

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,390 Member
    05/21 - 145.2 :s my wagon fell over...
    05/22 - 143.2

    05/23 - 141.4 ...much better
    05/24 - 141.4
    05/25 - 140.6 ...happier :)
    05/26 - 140.4
    05/27 - 140.8 ... :|
    05/28 - 141.0 ... :| salt and bread and crunchy things
    05/29 - 141.4 ...**sigh**

  • oglalagirl724
    oglalagirl724 Posts: 32 Member
    This challenge shows the reality of a weight loss journey. Nobody loses weight without set backs and I hope lots of people find this challenge encouraging. When I first signed into MFP I was so discouraged by my Yo-yo dieting I wanted to give up. The reality is I am not going to stop eating chocolate, bread, pizza, ice cream and the foods I love. That is not what makes me fat. What makes me fat is a lack of self -control. There I admitted it. :(
    Should I celebrate being down 21# since May 20, 2016(266.6), or cry because I am up 20# since January 17,2017 (226.0) :( or celebrate the the 1.6# loss this week?. I think I will celebrate the 2# loss and put the past in the past and move on. I am determined to use this forum to keep me accountable. Seeing it posted online should help. My goal is to stablize my eating habits so I stop the Yo-yoing. I will celebrate the victories, and hope to just keep that scale going down if its 2# a month or 1.6# a week. :)
    I'm going to get back on track.
    Day Weight Comments
    05/22- 247.0
    05/23 246.6
    05/24 245.8 Just started back after gaining and losing for many years. I really think this is goind to help me. I haven’t used the community boards much. Is there a way to edit past posts instead of a new post everyday?
    05/25 No weight. On a short vacation so I didn’t get to post yesterday or weigh in this morning. No scale. I only weigh first thing in the morning because my weight seems to go up and down during the day.
    05/26 245.4 My WOE is -1800 calories eating what I want. I will be lowering calorie count as I lose pounds. I want to do 1800 for at least three weeks. I have been told it takes three weeks to change a habit. I have tried most of the current diets and need to find what works for me. Thanks for listening.
    05/27 245.0
    05/28 28 Away from home- no scale. Stayed on calorie goal Saturday & Sunday. Will weigh in tomorrow.
    05/29 245.4 I stayed on goal but ate a lot of salt. Not discouraged. I know staying on calorie goal is what is important. Practicing self-control. Thanks for challenging me.
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    Continued from round 4...

    05/20 144.8 Poor choices have finally caught up with me. I'm gonna start what's called 5:2 intermittent fasting. It is petty popular right now and the studies out there are interesting to me. So it's 5 days of eating near 1200 calories with 2 days a week calories only fasting around 500-600 calories. But during the low calorie days I will make sure protein and good fats are included. I know this is low, but I'm gonna see if it doesn't shake up some of my plateau resistance.

    05/21 144.4. No comment on this, but felt good to be down .4

    05/22. 144.1 Down .3 and I did manage to stay within a few pound range during vacations, family visits etc...

    Round 5. Beginning weight...
    05/23. 143.2 So so happy to be down for the count!

    05/24. 145.1 ok ok ok ok...way too much wine and celebrating...just when I feel like I'm on a good roll I sabotage myself by overeating and over Drinking! There is a pattern and one that needs to change! I'm gonna be tracking like a mad woman today! Boy does my body ever like the 140's....hoping this is a bit of water weight, tomorrow will tell! I will not be disappointed or discouraged! I'm leaving for vacation in 10 days and would really like to feel good in some of my clothes! The question is...do I want to 'feel' good or 'feel' good? It's a battleground right now! Just trying to say positive! So for me It's time to hit the reset button! It is time to recognize my need to really start over. I'm wiping the slate clean and beginning again by getting my priorities in order and doing what is important for this season. Everything in my past, my choices and my decisions have brought me to this point in my life and I really need to take stock of what I want to take with me into the next phase of my existence and what I want to leave behind, and then do it. Be brave and resolute--that will be my new motto!

