Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    edited May 2017
    @cschmitz110515 @Bex953172 I also have FOMO about food! It's ridiculous, every time there are leftover sandwiches from meetings i feel compelled to take advantage - even though it happens practically EVERY FRICKING DAY!!

    I know, right?!? Temptation lurks everywhere, no matter if it's a special occasion or a humdrum day. I have to remind myself that everything is not about the food or beverage I have.

    mmecraine wrote: »
    Side note: I went to log breakfast and I realized that the 1/4 cup of granola that I decided to put on my chia seed pudding has an INSANE amount of calories and carbs for a tiny bit of food :(
    Anyone else been punched in the gut when logging a food???

    Yes! When I treated myself to a chocolate shake out with hubby, I logged afterward and found out a small was over half my total calories for the day! Ack!

    vishalb08 wrote: »
    Now that's something I need to try.
    Till now I have been logging only after I have had something.
    Does Pre-logging help you control your intake better than logging after the meal?
    Thank you for your thoughts & encouragement.

    Pre-logging really helps me keep to my portion sizes. I don't always pre-log, but when I know my meal plan ahead, it keeps me mindful if I want extra or to stray. Good luck!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    edited May 2017
    Recap W 5/24
    1) Keep net calories w/i 100 of green = Yes! :smiley:
    2) Hope rain slacks off as forecast, really want to walk dog after work = Still chilly, damp & dreary, but no rain, so walked dog 3.09 miles. Felt good and dog so happy. :smiley:
    3) Wash dishes = After dog walk, late supper, and Kitty taking a nap on my lap, I forced myself into the kitchen and washed everything! :smiley:
    4) Floss = Day 2 :smiley:
    5) Bedtime by 10:15 & TV off...want to walk dog Th a.m. before work = big fail on bedtime and Th a.m. walk :s

    Just for today R 5/25
    1) Pre-log food and keep net calories w/i 100 of green
    2) Pace in office during webinar
    3) Walk dog after work
    4) Floss

    No bedtime goal, tomorrow starts a 5-day holiday/vacation weekend for me. It will be challenging with 2 days of niece's H.S. graduation and a family party. Dog walks already planned most of those days. I will log as best I can.
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member

    Side note: I went to log breakfast and I realized that the 1/4 cup of granola that I decided to put on my chia seed pudding has an INSANE amount of calories and carbs for a tiny bit of food :(
    Anyone else been punched in the gut when logging a food??? [/quote]

    Yes! When I treated myself to a chocolate shake out with hubby, I logged afterward and found out a small was over half my total calories for the day! Ack!

    Me too! I was really hungry while practicing at a church directly across the street from a Dunkin Donuts---I thought a muffin might be a healthier choice than a donut--586 calories--that's lunch right there. It was good. though--LOL. Next time, I'll pack some fruit and veggies.
  • R2che
    R2che Posts: 189 Member
    edited May 2017
    Please can I join in?!?!

    I've loved reading this thread
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited May 2017
    vishalb08 wrote: »

    Thank you so much for those kind words.
    Please wish your son HAPPY LANDINGS on my behalf.
    But the feeling of pride that you mention is missing.
    I feel so disappointed & ashamed for having lost control over my life.
    I know that I should feel good about the positive steps I have taken, but the magnitude of negativity surrounding overshadows it all.
    But like you said, it taking one day at a time.
    For now my aim is to be able to log my meals every day & maintain it below my set calorie mark.
    Once again thank you for your kind words & welcoming me to your lives.

    Glad to have you join us! You should be very proud of the positive steps you have taken. Sometimes the hardest thing is to get back up, and you have done that. I know you can do this also, and get back the life you had. So welcome!

