Keto Friends

lolajustlola Posts: 16 Member
Just looking for other people who are doing a ketogenic diet who I can chat with, share recipes, ask questions, support one another. That kind of stuff.


  • itsmyhealth
    itsmyhealth Posts: 11 Member
    Agreed! I keep hearing excellent things about keto and really need to get on track. Found a recipe for a low-carb/keto pizza!! Can't wait to try it, my friend says it's GREAT.
  • FireTurtle75
    FireTurtle75 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Just started a little over 2 weeks ago. I'm down 12 pounds already.
  • BedsideTableKangaroo
    BedsideTableKangaroo Posts: 736 Member

    i'm loving it. check out the below group if you haven't. anybody can add me, but i haven't been very socially active online lately.
  • VetTech1374
    VetTech1374 Posts: 35 Member
    I am researching the Keto diet and it was recommended by my Dr. I am just starting out slow and still have so many questions!!
  • lolajustlola
    lolajustlola Posts: 16 Member
    i'm loving it. check out the below group if you haven't. anybody can add me, but i haven't been very socially active online lately.

    Thank you!
  • lolajustlola
    lolajustlola Posts: 16 Member
    Just started a little over 2 weeks ago. I'm down 12 pounds already.

    Congrats! That's awesome.
  • VetTech1374
    VetTech1374 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm the chef in the house, but I'm the only one doing keto so figuring out family meals has been rough these first couple of weeks. Are any of you in a similar situation? If so how do you handle meals? So far, I've been making the wife & kids one meal & then making something really simple for myself like a pork chop & an avocado or a cheese omelet, etc.
    I've been buying meat in bulk & seasoning then sealing in individual or daily portions for me & then freezing them.

    This is one of the issues I am facing, I am wondering if I can transition my family to the same thing. My kids are 17 and 14 and my husband will eat anything LOL
  • FireTurtle75
    FireTurtle75 Posts: 2,014 Member
    My wife is considering it, but I told her to wait until she's done with her masters degree in July. Day 4-6 was a hard transition for me & I was sleepy & dizzy for 2 days. Her schedule is too crazy to handle that at the moment. Once she does, it will be much easier. Kids are 9 & 4 & picky eaters anyhow, so I'm used to handling that problem frequently.
  • ramskermfc
    ramskermfc Posts: 41 Member
    Was on keto (TKD) for about a year several years back . . . liked it and had good results with it. I've always done far better on low carb. Dropped off keto when I ended up with a kidney stone. Turns out that I'm a calcium oxalate stone producer, so I need to avoid high oxalate foods--and I was eating a metric crap-ton of them on keto (almonds, spinach, peanut butter, almond butter, avocado, chocolate protein powder, etc). Have been thinking of jumping back on it since I know the foods to avoid and haven't had a stone in a long time. Haven't made up my mind yet.

    But I'll try to pop in periodically and offer what I can.
  • Carlala2
    Carlala2 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm the chef in the house, but I'm the only one doing keto so figuring out family meals has been rough these first couple of weeks. Are any of you in a similar situation? If so how do you handle meals? So far, I've been making the wife & kids one meal & then making something really simple for myself like a pork chop & an avocado or a cheese omelet, etc.
    I've been buying meat in bulk & seasoning then sealing in individual or daily portions for me & then freezing them.

    Hi, I'm in my second month of doing keto. Very close to 20 lbs down! I'm in a similar situation. I'm the only one in my house doing keto, and I'm the one who cooks dinner every night. My fiance is very, very picky, so I just make him a separate side. He will eat most of the meats I'm having.

    I would love to have some more friends on MFP who are following this diet, so I'll send y'all a friend request.

    Also, I was "hangry" before starting keto. This diet keeps me feeling satisfied all day and has helped me stop over eating. :smile:
  • lolajustlola
    lolajustlola Posts: 16 Member
    Carlala2 wrote: »
    I'm the chef in the house, but I'm the only one doing keto so figuring out family meals has been rough these first couple of weeks. Are any of you in a similar situation? If so how do you handle meals? So far, I've been making the wife & kids one meal & then making something really simple for myself like a pork chop & an avocado or a cheese omelet, etc.
    I've been buying meat in bulk & seasoning then sealing in individual or daily portions for me & then freezing them.

    Hi, I'm in my second month of doing keto. Very close to 20 lbs down! I'm in a similar situation. I'm the only one in my house doing keto, and I'm the one who cooks dinner every night. My fiance is very, very picky, so I just make him a separate side. He will eat most of the meats I'm having.

    I would love to have some more friends on MFP who are following this diet, so I'll send y'all a friend request.

