Chocolate milk replacement!

Hey guys! Man, I need some help. I need to find a good replacement drink for my chocolate milk. Preferably a milk like drink or iced mocha coffee is the next best.


  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member

    Maybe make chocolate milk with protein powder.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Milk, sugar free chocolate mix, or cacao and sweetener, or choc protein powder

    What don't you like about the chocolate milk?
  • azealeawhite
    azealeawhite Posts: 6 Member
    When I had soy milk it tasted like chocolate milk possibly try that and see what it tastes like to you
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    If you tell us why you need to replace it (allergies, intolerance, too high calorie to fit your budget, etc.), it'll be easier for us to give you recommendations.
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member

    Mind blowing
  • skuggerud
    skuggerud Posts: 3 Member
    Mix the powder with some chocolate whey or casein, based on when you take it.
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    Curious too why you need a replacement?
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    8oz chocolate milk, a scoop of whey isolate, and 8oz of coffee tastes surprisingly like a mocha. Refrigerate it overnight for the cold version.
  • Macy9336
    Macy9336 Posts: 694 Member
    Alpro soya chocolate or almond silk chocolate are both great substitutes.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Coconut milk + cocoa power.
  • RDahling
    RDahling Posts: 27 Member
    ladipoet wrote: »
    Coconut milk + cocoa power.

    Oooooh ... that sounds good - or mix it with a chocolate flavour whey isolate instead (or a cocoa powder and vanilla flavour whey isolate) ...
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Chocolate milk is really good post training. I make my own with milk, cocoa, cinnamon and honey to avoid all sorts of additives...
  • RDahling
    RDahling Posts: 27 Member
    Chocolate milk is really good post training. I make my own with milk, cocoa, cinnamon and honey to avoid all sorts of additives...

    A couple have mentioned making their own - what cocoa powder do you use? And milk? Do you use Coconut milk like Ladipoet, soy, almond, or ... ? And adding cinnamon sounds like a nice little kick to it. :)
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Chocolate milk is really good post training. I make my own with milk, cocoa, cinnamon and honey to avoid all sorts of additives...

    Are you peat-y?
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,075 Member
    Hershey's syrup with Silk Cashew Milk or other alternative "milk"

    I love to pour half an inch of Skim Plus milk in a tall glass, put in a decent amount of Hershey's chocolate syrup, fill the rest of the glass with club soda, and stir. Delicious!

    (Not sure if your issue is the milk, chocolate, calories...)
  • Rufftimes
    Rufftimes Posts: 349 Member
    I do unsweetened chocolate almond milk with a shot of Davinci's sugar free chocolate syrup
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    Ripple Foods just came out with a Chocolate Pea Protein Milk - it's not too bad.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Depends on why you want to replace it, but I'm currently obsessed with unsweetened brewing chocolate (you make it like coffee -- it tastes like chocolate or chocolate with spices, but is largely calorie-free and has no sweetness/sugar). I sometimes drink it hot and sometimes chill it. (My vice is coffee, and replacing coffee with this stuff is helping me cut down on caffeine.)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    My chocolate raspberry breakfast smoothie for cold mornings:
