
Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
I am already over what the mfp says is my limit for protien for today... But i have 690 calories reamining. Is that okay? I mean now what do i eat? I guess what im saying is everyone says protien is good for you but, i thought that if i get to much it can make you gain weight? So i have been trying to watch everything so it is all in moderation. I just dont know if the extra protien is good for energy or if i need not eat to mucch of it.


  • themylady
    themylady Posts: 4
    No, it won't make you gain weight... And, if you exercise, it can be a good thing to get a little more protein, to build muscle, and, so, it will increase your metabolism ... Maybe, for your health, try not to exagerate the amount, but again, if you don't have blood pressure problems or cholesterol or these kind of problems, just don't mind your protein intake...
  • bymelya1
    bymelya1 Posts: 34
    I'm not an expert but I think as long you are eating a balance diet and exercising is not harmful to go over.I always go over my protein too. It helps building muscle when you workout.
  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    I don't worry about protein... I think the protein goal here is actually low and I am almost always over.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    Thanks I was just wondering.. So now back to what i shall eat the rest of the
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