    Also, I was "hangry" before starting keto. This diet keeps me feeling satisfied all day and has helped me stop over eating. :smile:

    Yes! I think I have been hangry on every other diet I have ever tried but I don't experience it on this diet. So far, so good.
  • kelsoddo
    kelsoddo Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I am just starting keto and am doing so with my boyfriend (thank god, no cheezits every where anymore). We purged all the food we can't eat and have started fresh, take supplements etc. I have a friend that has been helping me get started but was wondering if y'all could add me and look at my diary from yesterday (5/23) and let me know if I can do anything more or eliminate certain things. thank you and much appreciated!
  • FireTurtle75
    FireTurtle75 Posts: 2,014 Member
    I can be hangry almost anytime. LOL I've was on here a 4 years ago(same profile), but last time I was Low fat/high carb diet & I was always hungry. Even right after eating. I swear, I hated it. It was a constant reminder that I was "dieting". It worked for losing weight.
    With keto, my hunger pains are more pronounced, but they are consistent timewise. I would call them normal at this point. I'm learning that 3 meals a day aren't a good thing just by listening to my body & I don't get hangry unless I ignore the growling tummy. I typically eat a babybel or mozzarella cheese snack between meal times as they are very low/no carb.
    I much prefer this because I can still eat all of the good things I love & not feel bad about it.
  • lolajustlola
    lolajustlola Posts: 16 Member
    I can be hangry almost anytime. LOL I've was on here a 4 years ago(same profile), but last time I was Low fat/high carb diet & I was always hungry. Even right after eating. I swear, I hated it. It was a constant reminder that I was "dieting". It worked for losing weight.
    With keto, my hunger pains are more pronounced, but they are consistent timewise. I would call them normal at this point. I'm learning that 3 meals a day aren't a good thing just by listening to my body & I don't get hangry unless I ignore the growling tummy. I typically eat a babybel or mozzarella cheese snack between meal times as they are very low/no carb.
    I much prefer this because I can still eat all of the good things I love & not feel bad about it.

    I just don't get hangry anymore because the meals I can have sustain me moreso than any diet I have ever been on. I eat when my body lets me know I'm hungry. If I ignored those signals, I would definitely be a B.
  • lolajustlola
    lolajustlola Posts: 16 Member
    kelsoddo wrote: »
    Hi! I am just starting keto and am doing so with my boyfriend (thank god, no cheezits every where anymore). We purged all the food we can't eat and have started fresh, take supplements etc. I have a friend that has been helping me get started but was wondering if y'all could add me and look at my diary from yesterday (5/23) and let me know if I can do anything more or eliminate certain things. thank you and much appreciated!

    Based on yesterday's entry, yours looks very similar to mine except that I don't do fat bombs. I haven't been doing this long, though. Hopefully we're both doing well.
  • WeAreTheMassacre
    WeAreTheMassacre Posts: 49 Member
    Spent 3 weeks prepping for my change to a Keto diet, most of that time being compiling keto recipes and a list of popular ingredients. Most recipes I found call for almond flour, Xanthan gum, liquid Stevia, pork rinds, husk psyllium, flaxseed meal, Erythritol, sour cream, cream cheese. The rest are common herbs, spices, meat, and veggies most people always have stocked. As far as meals go, these look like the easiest recipes to follow (and actually yummy!) I've ever had to make for a particular lifestyle(once I stock up on the popular ingredients in bulk), except when I was weight lifting and forcing bland chicken and rice in me all day.

    This is my second time trying this, so it'd be cool to add other people doing it so I can lurk their food journals and see if I'm on the right track. Oh and I wouldn't have been able to do Keto last time without caffeine pills and Bronkaid; it completely suppressed my hunger and kept me energized. It felt like cheating.

  • SunshineHardcore
    SunshineHardcore Posts: 27 Member
    I'm the chef in the house, but I'm the only one doing keto so figuring out family meals has been rough these first couple of weeks. Are any of you in a similar situation? If so how do you handle meals? So far, I've been making the wife & kids one meal & then making something really simple for myself like a pork chop & an avocado or a cheese omelet, etc.
    I've been buying meat in bulk & seasoning then sealing in individual or daily portions for me & then freezing them.

    This is one of the issues I am facing, I am wondering if I can transition my family to the same thing. My kids are 17 and 14 and my husband will eat anything LOL

    I am also the only keto-er in the house. My 22yr old (aspergers) lives at home with me & I have a 6yr old. My oldest sometimes cooks for himself, and my 6yr old is the pickiest child on the face of the planet I swear (its just a stage, right?? lol). As often as I can, I try to make meals that work for me that everyone can eat - but my 6yr old still ends up with separate meals half the time.

    Barring unreasonable 6yr olds, one should be able to make a meat & a veg for dinner that you can eat on keto & then just add something starchy for the non-ketos if they want it.

    Recipes that my oldest has enjoyed with me include crack slaw, pizza casserole cause I'm too damn lazy to make a keto crust (fresh sliced tomatoes laid out in the bottom of a pan, I use glass. Sprinkled with pizza seasoning & drizzled with olive oil. then cover with mozzarella & assorted toppings. We usually use a nice layer of peperoni followed by a bit of green onion & green pepper. Bake for 22-24min at 400)

    I make taco meat fairly often cause my six yr old likes tacos & then I just have taco salad. Cheeseburgers also happen pretty frequently. Fish or chicken I add butter to for me. Luckily the little guy likes broccoli so I have to a go-to veg that we can both eat.