    05/25. NSV --NON SCALE VICTORY today! I'm gonna take the day and focus on all the good things I do do instead of the inferior choices moved by emotion!

    05/26. NSV --Another NON SCALE VICTORY today! I just deleted all my past weight numbers on myfitnesspal for the past months! I'm starting over on a clean slate! The weigh in log was looking a bit like a heart rate monitor on a roller coaster journey to heaven and hell and back again! Enough of that! It felt good to begin again! It's like a brand new morning that we get each day! Yay!

    05/27. 144.3 yayayayay back down! Have a great weekend all!

    05/28. Vacay
    05/29. Vacay
    05/30. 145.1 oops....darn it! Eat too much and no exercise! Have a good Memorial Day everyone --and for any military connections out there...thank you for your service!
  • momzie2016
    momzie2016 Posts: 192 Member
    5/23: 138.6
    5/24: ###
    5/25: 138
    5/26: 138
    5/27: 137.8
    5/28: 138.6
    5/29: 138
  • OY74NmFGBL
    OY74NmFGBL Posts: 384 Member
    edited May 2017
    Day Weight Comments

    05/23 138 - 3.2 miles walked, sworkit full body strength 30 min
    05/24 137.6 - 4.19 miles walked, swork it full body strength 30 min
    05/25 137.2 - 3.17 miles walked, Slim in 6 Burn it UP 48 min, felt great after getting my burn it up work out in! I was ready to conquer the world :)Increased my intake and had almost 1600 calories. 1500 to 1600 is what I'm aiming for.
    05/26 136.2 - Woo Hoo. Wasn't expecting that. I expect wt to go up some after this weekend :)I will be indulging a bit.
    05/27 136.4 rest day
    05/28 no scale today. NSV I was able to comfortably wear my new clothes after eating way more than usual. Movie theater popcorn, indulgent chocolate cake, Denny's, outback steakhouse, grilled elote, tortillas, good home cooked Mexican food, Italian ice and who knows what else. I will not do that often bc I had a serious sugar coma and did not like how I felt.
    5/29 137.6 I was pleasantly surprised by this bc usually after a weekend like I had I'm up a few more lbs. I have been guzzling water tho to counter act the water retention from sodium. Guess it's helping! I'll continue to guzzle water. Going in for a progress visit tomorrow can't wait for my measurements. My last progress visit was in January.
  • Treehugger_88
    Treehugger_88 Posts: 207 Member
    Goal at the end of ten days is to be below 130.

    05/23 - 133.6
    05/24 - 132.4 - did a HIIT workout yesterday morning and then ate well and within my calorie goal. Feeling good today. Goal is to go for a 5km run tonight.
    05/25 - 132.0 - Ate pretty well, just 20 calories over my limit. My fiance wanted to go for a walk so we walked 5km instead of me going for a run.
    05/26 133.6 - went for the run! But was feeling pretty good about my progress so naturally I self-sabotaged with some chocolate-covered raisins and almonds and went right back up to 133.6 this morning. Gah the water weight. I WILL BE GOOD THIS WEEKEND...I WILL BE GOOD THIS WEEKEND...I WILL BE GOOD THIS WEEKEND...
    05/27 - 132.8 - didn't eat too badly for a Saturday. Went for a long hike and a run so was just within my calorie goal. Yay!
    05/28 - 132.6 - I figured I wouldn't go down much. Must be retaining a bit of water from some extra desserts I've been having.
    05/29 - 132.8 - not too bad for a Monday morning. Usually I am a few pounds more after a weekend but I was pretty good this weekend.
  • sdavmor
    sdavmor Posts: 126 Member
    I'll give this a go. A little public accountability is not a bad thing at all. As it happens I do weigh myself every day (almost) and take measurements on Mondays. My scale is a digital one that logs to the half pound.

