Any moms out there want Accountability partners....



  • zoe1923
    zoe1923 Posts: 2 Member
    I just had a baby 7 weeks ago and I'm going. Sick to work next week. I have 50 total pounds to loose, but want to focus on the first 10.
  • TerreK
    TerreK Posts: 21 Member
    Hello everyone!!! I'd LOVE to join this team of accountability buddies!!! I am back on MFP after the birth of my twins, and a singleton, (a mere 18 months later....) So, needless to say...I'm in need of weight loss/toning up. I've lost just over 30# on my own since starting back up, but I'd like to drop about another 30#....seems it's getting harder to lose, the more weight that comes off??? Stupid scale! Lol....Please add me, I NEED HELP/ IDEAS/ ENCOURAGEMENT...I log on everyday.....
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 951 Member
    Add me! I'm sick of gaining and losing parts of the last 10-15 lbs of pregnancy weight from my 18 month old. I'm doing well here on MFP but I need to keep it up.

    Making healthy choices takes so much energy sometimes, I find myself wanting to pull my hair out or just lying flat on the floor exhausted through his process. But it's worth it. It's better than giving in to stress eating.

    It can also be lonely making lifestyle changes - my husband has no real problems with overeating nor does my older daughter. So any friends welcome!
  • tlee278
    tlee278 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi everyone, I'd be interested in joining the group of accountability? I'm a single
    mom who has both a ft and pt job. I'm hoping to lose 40lbs more and have been using MFP since April 3rd.
    Life keeps us moms busy (both single and married moms!) and often life leaves us focusing on everyone else but ourselves! I know for me that I want to be healthy for myself but also my daughter.
    Feel free to friend me to get the group started!

  • daniellemichellecowger
    daniellemichellecowger Posts: 46 Member
    Hello everyone! Please add me!
  • WannaBHottyMommy
    WannaBHottyMommy Posts: 55 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hi, mom of 3 boys, 6 months 6 years 10 years, working full time, ending soccer season and boys scouts soon (praise the lord) am 163 and would feel much better 20 lbs lighter but would also love to gain muscles. please help me stay accountable.
    I'm in NC!
  • healthyghost
    healthyghost Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a stay at home Mom and would love to have some accoutability buddies!