40+ and lifestyle change needed?

hi. i've struggled with weight and fitness off and on for 20 years. Now getting the Dr talk "you're over 40" "could lose some weight" "high blood pressure"...if you can relate I can support and use some support!


  • crushingitdaily12345
    crushingitdaily12345 Posts: 577 Member
    I am almost 40, and in the same boat... I have really enjoyed this community for support. :)
  • jsnydervima
    jsnydervima Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I just turned 40 this year and while I haven't gotten the high blood pressure talk from the doc, I have realized that I need to make some serious adjustments. I've always been a dieter, looking for the next quick fix and only ending up right back to where I started. In the last 3 weeks I have gotten very serious about getting back on track and making adjustments. My doctor has scolded me though about my weight rising. I am more concerned about my body fat percentage and think Dr.'s rely on the scale too much. I am currently at 30.5% (down from 32.5%) body fat. I am working with a nutritionist who has been educating me on protein, carbs, etc. I am also working out at the gym at least 2 times per week. My goal is to be 4 times per week at the gym and get to 19% body fat. I'm finding its hard to do with 2 kids and a job that works me weird schedules and sometimes long hours. I find myself often too tired to do anything else.
  • Crackertime
    Crackertime Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 44 and decided that I need to take control before menopause sets in. I started walking for 45 - 60 min. a day. Honestly, I never burned enough calories to make it not boring. I then looked up different exercise videos on youtube and found some that didn't bore or annoy me. My favorite is fitness blender. They are a cute couple with 100's of free videos. Look up the beginner stuff. You will work yourself up in no time. I've now started lifting a little with the strength videos. I've finally lost 7 lbs., but I really saw measurements change first. I also have really watched what I eat. I'm eating tons more vegetables and good fats. Good luck. Do it for yourself. We're only halfway through life!
  • Cyndi1010
    Cyndi1010 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 45 and started at 30lbs over the weight that I always promised myself that I would start doing something about. I don't have trouble with high blood pressure but I am pre-diabetic. I work 40 hours a week with a 45 minute commute from home and have 6 kids 4 of which live at home full time. I'm doing my best at eating better but am still struggling with fitting in exercise. Add me if you would like.
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Hey! Turned 40 in December and have been struggling with my weight since my second kid (10 years ago). I'm 40lbs heavier than when I got married. Yuck.

    This is a great site and community, and if you use the site / app correctly and your'e totally honest with yourself, then it works.

    BUT - don't let it pen you in to just 1200 calories a day. That may be too much of a deficit.

    Oh - and add me as a friend if you like!