women in thier 50's

I'm 55 and having a hard time losing weight. Anyone else in my boat?


  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Actually, I'm not having a problem losing it since I started here. But, give me a paddle and I'll help row.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    i'm also 55 and losing is difficult but MFP is a wonderful site that is helpfull...good luck:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I'm 55 - yes, it's hard to lose- hard to move and I often am too tired/lazy to prepare healthy meals - I just can't seem to find the time & motivation to really EXERCISE.
    In most cases IF I can find the time & once I do it I do feel better but ... I work all day & have to take care of stuff (errands) after work & then my dogs .. then it's bed time & I'm tired ...
    I KNOW I need to get up a half hour earlier but ... well, I'M TIRED!
  • onedot49
    onedot49 Posts: 42 Member
    :happy: I am 62 and am dealing with being laid off my job and also trying to lose weight. I really feel with this site I can do it. It is the easiest site i have found to track your food and I also use it on my iphone with the wonderful bar code scanning. You can do it! It did not take us overnight to gain the weight, why do we think it will go away so fast! Slow is better. FYI to get myself going I am on a plan called Medifast, which restricts you to just one of your own meals a day and the rest of the time you have 5 small medifast meals. It is not cheap but I want to shrink my stomach and get my head back in line. You can go to Medifast.com to check it out if you want.
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    I'll be 52 in a couple of weeks and I'm not having any problems losing. :flowerforyou:
  • SusM321
    SusM321 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm 54. I was a young one that never had to diet and could eat anything. Slowly that changed over the years. Since menopause a few years ago & now that I quit smoking in Feb of this year....I packed on the pounds while taking on the role of couch potato/hermit! I have no real excuses to not exercise hard besides being lazy, tired and bad feet. Guess when it comes down to it, it just EXCUSES!! Since I joined MFP, I have started to crawl out of my funk. I love this site and all the amaazing people I've met. The support here is surpassed by no one! Feel free to friend request me. Let's rock this journey to a healtier us!