    Thanks for the wishes for my son on happy landings. As I mom, I worry everytime he flies, but I have learned that things can happen anywhere, and a person can't stop their life. He has wanted to fly since he was 11 years old (used to fly RC planes). He flies for his job, so he has quite a few hours in. Even took me up in his plane!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    1. log all food :)
    2. 8+ cups of water :)
    3. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow morning -- already went to the gym this morning, so a great start :/ Decided not to go to the gym today because I am hoping to mow the grass - which takes me over 2 hrs. And weed some of my flower beds!
    4. read my advantage response cards :)
    5. eat only when sitting, and eat slowly :)
    6. plan tomorrow's dinner tonite, so I know what I have for dinner. Planned todays dinner last nite -- goingto make some shrimp stir fry. I think this will help me through the day, knowing what I plan on having for dinner. :) The shrimp stir-fry was delicious! And tonite I am making chicken cordon blue! I am finding just planning "dinner" the nite before helps me!
    7. drink water :)
    8. concentrate on distinguishing between hunger, cravings, desire :) This really made me stop and think all day when I wanted to eat - a real eye-opener

    JFT, THurs
    1. log all food
    2. 8+ cups of water
    3. lay out gym clothes so tomorrow morning I go to the gym
    4. mow grass today, weed flower beds, put down mulch before more rain comes
    5. help hubby with business stuff
    6. eat only when sitting, and eat slowly
    7. read my advantage response cards
    8. plan tomorrow's dinner meal
    9. concentrate on distinguishing between hunger, cravings, desire
    10. read success stories on MFP

    Beck Diet Solution Task for Day 11:
    Practice Hunger tolerance.
    She says to skip one meal, to prove to yourself that it is OK to be hungry - that you will survive - and that the hunger does go away.
    I am not going to do this today, as we are so busy. But may try this over the weekend. But .... I feel so much more in control over my eating just by reading the advantage response cards, and trying to be more aware of what is hunger, cravings, or desire.

    And .... I am finally out of the 200's!! Weight this morning was 199.6!! My goal weight is 178 (I am very tall, 5'11"), so that is about 22 more pounds, and since the 1st of the year I have lost almost 18. So ... I am halfway there -- no stopping me now! By Christmas I hope to be at goal weight or close to it .... but taking this one day at a time!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »

    Went out last night with a mom's group & felt completely in control (ordering healthy choice & beverage) which is so rare for me in the past. Maybe it was the fact that I had some protein an hour beforehand. Had I binged, like I have in the past, I would've made unhealthy choices all day today & beat myself up. Instead, i savoured every bite. Ate slowly & paid attention to how full I felt.

    Challenge yourself!

    Great job!! I am also trying to preplann at least dinner, and I am finding it really is helping me. Isn't it wonderful to feel in control! And ... to savour every bite!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited May 2017
    junodog1 wrote: »

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    5. Call doctor about MRI on my knee. I have a tear in my meniscus and need surgery. Joy. :/I'll have to call tomorrow.

    Hoping all tests come out OK on your knee! Does not sound like fun. I started taking zumba class, and everyone worries I will tear up my knees - so I don't move quite as fast as others.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    And .... I am finally out of the 200's!! Weight this morning was 199.6!! My goal weight is 178 (I am very tall, 5'11"), so that is about 22 more pounds, and since the 1st of the year I have lost almost 18. So ... I am halfway there -- no stopping me now! By Christmas I hope to be at goal weight or close to it .... but taking this one day at a time!

    Well done!!! That's nice and inspiring!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member

    Goals for thursday
    - Take medication - yep
    - LOG LOG LOG - yep
    - Go for a long walk (don't really have a choice in this) - yes 3.5hrs!!
    - Drink plenty -yesss

    Not completed all goals for a while so v happy bout that :-)
    Will post goals in morning!

    May Goals
    March Weight: 12st 6lb
    April Weight 12st 5lb
    Current Weight: 12st 5lb
    Target Weight: 10st 7lb
    Lbs to lose this month: 4

    Strive for progress, not perfection.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    joan6630 wrote:
    And .... I am finally out of the 200's!! Weight this morning was 199.6!! My goal weight is 178 (I am very tall, 5'11"), so that is about 22 more pounds, and since the 1st of the year I have lost almost 18. So ... I am halfway there -- no stopping me now! By Christmas I hope to be at goal weight or close to it .... but taking this one day at a time!

