is too far south :sad: :brokenheart: :sad: .

    My sister is coming into town today, so I'm going to see her today. I plan on getting another bike ride in this morning and hopefully some yoga this afternoon.
    I'm also having a guy come by today to look at the attic insulation - it's the only thing we need to do before we can go ahead on the solar panels. Though he also suggested a chimney balloon - have you northerners heard of such a thing? We've never used the fireplace -seriously, in 15 years, never used it - but it sits in your flue and blocks air coming in (or going out).

    If I can't have rain, give me solar power, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Mary, if I had a chimney, I would surely be using it for fire-y purposes.:wink:

    Yesterday I had a Chinatown walking adventure. I love Chinatown, despite the language barrier. Movies will film scenes in China here in our Chinatown, as no signs are in English. I managed to get the herbs I needed (I had my old boxes, pulled them out of my purse and smiled and said "four, please.") also, I wasn't sure where the store was (there are basement stores and second floor stores and I just knew which block it was on, and no signs in English.), so I finally bought a sugar cane juice with lime over crushed ice (which, by the way, I highly recommend) pulled out a box and asked the nice lady where I could buy herbs like that. All in all, a good afternoon, which only involved two dumplings. There's also a store that sells used bikes, and I had an elaborate fantasy of buying one and riding it home. I came very close, as there was a purple three speed talking to me. Then, I took another look at the traffic and reconsidered.:laugh: Still, summer gives me bike lust.

    In other news, today is a light day (I find on a day after this yoga class, my body likes to sit). There was a lot of leg and back stretching, and I was amazed at how challenging it was. Even well supported forward bends are tough for me, and supported down dog still is really hard (but easier than it was) but my legs, ouch! I'm tight there, big time.

    Bike lust, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Mary, Steve would love to have solar panels installed on our house. Of course we rent but if we ever buy we may do that.

    V, sounds like you had a similar experience in Chinatown as we do in Russia. No English signs and you use props and "sign language". :laugh: (Does anyone else have a problem spelling the word "language"?)

    Livi, where are you? How are you feeling?

    CP, where are you? How's your ankle doing? Was your PT able to help more?

    Mummsy, WL, and the others, we miss you!

    Well, I was truly blessed at the "baby" shower last night. It was really sweet. I brought home like seven gift bags of clothes! Goodness! She has everything but shoes, so I will go out soon and try to find some for her. :smile: It looked like everything would go really well with her red hair and brown eyes too. Now I really want her home! I miss her!
    I didn't get home and in bed until 11 which is way late for me, but I did sleep until 5:30 this morning. It's not long but it was uninterrupted. It's been weeks since I have slept straight through. I woke up that early because my leg was cramping again. :grumble: It was fine when I went to bed so I thought it was getting better. Maybe I should put ice on it or something. I don't know. I have pains but I've never had pain like this last for days after working out.
    Plan for today: pack some (starting to feel the pressure as Steve booked the moving truck and set dates to move all the utilities over), hang out with my sister, go show her the house, go to In N Out for dinner and go watch the planes. :smile: It's going to be a fun day. I kind of feel like I am in la la land. I don't feel like I'm in a big hurry to get the house packed up. I think it comes down to the fact that I don't think we have as much stuff as we probably do, so I'm thinking I can get the bulk of it done the week before. I tend to do that and then I am under pressure at the last minute. Must not do that.

    No concept of time boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    MM, your updates are making me tired.:laugh:

    Yeah, Livi. .. how are you?

    Today is housecleaning for activity. I looked at the tub yesterday and it seemed. . .gross. So, I'm working two more sessions (already did one) and then getting to cleaning the bathroom. If, after that is finished, I still feel energetic, I'll vacuum/dust before I do some food shopping. Other than that, just get my husband ready for a trip.:cry: He'll be gone all next week. Which will allow me time to hopefully get lots of work done. I'm aiming to have a finished chapter draft by the time he returns.

    Scrub it until it isn't gross, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    V- my definition of shower cleaning exactly.

    MM - I have trouble spelling just about everything.

    Today is our 17th anniversary. So what exciting thing are we doing - taking my husband's car in to get serviced :tongue: Well, we are also going to the farmer's market, lunch, doing yoga this afternoon (and hopefully a walk on the treadmill for me), and out to dinner tonight. We spend most of our anniversaries in a state of gluttony - some people like tropical beaches, we like food.

    17, boogaloo.