self - harmer...

is anyone out there a self-harmer due to eating problems?

i self-harm when i can't purge... and when im stressed out...

but also.... i have mental health issues... and i feel i need to have scars on the outside to show that im not ok on the inside...

and my scars are healing now.. and i feel terrible... i really feel the need to restart self harming...

need a bit of help from people going through similar situation


  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I hope you get some good replies to this, please don't get discouraged if you don't get many this is a tough issue and a lot of people don't like to reply to really difficult posts because they don't want to do more harm than good. If you are not seeing a professional I hope you will consider it they are much better trained than we are here and it sounds like you are very aware of your issues so thats a good thing. Best of Luck
  • CobraBubbles
    I sent you a message (hope that's okay).
  • MarybethAltizer
    MarybethAltizer Posts: 226 Member
    I'm so sorry you're going through this.... Please rely on the support of your friends here instead of self harming. I have counseled alot of teens who self harm, mostly burners and cutters, and you may add me if you like. ;) We all have scars, though some of them aren't seen. Mine go way deep and I want to do all I can to help others, even if it's just through support of a fitness site!
  • goldnanoparticle
    goldnanoparticle Posts: 37 Member
    Can't say I have the same problems, or even understand what such feelings are like, but the MFP community is super supportive! We want you to succeed healthily and safely and we'll stand by you every step of the way.

    I would, however, recommend talking to a real person about these issues (i.e. not us imaginary people out on the internet).

    Many good wishes to you!
  • JWGF01
    JWGF01 Posts: 59
    yeah... it is a sensitive subject..


    but yeah.... right now is a struggle... but yeah feel free to PM me with advice... =]
  • canadianchick11
    I'd recommend seeing a psychologist or counselor...sharing your feelings and thoughts with someone else can be very beneficial. Also, try to fill your life with more positivity and surround yourself with good people to remind you that you are appreciated and should not have to harm yourself! Best of luck!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I'd recommend seeing a psychologist or counselor...sharing your feelings and thoughts with someone else can be very beneficial. Also, try to fill your life with more positivity and surround yourself with good people to remind you that you are appreciated and should not have to harm yourself! Best of luck!

    This would be the advice that I would give. Most people really can't even relate to your struggle. Not that there is no one out there who can. I self-harmed in my early teens and I only ate once a day in my mid teens (only so my mom wouldn't know that I wasn't eating). I was also suicidal in my late teens and a drug addict through my early twenties. I can understand the things that you are dealing with, and the truth is, and I think you can admit it to yourself, there is a reason why you are harming yourself. No matter how you cause that harm, there is a reason for it. A psychologist can help you find what raw emotion is making you do these things and help you learn how to cope with those feelings and whatever has created them for you. I lost custody of my children, my home, and everything before I sought out help. I had two counselors, drug addiction classes, and many many sessions with a psychologist before I was able to adjust my behavior away from causing myself harm to a more positive lifestyle. It is a struggle. I am still trying to live a positive lifestyle which is why I came to this site, to help me make some of my last transformations. I am in my early 30's now. But I'm much happier. I don't mind putting my personal business on the boards if you don't, but if you just want someone to talk to, you can message me anytime you want. I will always make every effort to get back to you right away. Take care of yourself, please.
  • JWGF01
    JWGF01 Posts: 59
    swhitney2... definately need someone to talk to... you know exactly how i feel!!!

    i was ultimately put in hospital because i was suicidal...

    this is a post started by me...

    it was very heated... but it explains what im going through...

    so yeah... its very personal business...

    would love to chat about this...