Night Snaking

is eating after a certain time really bad for you?? I find it really hard not to snack at night, I find that is usually when I am the most likely to snack. I make myself eat during the day because I am not hungry but after a certain time at night, I have to control myself from not eatting. So, Will evening snacking really mess me up??


  • mamashrub
    is eating after a certain time really bad for you?? I find it really hard not to snack at night, I find that is usually when I am the most likely to snack. I make myself eat during the day because I am not hungry but after a certain time at night, I have to control myself from not eatting. So, Will evening snacking really mess me up??
  • OliveBranch
    I have the same problem! It takes everything in me not to snack before I go to bed! I think that if you know night time is most difficult for you, and you truly believe that you can have self control, than allow yourself a snack around 100-150 calories no more than an hour before bed. I've found that a sweet drink, like soy milk with light chocolate syrup, or a glass of OJ usually does the trick. I think the worst is too eat too much and wake up feeling icky and sluggish, so just know yourself and what if you can keep it in check!
  • mamashrub
    I have the same problem! It takes everything in me not to snack before I go to bed! I think that if you know night time is most difficult for you, and you truly believe that you can have self control, than allow yourself a snack around 100-150 calories no more than an hour before bed. I've found that a sweet drink, like soy milk with light chocolate syrup, or a glass of OJ usually does the trick. I think the worst is too eat too much and wake up feeling icky and sluggish, so just know yourself and what if you can keep it in check!
  • Julie837
    Hi, I like Special K, skim milk, splenda, and a couple blueberries. Then I take a Benadryl, brush my teeth, get in bed, and read. I'm usually out in 20 minutes, and no more snacking. J
  • Red13
    Red13 Posts: 287 Member
    I find that I have a better weight loss week if I don't snack about 2 hrs. before going to bed. It is quite the challenge but if I need something I find some fruit or popcorn and cheerios are good cause 1 cup = 100 calories and they can take a while to snack on. Also sipping on some tea or low cal hot chocolate can help you feel satisfied.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I dont eat after 6pm BUT if I get a craving and feel ravenous I freeze fruit juice and eat that..the hard work breaking through the frozen fruit usually only means I have 1-2 oz...also Jello works wonders
  • joonieB
    joonieB Posts: 101
    I save a special treat for my "just before bed snack". It is low in calories and feels like dessert (at least a dessert to my new way of healthy-eating thinking :wink: ) and it is this:

    8 oz of super hot skim milk
    1 25 calorie hot cocoa packet

    Total calories: 115

    It fills my tummy up right before bed and it is something that I look forward to. Another thing I do is at dinner I really fill up on veggies with my main course. I eat around 6:30-7:00 and then have my "night cap" around 10 and then off to bed.

    Maybe you could try this:

    For a couple of days don't eat anything after dinner. Make sure you have eaten all your calories before then so that you won't be tempted with some extra calories sitting in you bank. I did this at the beginning of my diet this time and even though the first couple of days were rough, I actually trained my body to go the evening without anything else. Once that craving habit has been broken, it is easier to go to bed with an empty tummy.

    Good luck!
  • TrainerAndrew
    Hey there,

    I think you gettting a lot of good advice about not eating to close to bed time and keeping the calories down low. My only advice would be try eating a healthier choice of foods. Something with a good amount of fiber and or higher in lean protein. This should help aid in reducing or eliminating a spike in your blood sugar levels thus making you less likely to feel hungry doing the night. Many times the craving for sweets is do to the lack of other nutrients in our diet. Well that and we are usually slightly addicted to the heavenly sweetner. haha..................
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    Hi, I like Special K, skim milk, splenda, and a couple blueberries. Then I take a Benadryl, brush my teeth, get in bed, and read. I'm usually out in 20 minutes, and no more snacking. J

    I know they did a study on Benadryl and they say it is linked to weight gain. I use to take it for allergies and stopped when that came out. Just thought you should know... But the snack that is yummy love all the Special k cereals.

  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    I save a special treat for my "just before bed snack". It is low in calories and feels like dessert (at least a dessert to my new way of healthy-eating thinking :wink: ) and it is this:

    8 oz of super hot skim milk
    1 25 calorie hot cocoa packet

    Total calories: 115

    It fills my tummy up right before bed and it is something that I look forward to. Another thing I do is at dinner I really fill up on veggies with my main course. I eat around 6:30-7:00 and then have my "night cap" around 10 and then off to bed.

    Maybe you could try this:

    For a couple of days don't eat anything after dinner. Make sure you have eaten all your calories before then so that you won't be tempted with some extra calories sitting in you bank. I did this at the beginning of my diet this time and even though the first couple of days were rough, I actually trained my body to go the evening without anything else. Once that craving habit has been broken, it is easier to go to bed with an empty tummy.

    Good luck!

    I like to do that too, if I forgo the skim milk for water, I usually include a couple of dollops of fat free cool whip with a sprinkle of cinnamon!