    GOOD FOR YOU! WHOOP WHOOP! Congratulations! That's awesome!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited May 2017
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    In other news I just did a 3 and a half hour walk, if anyone has any replacement feet let me know! :sweat_smile:

    OMG --- a 3 and a half hour walk!!!!!! Great job!!! And I bet your feet do hurt!!!

    And congrats on completing your goals!! With 2 little ones, I know how hard it is. So proud of you
  • vishalb08
    vishalb08 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello to all.

    Yesterday's results (25/05/17):
    1. I logged all my meals.
    2. I had 1.6 liters of water (Target was 2 liters).
    3. I went over my calorie target (1500 cal) by 79 cal.
    Result: I lost 0.1kg.
    Not a bad start I guess.
    The reason for me going over my calorie count was a "Cookie cake" I had as a snack at work.
    Additionally I need to increase my water intake at work.

    Just for today (26/05/17):
    1. Log all my meals.
    2. Drink 2 liters of water, at least 1 litre during the office hours.
    3. Stay within my calorie count.

    I'm going for a movie tonight & I tend to hog a lot during the movie.
    So its gonna be all about management of calories today.

    Have a great day guys !!!!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Not a great day yesterday, I had a bad day at work and ended up comfort eating :/ Need to focus on my reaction to stress rather than just reaching for the food/booze!

    I've watched a couple of programmes this week about stress this week. Apparently it's very normal to crave sweet and fatty foods during stress, we all do. But although they make us feel better temporarily, our blood sugar dips shortly afterwards and then we feel worse.

    A nutritionist on the show recommended nuts and seeds instead, so I think I'll get some for my drawer at work - though I will have to be careful not to have too many of them as although they are healthy they are super calorific!

    Overall I did very badly on my commitments -
    - Log everything I eat :/
    - No snacks outside meals :/
    - No alcohol to help fight cold :/
    - Be in the green! :/
    - Bed at 10.30, light off at 11 :/
    - 30+ minute lunch break :) But I spent it moaning to my colleagues about a work stressor and this did not actually help! Maybe moaning just reinforces negativity...
    - Walk at lunch :)
    - Meditate :)
    - Listen to music to boost mood and productivity :/
    - Focus on key tasks rather than getting distracted by non-urgent emails :|

    I'm off to Sweden for a long weekend now so I'm just going to make simple commitments now for the whole weekend:
    - Log everything I eat
    - Before I eat, think am I hungry or is it greed / emotion? (Thanks @joan6630 !)
    - Apply the 80:20 rule - 80% healthy choices, 20% indulgence)

    Hopefully I won't come back too much heavier on Monday... have a lovely weekend everyone!
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    1. log all food :)
    2. 8+ cups of water :)
    3. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow morning -- already went to the gym this morning, so a great start :/ Decided not to go to the gym today because I am hoping to mow the grass - which takes me over 2 hrs. And weed some of my flower beds!
    4. read my advantage response cards :)
    5. eat only when sitting, and eat slowly :)
    6. plan tomorrow's dinner tonite, so I know what I have for dinner. Planned todays dinner last nite -- goingto make some shrimp stir fry. I think this will help me through the day, knowing what I plan on having for dinner. :) The shrimp stir-fry was delicious! And tonite I am making chicken cordon blue! I am finding just planning "dinner" the nite before helps me!
    7. drink water :)
    8. concentrate on distinguishing between hunger, cravings, desire :) This really made me stop and think all day when I wanted to eat - a real eye-opener

    JFT, THurs
    1. log all food
    2. 8+ cups of water
    3. lay out gym clothes so tomorrow morning I go to the gym
    4. mow grass today, weed flower beds, put down mulch before more rain comes
    5. help hubby with business stuff
    6. eat only when sitting, and eat slowly
    7. read my advantage response cards
    8. plan tomorrow's dinner meal
    9. concentrate on distinguishing between hunger, cravings, desire
    10. read success stories on MFP

    Beck Diet Solution Task for Day 11:
    Practice Hunger tolerance.
    She says to skip one meal, to prove to yourself that it is OK to be hungry - that you will survive - and that the hunger does go away.
    I am not going to do this today, as we are so busy. But may try this over the weekend. But .... I feel so much more in control over my eating just by reading the advantage response cards, and trying to be more aware of what is hunger, cravings, or desire.