    When I came back to MFP 7 weeks ago I weighed 300 lbs. I've weighed myself almost every day, taken measurements every Monday, and recorded my food & exercise every day. I'm also keeping track of days since I last had alcohol, since I know only too well that drinking (besides being empty calories) always leads to eating that has nothing to do with being hungry.

    Day Weight Comments
    05/22 288.5 lbs. Weight has been "flat" for a couple of weeks and I need to jump-start moving the scale in the right direction again.

    05/23 288.5 lbs No change. I put a beady eye on the excess carbs
    05/24 288 lbs Nice to see a weight loss. Also met my current daily walking goal and controlled my carbs
    05/25 287.5 ibs More weight loss. Also met my current daily walking goal (just hit it) and controlled my carbs, though I was concerned when we had pot roast for dinner as I ate potatoes. I avoided the temptation of the garlic bread with dinner, and the salt and vinegar potato chips my sons left out on the kitchen counter.
    05/26 287.5 lbs No weight loss. Blew my calorie count. Blew my carbs. Short on my walking.
    05/27 287 lbs A small loss again. Calories were blown but not carbs. I more than made up for the extra calories with extra exercise. I got to 10,000 steps a few minutes before midnight. I've started keeping track of steps in the exercise freeform window. One more "do it every day for accountability" item. I am off to the Simi Valley Cajun and Blues festival today. I shall be diligent watching what I eat, walk around a lot, and also avoid the beer tent.
    05/28 287 lbs No change. It's a holiday weekend here in the states...hopefully I can do no worse than maintain the status quo.
    05/29 288 lbs. Weight up...not a surprise at all given the howler of a day I had yesterday. Overeating, including some unnecessary carbs, a lack of exercise, and a boatload of wine out by the pool. On a positive note, my measurements are going back in the right direction ---> down.

  • vickikirk100
    vickikirk100 Posts: 26 Member
    This is just what I need

    5/23 138.2 lbs
    05/24 138 lbs
    05/25 138.6 lbs not sure what has happened here thought I was good yesterday, also did 10000 steps and half hour yoga. Hopefully the scales will shift the right way tomorrow. Better start logging my food to make sure I'm being as good as I think.
    05/26 138.6 lbs was doing so well until the babies had a rough night due to the heat. Had three chocolate Brazil nuts. When I saw the calories I wished I hadn't. Will know for next time. Seen someone had a good loss due to drinking lots of water. Off now to have a huge glass of water to see if that helps. Something's got to
    05/27 137.2 lbs whoop whoop and I'd been naughty yesterday but had drunk lots of water and spent an hour gardening.
    05/28 137.4 maybe the naughtiness is catching up.
    05/29 137.2 lbs don't think I'll be as lucky tomorrow, bank holidays are very difficult to remain good with the diet.
  • SunshineHardcore
    SunshineHardcore Posts: 27 Member
    I'll give this a try. :) Thanks for setting this up. I always weigh everyday & I find it a huge help. Mostly because I also track every day. Being able to look back & see "oh...at this point in my cycle I tend to lose while I always bloat up a couple of pounds at this point" has saved me so much stress, confusing, and heartache. Its nice to see a group who isn't afraid of seeing the natural ups & downs that come with the process.

    Starting notes, just finished my first 48hr fast earlier this week (I'm keto). It was easier than expected & helped get things moving again. It went so well I have decided its something I want to repeat at least once a month. I expected a little bit of a gain once I started eating again & got about half a pound back before it went back down again which was also better than expected.
    Notes about me, I'm 41, almost completely sedentary (something I'm trying to change, was unwell for a couple of years, feeling better & starting to move around more. Some days I'm more active than others.) I also have significantly annoying hormone issues that like to get in the way, but I seem to have finally found a way around it all)
    I aim for about 5lbs per month, anything more than that is a nice surprise
    Starting weight this week, 277, goal by the end of these 10days, 275ish.
    5/23 - 277.7
    5/24- 276.2
    5/25- 276.7
    5/28-278.0 I think there was hormone cycle weight gain going on this week. I was irritated with it though & decided to try to break it lose with a very low calorie day after this weigh in. Can't quite call it a fast but it wasn't a normal food day either.
    5/29-275.1 And it worked, I got the number I've been waiting for! That said, I expect to gain some water back over the next week or so until shark week when it will come back off again. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

    For reasons maybe someone more knowledgable about MFP's forum system can explain? but i can't, I can't seem to edit my previous post again. Forgive the repeat but I'm lost.
  • Simbaby09
    Simbaby09 Posts: 93 Member
    I am in, a bit late but happy to catch up. I start weighing tomorrow and looking forward to the next round
  • girlgroves
    girlgroves Posts: 235 Member
    I'll give this a try. :) Thanks for setting this up. I always weigh everyday & I find it a huge help. Mostly because I also track every day. Being able to look back & see "oh...at this point in my cycle I tend to lose while I always bloat up a couple of pounds at this point" has saved me so much stress, confusing, and heartache. Its nice to see a group who isn't afraid of seeing the natural ups & downs that come with the process.

    Starting notes, just finished my first 48hr fast earlier this week (I'm keto). It was easier than expected & helped get things moving again. It went so well I have decided its something I want to repeat at least once a month. I expected a little bit of a gain once I started eating again & got about half a pound back before it went back down again which was also better than expected.
    Notes about me, I'm 41, almost completely sedentary (something I'm trying to change, was unwell for a couple of years, feeling better & starting to move around more. Some days I'm more active than others.) I also have significantly annoying hormone issues that like to get in the way, but I seem to have finally found a way around it all)
    I aim for about 5lbs per month, anything more than that is a nice surprise
    Starting weight this week, 277, goal by the end of these 10days, 275ish.
    5/23 - 277.7
    5/24- 276.2
    5/25- 276.7
    5/28-278.0 I think there was hormone cycle weight gain going on this week. I was irritated with it though & decided to try to break it lose with a very low calorie day after this weigh in. Can't quite call it a fast but it wasn't a normal food day either.
    5/29-275.1 And it worked, I got the number I've been waiting for! That said, I expect to gain some water back over the next week or so until shark week when it will come back off again. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

    For reasons maybe someone more knowledgable about MFP's forum system can explain? but i can't, I can't seem to edit my previous post again. Forgive the repeat but I'm lost.

    @SunshineHardcore - after posting you only have 1 hour to edit a post - to change or add something for example. You can do that by going back to the post and clicking on the settings wheel symbol on the top right hand side of it.

    If you're wanting to add to a previous post the next day (like adding a weight for today to yesterday's post for example) there are a couple of ways of doing that:

    Either find your last post in the thread, click quote (on the bottom left hand side of the post) and it will quote all of your selected post into a new post. All you need to do then is add the new info. To tidy it up you need to delete the quote information which appears in the square brackets at the beginning and end of the new post - otherwise it gets formatted as a greyed out quote like yours above in this post of mine.

    The other way to do it would be to find your last post, click on it to copy the text you want and then paste and add to it in a new post.

    Hope that helps?
  • ivylyon
    ivylyon Posts: 172 Member
    A bit of indulgent weekend, but an active one too.
    Slight increase, feeling bloated from last night's beer... but still feeling good.
    05/23 = 66.5kg
    05/24 = 66.25
    05/25 = 66
    05/26 = 66 -
    05/27 = 65.5
    05/28 = 65.5 -
    05/29 = 65.5 -
    05/30 = 65.75

