Weight loss plateaus...stuck at 206.8 for days...is it my scale or me?

I have been stuck on the same weight for 3 days...the scale hasn't budged. I don't know what's happening. I don't know if I should change something or just see it through. I weigh 206.8, I'm 5'6", I have a small to medium bone structure. I've been on this weight loss roller coaster for 25 years. Please help!!! Should I mention that I worked for two weight loss centers, helping many people achieve their weight loss goals, but I don't know how to help myself.


  • highlightshadow
    highlightshadow Posts: 116 Member
    I've just had a nearly 2 week plateau .... weight was just stuck dead for a full 2 weeks but kept at it ... now its making up for lost time again ... 3 days isn't much ... you will have weeks where nothing happens... try to be patient
  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    Your body doesn't recognize the concept of a calendar, I'm afraid--the weight will come off when it wants to let go of it.

    That being said, do you want to open your diary for some suggestions overall?
  • Spartan_Gingi
    Spartan_Gingi Posts: 194 Member
    I didn't consider myself at a plateau until I went two months without losing. Three days is nothing. Stay the course, it'll move, it just takes time :)
  • orionaimee
    orionaimee Posts: 89 Member
    I agree with the others that 3 days is not a long time at all. I typically stall and even gain right before my cycle begins so that may be part of what you are seeing. I had a plateau a couple of weeks ago that lasted for two weeks and I added weights to my exercise regimen and it knocked me right out of it. No matter what keep up the good work, you've got this!
  • loftus4827
    loftus4827 Posts: 57 Member
    Give it a week at least. Sometimes at a plateau it helps to relax on the dieting for a day and eat some carbs, destress. This can result in a drop in cortisol, a hormone that causes your body to retain water. It's counterintuitive but this can result in a "whoosh" of weight coming off. Stick to it and look at the overall trend of your weight loss. As long as it's a negative trend over time you're doing just fine
  • mca90guitar
    mca90guitar Posts: 289 Member
    Wouldn't worry. 3 days isn't enough time.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Congratulations, your body is normal! It is not normal to see a loss each and every day. The good news is, you didn't gain. Even if you had, it would still be normal.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    I read that as "stuck at the same weight for 206.8 days".
  • lisannebyrd4
    lisannebyrd4 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm stuck at 200 for the past 4 weeks. I will weigh in next Tues. Hopefully my results go down
  • Da1NonlyMrsStiggers
    Da1NonlyMrsStiggers Posts: 6 Member
    Give it time. I only weigh once a week. And I do this on the same day around the same time, Friday morning. I have lost 8 lbs in 30 days.

    If I step on the scale and have gained even a little bit, I work harder the next week to get back to my routine. I have a cheat day once a week.

    More importantly, I feel better. So as long as you are staying the course, don't worry about it. Maybe change up your workout routine. So glad to hear you losing the weight. I have 22 more pounds to go to reach my first goal weight.

    Good luck!!
  • Da1NonlyMrsStiggers
    Da1NonlyMrsStiggers Posts: 6 Member
    Also, maybe you lost inches instead of weight during this time period.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    I weighed 171.8 each morning of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of last week. By Monday morning I weighed 168.8. As long as you are accurately recording your food and activity and are certain that you remain in a calorie deficit, the truth of it will be revealed on the scale eventually. Just be patient.