UK - Best Scales?



  • TomorrowNeverKnows
    TomorrowNeverKnows Posts: 12 Member
    I would not waste your time with electronic scales. I have brought two sets now (a cheaper set and an expensive set thinking the expensive ones might be better!) and they have both been rubbish. The weight watchers ones I've had would always weigh me different each time I stepped on (even if I stepped on twice within a couple of minutes). The last straw came when they weighed me a difference of 7lbs within seconds of stepping on and off! I went on amazon and read loads of reviews and pretty much everyone said that electronic scales are useless.

    This is what happens in my Weight Watchers one... it's even funny.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I have Salter glass digital scales.

    They are about my third set of scales in the past few years- my Boots and WW ones all broke (not from me standing on them I might add lol) - I think they got water inside them or something.

    These are the best scales I've owned really.