Need to lose 100 pounds

misskee2017 Posts: 3 Member
I have tried numerous times to begin a weight loss journey and have failed at each attempt. I realize that it is a COMPLETE lifestyle change for me and it will be very difficult. I am a very sedentary person. I live a very dull and boring life but I am content with that because I am really a homebody. I work full time and I am the mother of six. Ages are 24, 21, 19, 16, 14, and 9. The two oldest live on their own but the other 4 are home with me. I take care of my children and my home. I really need motivation because it feels like I'm in this journey alone when it comes to family and friends. No one I'm around seems to understand how hard it is for me to struggle to eat healthy and avoid certain foods and environments. Co workers are always offering me things that I constantly tell them that I no longer am eating. I always refuse but of course some people have some type of sabotaging goal but it's ok because I know what my goal is. I'm looking at this community for motivation and advice on how to deal on those rough days and maybe someone lives in my area who is working on their life just as I am. I would love to be added as friends with those who are willing to accept me and offer support as I am willing to also give. Best of luck to all and thank you for your time in reading this. Please have a wonderful and prosperous day.


  • Moobear214
    Moobear214 Posts: 39 Member
    Misskee, only you know when you are ready to do this. It is a lifestyle change. But worth it. I am in my 50's and have been big most of my life. I have lost almost 70lbs since 1/16 and can't be happier. Your sedentary life will change with your weight loss, especially what you will be able to do with your kids. I will send a friend request, but even if you don't add me, I wish you the best on your journey
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    You don't have to avoid foods or environments. Count calories. If food fits inside your calories for the day you can have it.
  • eduszynski
    eduszynski Posts: 1 Member
    Hi @misskee2017! I have a feeling we share similar attitudes about eating and food - I KNOW what's healthy and am not fussy or even lazy, but I tend to go all in too fast or too extreme and then get frustrated & overwhelmed (and I only have 1 kid, but boy what a spitfire she is!) and then swing all the way back to the other end of doing nothing. It took me a long time to commit to working out every week, so I had to make myself financially accountable by getting a trainer. My current (un)employment situation has forced me to knock the schedule down by 1/2, but I still get up and go 2x/week. So I've been doing that 2+ years and STILL haven't lost the 100# I also need to lose. I feel better, am more flexible and stronger with better endurance (run/walking 5ks here and there), but the weight is something else. It's tied to so much to residual emotional baggage and is so frustrating to change. When I was going to my last job, I was lucky to have encouraging coworkers, but I couldn't keep my own self-regulating up. Home w/hubby is challenging because he shares my same patterns. We're emotional eaters. Self-gratifying, as consolation, as some way of maintaining control,...all those crappy reasons. I'm here for you, I think we can work to encourage each other! (I'm in Indianapolis, IN by the way)
  • SephiraAllen
    SephiraAllen Posts: 78 Member
    With that many kids and a home to manage, I doubt that you are completely sedentary. But as to that, just look for little ways to incorporate extra movement/activity into your day. Start small and then work your way up to being more strenuous exercise as your feel able.

    That applies to the other changes you need to make as well. If you know that you will have trouble doing a major lifestyle change, break it down. Work on cutting down on the things you need to eliminate more of, but don't give yourself a hard time if you do eat something that's not so great for you. Once you are able to cut down/eliminate that one thing, move on to the next goal.

    I have been on a 1200 cal/low carb/high protein diet for about the last 6 weeks (I need to lose over 200 pounds), and it's hard, and even harder when the people around us don't take the time to think before offering us the very things that we really shouldn't have. Hubby is constantly buying stuff like sodas, donuts, chips, etc... and I was annoyed but now I don't really pay any attention. If I want whatever it is, I work it into my day so that I still meet my goal, but most of the time I find that the calorie/carb drain just isn't worth it. I don't think that people are purposefully trying to sabotage, it's more that they are so programmed to say "hey do you want some" that it doesn't register (at least not for a long time) that maybe they shouldn't do that anymore. In their mind they are being nice, so I just say thanks for the offer, and move on.

    On the days when I'm really craving certain things, or if I'm just really hungry, I will take a small bite (and log it - that's the key, so that you are still counting it). I've found that trying to deny myself something usually only makes me crave it even more, so I try not to do that too much. Or if I want something, I tell myself I can have it later in the day, but then when later comes, I find that the craving has subsided, or at least decreased enough that I can ignore it.