    And .... I am finally out of the 200's!! Weight this morning was 199.6!! My goal weight is 178 (I am very tall, 5'11"), so that is about 22 more pounds, and since the 1st of the year I have lost almost 18. So ... I am halfway there -- no stopping me now! By Christmas I hope to be at goal weight or close to it .... but taking this one day at a time!

    SO HAPPY FOR YOU. You've reached One-derland! Great job.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Friday will not be my Free day. I will not spend the rest of next week trying to recovering from eating off plan/mindlessly for 3-4 days. I'm preplanning our meals & activity for the long weekend. My goal is to hit the gym each day!

    Pretracked most meals/snacks.
    Adjusted calories to around 1,600. Yes-this will be a challenge.
    Going to listen to Half Size Me
    Weight lifting-going to ask a FB female lifter I follow for some advice on dealing with muscle soreness. Maybe I'm not stretching enough. I tend to bolt out of the gym when I'm done. Poss cash in my gift certificate for a massage.
    20 min walk with dog in am with DH.
    Aiming for 150g of protein. Still getting closer. Stomach was a little off for about 4 days but totally fine now. Adjusting to increase.
    20-30 min nap/count 20 breaths slow & deep.
    Drink 8 cups of water.
    Preplan meals with 1,600 cals.

    NSV-got into a pair of jeans I couldn't fit at Easter!

    If I fail to plan, I plan to fail.

  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    vishalb08 wrote: »
    junodog1 wrote: »
    vishalb08 wrote: »
    Today's commitments:
    1. Log everything that I eat (Probably spend the whole day logging only)
    2. Drink 2 liters of water (All I have to do is fill all the beer bottles with water)
    3. Make a genuine effort to stay within my calorie limit for the day.

    To be brutally honest, these 3 things look like a humongous task.
    But I have to start somewhere.
    So here we go !!!!!!

    The good news is logging really does get easier. I pre-log my day as much as possible, but I add every little variation. If I have not planned my day I whip out my phone and log or snap UPC codes and log. It becomes habit over time.

    Now that's something I need to try.
    Till now I have been logging only after I have had something.
    Does Pre-logging help you control your intake better than logging after the meal?
    Thank you for your thoughts & encouragement.

    For me, prelogging my day (and preplanning my menu) increases my success. If I have gone to the effort of packing my food and bringing it to work I will eat that and not go out for something else. I focus on healthier foods when I plan. When I pre log I usually make my goals for fruit and vegetable. I can bulk up my meals, feel fuller and not want to eat something out of the machine. A lot of the time I like to munch all day so I can bring lots of small items – salad, nuts, a sandwich, soup, boiled eggs, cut veggies, mixed fruits – eat a few bites and set it aside to eat more later. We used to call that grazing.

    When I don’t, like the last two weeks, I’m just not as successful.

    Plus, it’s better for the budget overall. I only buy what I am going to eat and I don’t throw food away.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

    I'm in a foul mood this week and really not being successful. I don't know which one is fueling the other. My DH has left for a camping weekend with the boys and that is probably for the best. I am not just not "feeling it," but I still need to set goals and try to make some movement.

    :) Stay in the green on calories
    :* Finish documenting terminal leave process
    :/ Bed by 11:00 11:25 - close, but no trophy.
    <3 20 minutes cardio
    :) Watch Amazing Race finale! - So it wasn't the finale yet.

    • Stay in the green on calories
    • Finish documenting terminal leave process
    • Bed by 11:00
    • Chaser video for Quidditch - that will hit my cardio
    • Tendon work for COMC