    Basically, while I sometimes end up making extra meals, as much as possible I try to either keto-fy foods that they eat or non-keto-fy foods that I eat for them. So its just one meal with a couple of alterations.
  • SunshineHardcore
    SunshineHardcore Posts: 27 Member
    I can be hangry almost anytime. LOL I've was on here a 4 years ago(same profile), but last time I was Low fat/high carb diet & I was always hungry. Even right after eating. I swear, I hated it. It was a constant reminder that I was "dieting". It worked for losing weight.
    With keto, my hunger pains are more pronounced, but they are consistent timewise. I would call them normal at this point. I'm learning that 3 meals a day aren't a good thing just by listening to my body & I don't get hangry unless I ignore the growling tummy. I typically eat a babybel or mozzarella cheese snack between meal times as they are very low/no carb.
    I much prefer this because I can still eat all of the good things I love & not feel bad about it.

    I just don't get hangry anymore because the meals I can have sustain me moreso than any diet I have ever been on. I eat when my body lets me know I'm hungry. If I ignored those signals, I would definitely be a B.

    Yes!! So much of that. I spent decades, literally, trying to follow the low fat, high carb model & was constantly hungry in a way that just keep getting worse & worse and more & more out of control. Various medications & health issues compounded it until, before I started keto, I couldn't get a feeling of satiety to last more than 10mins before I felt very much like I hadn't eaten in days & was starving. It was disgusting. I'd get myself a reasonable amount of food, eat it. Get seconds, eat that. Clean my teeth & on my way to put the dishes away I'd feel so hungry I'd end up starting the whole process all over again.

    I only tried keto out of desperation. Before that I was one of those "oh I can't give up bread! that sounds so unhealthy!! That can't be good for you" kind of people. Luckily, I came across the idea of keto in a science group which meant they'd also posted research & real information so I was able to see there was a solid basis behind the whole thing which gave me enough to give it a try.

    Keto has changed my life. Weight loss aside, feeling like I finally have control over what I put in my mouth, for the first time in decades has been invaluable. As awesome as it is to be losing 5lbs a month with almost no effort, that pales in comparison to just having control back again.

    Did my first 48hr fast earlier this week in fact! so much easier than I expected. Thanks keto! <3
  • lolajustlola
    lolajustlola Posts: 16 Member
    I can be hangry almost anytime. LOL I've was on here a 4 years ago(same profile), but last time I was Low fat/high carb diet & I was always hungry. Even right after eating. I swear, I hated it. It was a constant reminder that I was "dieting". It worked for losing weight.
    With keto, my hunger pains are more pronounced, but they are consistent timewise. I would call them normal at this point. I'm learning that 3 meals a day aren't a good thing just by listening to my body & I don't get hangry unless I ignore the growling tummy. I typically eat a babybel or mozzarella cheese snack between meal times as they are very low/no carb.
    I much prefer this because I can still eat all of the good things I love & not feel bad about it.

    I just don't get hangry anymore because the meals I can have sustain me moreso than any diet I have ever been on. I eat when my body lets me know I'm hungry. If I ignored those signals, I would definitely be a B.

    Yes!! So much of that. I spent decades, literally, trying to follow the low fat, high carb model & was constantly hungry in a way that just keep getting worse & worse and more & more out of control. Various medications & health issues compounded it until, before I started keto, I couldn't get a feeling of satiety to last more than 10mins before I felt very much like I hadn't eaten in days & was starving. It was disgusting. I'd get myself a reasonable amount of food, eat it. Get seconds, eat that. Clean my teeth & on my way to put the dishes away I'd feel so hungry I'd end up starting the whole process all over again.

    I only tried keto out of desperation. Before that I was one of those "oh I can't give up bread! that sounds so unhealthy!! That can't be good for you" kind of people. Luckily, I came across the idea of keto in a science group which meant they'd also posted research & real information so I was able to see there was a solid basis behind the whole thing which gave me enough to give it a try.

    Keto has changed my life. Weight loss aside, feeling like I finally have control over what I put in my mouth, for the first time in decades has been invaluable. As awesome as it is to be losing 5lbs a month with almost no effort, that pales in comparison to just having control back again.

    Did my first 48hr fast earlier this week in fact! so much easier than I expected. Thanks keto! <3

    That's so awesome! Congrats! I had heard of keto but wasn't familiar with it at all. A friend of mine posted about several health benefits she'd experienced just in a few months of eating this way so I messaged her and asked her what she was doing. Since then I have been reading anything I can about this WOE. This is my second week of eating this way and I have lost 6 pounds.

    I had previously tried just about every diet out there. Most recently eating 6 small meals a day, with a protein and a "healthy" carb. But I constantly felt hungry. Even after just finishing a small "meal". It was so frustrating. So far, this WOE is working much better for me.