Read me!!

01MissFit Posts: 39 Member
edited May 2017 in Introduce Yourself
At first I went on a diet and went jogging every day, I lost around 2 stone. But I came into a women's refuge 9 and a half months ago and I've currently gained a stone. I was 10st 7lbs then went down to 8st 7 now I'm 9st 7. It's really frustrating because I aim to lose the weight before summer every year but I usually end up losing it during the summer then gaining again in the winter. Plus I'm on medication which makes me feel hungry ALL THE TIME!! It makes me lose the feeling of fullness so I just eat and eat especially when I'm bored and at night time.
I feel lazy and tired and ugly and hate my body so much. I obsess over watching for people skinnier than me and get really pissed off and jealous that I'm not that thin. Every day all day I obsess over weight loss and feel guilty after I eat. Just getting so tiring. Just want to be thin!!


  • rdmitch
    rdmitch Posts: 278 Member
    OK , from the little known about you as a new poster I assume from the reference to "stones" your posting from Europe.
    Transferring stone to pound for us Americans, it seems your at 161 lbs which is not terrible unless your really short.
    You can easily knock off some weight with this program...but you got to get over this obsession with other people's looks. You
    know you can since you already said you do it before summer. All you have to do is drop it this summer and maintain.
    Just cause you feel lazy, ugly, etc does not mean you are! That's in your mind and I would bet your none of those
    are true. Also, lazy and tired are fixable with an in invigorating walk.
    I get it, the meds make you hungry....water will help fix that. Night eating is a problem most of us share, I am terrible at
    snacking while watching television. Find distractions away from then kitchen that take your mind off food.
    I have cleaned drawers and closets to take my mind off the cake in the fridge. I'll watch TV in another room to avoid the
    temptation of the kitchen.

    Post more info, height, pics, current eating habits, favorite foods....whatever you can. There are a lot of really smart and really
    supportive people here that will jump in and help, but you got to be willing to do your share too.

  • rdmitch
    rdmitch Posts: 278 Member
    Pardon my lousy math...9 stone 7 would be like 131 lbs. far far far from fat.
  • aerial102
    aerial102 Posts: 52 Member
    I think maintaining your weight would be most beneficial for you, rather than losing. It sounds like you're already thin, losing more than that could be potentially harmful depending on your height.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Get counseling ... from a qualifed mental therapist. You sound like your mental outlook could use a little tweaking.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,298 Member
    You do not say how tall you are, all I can say is at 5'3" I would really love to be the weight you are now. As someone above said, probably your best thing would be to maintain for a while. Some say that working on their muscle tone really helps. Possible you could look into a gym. Most of all, believe me, I'd really love to be your weight.
  • LVNF04
    LVNF04 Posts: 2,607 Member
    Exercises and losing weight. The game we all play, punishing ourselves to look better. Everyone wants to be sexy, attractive. Who says you're not already? You? Someone else? If you want to lose weight then focus on things you said in your statement, don't eat late at night, and if you do look for stuff that won't crash your efforts. Or at dinner time try to find foods that will burn slow so you stay satisfied longer. As far as exercise everyone has time to do a little here and there. Ab twists, jogging in place, leg lunges, push ups. Don't need equipment for that. Music helps, mirrors help. New equipment and new gym clothes help with my motivation. Also recording your progress.