How has your eating changed?



  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    We have a farm and we hunt and fish, so lot's of fruits, vegetables, farm fresh eggs as well as wild caught fish/meat were a part of my diet even when I was gaining weight.

    Content wise my diet hasn't changed. Only the amount has changed.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited May 2017
    I use oil sparingly now. I used to press several spoonfuls of extra virgin olive oil into my bread until it was soaking in it before making a sandwich. I also used to drench my salads, hummus, greek yogurt...etc in olive oil. This is not longer the case, I only use a little bit for the taste now. Thankfully, freshly pressed and well stored oil is strongly flavored so even a little bit comes through.

    I also used to eat servings that were too large of some things. I now eat smaller portions in general and more aware and careful when eating something like fried eggplants (it's no longer a "meal", it's a "side" to a more forgiving meal) and nuts (no random all day munching on nuts, single servings as a part of meal and only occasionally).

    I haven't eaten some foods (like salted butter or butter and jam sandwiches and some other things) in a long time. I know I can eat them, but I haven't in years because there is just always something that feels more worthy of the calories. I've basically cut out some foods without meaning to cut them out, and I still don't consider them "cut out". I just don't eat them lol.

    I no longer eat things that I don't care for that much. Stale fries, donuts, most meat dishes...etc are just not worth it to me. I now have a hard rule of "never eating things I don't like".

    Other than that, my foods are pretty much the same.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,987 Member
    edited May 2017
    Only things that I totally eliminated from my diet are sodas. Use to drink 3-4 (and as many as 6 cans a day) plus 3-4 cans of beer on top of that. Really stupid.

    Still drink beer/alcohol and eat some refined sugar/baked goods but FAR less than I did b4.
  • krazy1sbk
    krazy1sbk Posts: 128 Member
    I don't drink my calories (most of the time) and I realized how much I don't really need buns to enjoy a hamburger or a shell to enjoy tacos (taco salad). I only cut out things I won't miss (not ice cream).
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    I've gone back to cooking and baking. PROPERLY cooking and baking, instead of the easy grab rut I had fallen into because i was always so busy and tired. Now I MAKE time and meal prep. It means I no longer grab all kinds of junk food at work (like a bunch candy bars and chips) because i was too tired to make my lunch before work and slept in.
    I'm also much more mindful of what I put in my mouth and don't give into every random food craving that flits through my head.
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    I eat a lot more veggies than I used to (though I've never not eaten veggies, broccoli is probably one of my favorite foods and always has been). I used to think protein bars were only for beefcakes at the gym, but now I've started having one daily because I find I need the easy protein boost to meet my protein goal. I don't eat pasta as much because the portion size that easily fits in my calories is depressing.
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,074 Member
    I crave veggies, which is weird to me. I always ate veggies, but not on a daily basis and definitely not all day long. I check what the calories of what I am going to eat before I eat it and if I don't think it is worth the calories then I do not bother. I also have to take the time to make sure I have enough veggies and meat for the week.
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    I still eat what I like but in better amounts. Like @suzysunshine99 said, I don't waste calories on things that don't taste or satisfy that great in my opinion. To me thats things like potato chips, processed cheese, canned foods, white breads, etc. I get to eat 'more' that way and I feel fuller.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I do cook more, and cook different stuff than I did before, and cook separately for my wife.
    I pay more attention to getting protein than before.
  • crushingitdaily12345
    crushingitdaily12345 Posts: 577 Member
    Proper portions, no soda, almost no bread, or processed foods/sugars... a lot more vegetables...