    * Because I'm not using electronic scales its hard to be exact with small movements, so I'm only using increments of 1/4 kg
  • tiabernagozzi
    tiabernagozzi Posts: 18 Member
    05/23 178.6
    05/24 176.8-- Maybe I finally lost the water weight after eating movie theater popcorn!! Nice surprise this AM.
    05/25 180.6-- My car broke down and we ordered out-- Chinese food. I stayed within calorie limits so I'm sure that this is just water weight... I hope!! My menstrual cycle just started so that probably has something to do with it.
    05/26 178.6 ughhh to period cravings. I played with my brothers (3 & 7) for an hour and fifteen minutes and it tired me out!! Instead of eating half a pizza, I ate a coconut popsicle to ease my cravings. I hope that this will pass and I will have a nice surprise on the first!
    05/27 178.8 Come on man :( Feeling discouraged today. I have been eating so well compared to a month ago. I ate pizza for breakfast(eek).
    05/28 178.9 just biked to work. Drank a bit much last night...
    05/29 178.8 :neutral:
  • simpleisbetter46
    simpleisbetter46 Posts: 12 Member
    Starting back up with MFP. Hopefully I can kick it back into gear. Lost 15 earlier!!!!

    05/23 238.0
    05/24 237.5
    05/25 237.5
    05/26 237.0
    05/27 237.0
    05/28 236.5
    05/29 236.5
  • GW4321
    GW4321 Posts: 523 Member
    Starting weight (5/22): 204
    05/23: 204. I’m not expecting to lose weight quickly at this point, so I’m just trying to stay below maintenance every day and see what happens. I accomplished that today.
    05/24: 204. I ate more calories than planned, but I attempted to make up for it by doing extra exercise. Not a bad day overall.
    05/25: 203.5
    05/26: 203.5. Ate below maintenance calories and had a good weight lifting session. I also worked outside for a few hours, so that should result in a large calorie deficit for today.
    05/27: 204.
    05/28: 204
    05/29: 203.5. I ate at my estimated maintenance calories today, but I had two hours of walking and other exercise so it was still a positive day.

  • lagringa1221
    lagringa1221 Posts: 15 Member
    Starting weight : 145.2. Goal weight: 137.5. Goal for this round: 140.8

    05/23 145.0. No workout today--ZZ Top concert tonight! Ate healthy during the day. Ate Five Guys little burger (bunless) and fries tonight. Total calories good but macros WAY off.
    05/24 144.8 Long day. Tonight had to drive 5 hours for business meeting in am. Diet today was terrible--nuts, protein bar and a sugar free Monster drink :( No scale in hotel room for weigh in.
    05/25 no weigh in today--out of town on business
    05/26 143.8 No idea how that happened! I didn't eat that well but i guess all of that airport walking helped.
    05/27 144.6 this makes more sense. No terrible eating, but no exercise either. Have had headache for two days--not excruciating, but keeps me from feeling like doing anything. I am motivated to get to my ten day goal!
    05/28 144.4 --wow this is the slowest ten pounds I have ever tried to lose. Must be my age ;) I remember when I could drop ten pounds in a few days!
    05/29 144.2 snail's pace for sure... good legs workout today plus cardio. Hoping tomorrow brings good news! Having the day off from work was awesome.
  • HNSara
    HNSara Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! Hope you don't mid if I tag along and jump into the group. I started MFP on a keto / sugar free diet on Monday 22nd. I haven't weighed in every day, but could add from now. I felt quite foggy headed on Tuesday / Wednesday, but today, I feel much better!

    Monday 22/5 - 246.5
    Saturday 27/5 - 239.6 - very happy bunny!
    Sunday 28/5 - 238.8 - tomorrow will be my first full week on mfp and keto/ sugar free diet.
    Monday 29/5 - 238.8 1 full week
  • HNSara
    HNSara Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! Hope you don't mid if I tag along and jump into the group. I started MFP on a keto / sugar free diet on Monday 22nd. I haven't weighed in every day, but could add from now. I felt quite foggy headed on Tuesday / Wednesday, but today, I feel much better!

    Monday 22/5 - 246.5
    Saturday 27/5 - 239.6 - very happy bunny!
    Sunday 28/5 - 238.8 - tomorrow will be my first full week on mfp and keto/ sugar free diet.
    Monday 29/5 - 238.8 1 full week
    Tuesday 30/4 - 237.8