    Other than that, take the time to look for foods that fit within your diet plans and that you will like/want to eat. If you can. I still eat pizza, cookies and ice cream, obviously not every day, but frequently enough that I don't feel deprived. It's just that I eat a lot smaller portions, but that's ok. If you need "fast food" options, check their websites for nutrition data and plan out what items you can eat if you are running around and really need to eat quick. ChickFilA ends up being my go-to a lot, their grilled nuggets and grilled cool wrap filling and though the wrap is slightly carb heavy, if you only eat half, it's not bad (or like I do, pull some of the extra wrap off - though I generally still count the whole thing).
  • onanci
    onanci Posts: 15 Member
    edited May 2017
    I had been trying to lose weight by only dieting and it is HARD! I got a bonus at work and used it to buy a treadmill. I get on that puppy and push myself hard for 45 minutes. After a few days of it, you start to get endorphins from every workout. If you've never had endorphins, they are a great motivator to keep working out! Once you start working out more, you'll be more motivated to watch what you eat to make your body feel good all the time. Having a treadmill right in my kitchen is awesome because it doesn't require a lot of time to work out and at the end of the day I hop on that instead of lounging on the couch mindlessly eating. I got it a week ago and have lost 6 pounds. I used to have an elliptical but I got rid of it when I had kids and that's when my weight ballooned. I'm so happy to have an easy way to get back in shape again! If you haven't worked out in a long time, start slower and work your way up. But make sure to push yourself every time.
  • lorilynn_70
    lorilynn_70 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Tried low carb, keto, weight motivation to do any of it. I am hoping I find success here.

  • shira324
    shira324 Posts: 156 Member
    Finding the motivation and energy to change your life can seem overwhelming. It's hard, and it's different for everyone. I try to take it one day, or sometimes one hour at a time. I'm big on planning. I try to get in the right mind set of what tomorrow will hold, before I go to bed at night. I like to know what I'm going to make for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and whether or not I'm working out the next day. (Which also helps me formulate a plan for grocery shopping and laundry!)

    In a perfect world, I would never have junk food in my house, but my husband and 2 & 4 yr old daughters need to eat too. I don't want to deprive my hard-working, in-shape husband of his ice cream and cookies, but it's hard to have those things within reach. I like to keep some pre-portioned low cal options for myself. I definitely need to keep some chocolate around, as I can't remove that from my diet. (I'm in love with the new Skinny Cow, individually wrapped coffee-chocolate squares.)

    Over the past ten years my weight has been up and down almost 70 pounds. I'm trying to lose 50-60 now, and even then I won't be at a healthy BMI. I know I will feel better, and less tired/bloated/sluggish when I get there, but every day is a challenge. MFP is a great community, try to utilize it as best you can!

    Good luck!
  • Hthrbee1978
    Hthrbee1978 Posts: 26 Member
    edited May 2017

    This community can be very helpful, but you have to WANT it for yourself. I find encouragement here all the time, so it's a great place to come to vent or chat. Good Luck in your journey. It won't be easy but it sure is rewarding!!
  • Aarjono
    Aarjono Posts: 228 Member
    I have tried numerous times to begin a weight loss journey and have failed at each attempt. I realize that it is a COMPLETE lifestyle change for me and it will be very difficult. I am a very sedentary person. I live a very dull and boring life but I am content with that because I am really a homebody. I work full time and I am the mother of six. Ages are 24, 21, 19, 16, 14, and 9. The two oldest live on their own but the other 4 are home with me. I take care of my children and my home. I really need motivation because it feels like I'm in this journey alone when it comes to family and friends. No one I'm around seems to understand how hard it is for me to struggle to eat healthy and avoid certain foods and environments. Co workers are always offering me things that I constantly tell them that I no longer am eating. I always refuse but of course some people have some type of sabotaging goal but it's ok because I know what my goal is. I'm looking at this community for motivation and advice on how to deal on those rough days and maybe someone lives in my area who is working on their life just as I am. I would love to be added as friends with those who are willing to accept me and offer support as I am willing to also give. Best of luck to all and thank you for your time in reading this. Please have a wonderful and prosperous day.

    I also started with ~100# to lose. My "aha" moment came when I had a couple of health scares in March of this year. Something finally clicked, and I am not finding it hard to stick with it this time-- I've logged for 65 days straight. The changes I've made were right for me and I feel great.

    Of course, it also took a health scare 10 yrs ago to get me to finally, once and for all quit smoking, too, so I guess that's just how it is for me.

    When it is right for you, you will give up the excuses and commit. Good luck to you.
  • porkneckbones
    porkneckbones Posts: 3 Member
    edited May 2017
    I have another person within me that I need to lose!!!! I'm doing keto diet and counting calories now. I hope to lose about 150-160lbs total but at the same time transform my body and build muscles. I just started again last week after falling off the wagon numerous times. Let's all help each other through this journey! Cuz for sure I need help!