
Hi everyone! I'm new to MFP. I'm also on the Weight Watchers program and wanted to give MFP to see if it would help get me out of a plateau. Any advice or Suggestions would be great.


  • jparsons27
    jparsons27 Posts: 61
    Hey there!

    The support on here is amazing!

    I've done Weight Watchers in the past and had success, but I have just love this site with all the support.

    Glad you are here :)

  • missfittin_missy
    missfittin_missy Posts: 184 Member
    plateau.... just keep eating right, drinking water, and staying active and work your way through it. This too shall pass! You might want to read up on zig zagging and changing your workout routines! Good luck!
  • UsuallyJustATshirt
    Welcome! I think this site is easier to navigate than WW online. I did WW a few years ago and was very successful. Then I tried it again after it changed recently and I hated it. Things I knew points values for were all of a sudden completely different--it was so frustrating and I found it really hard to track. Anyway, welcome and good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend :)