Ways to fight the Dairy Queen Urge?

I am doing very good on my weight loss plan.... Ive lost 35lbs since April.... *MOST* of my cravings for sweets have gone away... However I cant shake that urge for Vanilla Soft Serve cones from Dairy Queen... esp. now that we are in this heat waive... I always say to myself, that cone from DQ wont taste as good as being skiny feels, but man I still want that cone!! LOL Anyone else fight a similar battle? How do you say no?


  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    I say have the baby cone.........:bigsmile: the small cone is 250 cals, so the baby is probably half of that......just save your calories for it.
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    Ice cream is my BIGGEST weakness and I have no idea how to back away from the ice cream!

    And I always want a blizzard and those are the WORST!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,739 Member
    Try a McDonald's $1 Vanilla Cone. It is only about 150 cals.
  • andreae13
    andreae13 Posts: 239 Member
    I know exactly how you feel!!! I've got one right down the street from my house and I'm definitely a DQ addict...or recovering I guess. I look at calories as my budget and that small DQ cone just ain't worth the amount of calories I would have to save. That has helped me a lot. I do get one every once in a while though, I always make sure to put in a hard day at the gym first :)
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    Ice Cream is EVIL!!!!!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    it's like 200 cals for a baby vanilla soft serve :) Go for it.

    I don't fight urges. I eat food!

    Beckajw, I wish the mcDs here had cones :( They don't! It's not nice of them.
  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    You are craving a vanilla ice cream cone, get the baby one like mentioned above, that's what I do. Itcould be worse, you could be craving the double chocolate chunk blizzard. If it's just the ice cream you want get it in a cup instead of the cone, that saves significant calories right there.
  • exercisarah
    i usuallly just get a kid cone!
  • hlavers
    hlavers Posts: 32
    It's not realistc to always say no, but instead plan it into your day a couple of days a month. Decided I will treat myself on so and so day and then on that day do an extra bit of exercise (i.e. add an extra mile to your run, 25 laps to your swim, etc), and eat clean for the rest of the day.
  • scriehl
    scriehl Posts: 94 Member
    I either give in or grab a piece of sugar free gum. I have heard of imagining a conveyer belt with your craving on it passing you by. Seems silly but I suppose it is worth a try. :)
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Don't say no...if it's not often get a kiddie cone or ask for just the icecream in a cup...a kiddie cone is about 170 calories...My daughter and I walk up to DQ and back to make it more worthwhile...good luck!
  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    HAVE IT!. factor it into your day's calories first. ...say... this Saturday. The database stated it was 230 calories. Place it in first and then decide what else you will eat for the rest of the day. It can be your treat. You do not need to deny yourself of any food. ..just make wise decisons. i am not advocating for a daily treat - but hey ..you deserve soemthing every once in a while. BTW - the ice cream without cone saves approx 90 calories.
  • michellef3g
    Have the smallest one there is and then go for a long walk after!! I find that if I don`t have that treat that I am craving the thought of it takes over and then one day I binge on it!! Givivng in to that craving will save you tha feeling of being deprived and on a diet. This is a lifestyle change for me and I know I will be successful without depriving myself of my favorite things! Enjoy your cone!!
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I'm allergic to milk, so it's easy! But I say, go ahead and have the baby cone as suggested by 000Debbie000. Quench the craving, then go right back on plan. Thin/fit people eat ice cream. They eat cake and chocolate, and all the things we're "not" supposed to. Find out how many calories in the baby cone and log it here, make it part of your food choices. Then work out extra this week, add five minutes each time, or do an extra day. It's unrealistic to NOT have these urges, so do it, and move on. You will survive! I'm on plan 6 days a week, and then I get to go crazy on the 7th. Funny thing is, more often than not, I stay on plan. Just knowing I can go off of it is enough.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I agree with the others that say to go ahead and have the ice cream. As long as you are working it into your calories (and not doing it everyday) you will be fine.

    Have you tried the DQ fudge bars? I love them... and only 50 calories. :smile:
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    It's tough, I ate two donuts yesterday.

    We are programmed to seek calorie dense foods, made of sugar, salt and fat. We know that we shouldn't eat so much but the pleasure is overwhelming. I found this information from Doug Lisle's The Pleasure Trap.

    I would say to make yourself a goal. They say it takes about 42 days to "reset" your taste senses. If your goal is to stay away from fatty foods with sugar (ice cream), try depriving yourself of ice cream for 42 days. Count it down everyday and give yourself a pep talk every meal, before you eat the meal. Thank yourself for not eating the food and promise yourself you will stay strong.

    Know that it is a constant struggle, that you cannot break free totally, but with friends and self talking (mentally, don't talk out loud), you have a fighting chance!

    Good luck to you.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Congrats on your loss so far! Hmm, why not go to the grocery store and pick up some ice cream from there? There's this Breyer's vanilla ice cream that is no sugar added and only 90 cals per half cup serving, 15 carbs, and 4 sugar grams. I believe they have other flavors but I only had the vanilla. I'm not really a huge ice cream lover but I had the craving a couple weeks ago and this hit the spot.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    If you like bananas, you could try this: http://www.choosingraw.com/this-post-will-change-your-life/
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Try a McDonald's $1 Vanilla Cone. It is only about 150 cals.

    This is what I was going to suggest if you just REALLY need a cone. My problem when I get the DQ itch is for a blizzard, and I might as well just not eat the whole day to save up for that! haha I've been able to fight off the ice cream urges by buying stuff for at home, like skinny cow ice cream bars, skinny cow fudge bars...or I like the philly swirl Popsicle they range between 14 cal & 50 calories per Popsicle and are pretty good.

    I'm not saying any of that is healthy, but its satisfying for less calories than DQ usually.