Have you changed your original Goal Weight? Up or down?



  • sunny_d22
    sunny_d22 Posts: 316 Member
    Down. My first goal was a normal BMI. I had to lose 50 pounds to get there.
    Hit that goal and set another goal, to lose another 12 pounds. Then I'll reevaluate.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Well, as a follow up to this thread, I ended up in a boot/aircast for over 6 months due to Achilles and not cleared for exercise/walking yet. On top of it major stress in my life and caregiving to sister who needed surgery has got me not making best nutritional choices (Trying, but still giving in to those foods that bring comfort versus nutrition)... Need to get back to healthy eating.

    Need to re-adjust weight goals again - back to 128-132! (125 was too low and not maintainable).

    Would like to be ideally 128-130. Currently fluctuating between 132-134, which is not comfortable for me.

    Advice on re-setting and re-startng to get back to healthier weight? My physical and stress-related circumstances do not look as tho they will change anytime soon so need to learn to cope and eat healthier in this situation.

    Thx Jean

    PS I'm 5'7" and have been in remission off and in for a few years so my activity fluctuates with my health.

    Sounds like you've been through a lot!
    I'm 5'7" and maintaining in a range of 128-133, so very similar!
    I've had to re-set at times due to health problems (I have MS). I would probably try another maintenance calculator to get a feel for calories at your lower activity level, continue to log everything and then adjust accordingly. And also make sure you take time for self-care (and when dealing with the stress, have a list of stress relievers/comforts other than food). Best of luck to you!
  • cmoll520
    cmoll520 Posts: 60 Member
    My original goal was 150 (from 178). I achieved that within just a few months and knew quickly it wasn't going to cut it so I set my next goal to 130. I'm now at 128 and have been for about 2 years. I wouldn't mind getting down to 122-125 but I'm in no hurry. I should focus on adding in some lifting but it intimidates me and I would have to let go of some cardio- which makes me nervous.
  • Rosie_McA
    Rosie_McA Posts: 256 Member
    I revised my goal band up from 130-135 lbs to 135-140 lbs on advice from my GP. I've found it way more easier to stay within the new target levels.
  • jrwms714
    jrwms714 Posts: 421 Member
    I am 5'0", 70, and weigh 135. At maintenance for 3 years. I work out 5 days a week, cardio, Pilates, strength training. I revised my goal from 130 to 135. I was unable to sustain the 130 without being pretty miserable. I did try to get back down to 130 after being at maintenance for a year. It was slow, hard, and draining. I was not happy at all. I weighed 110 in my younger years (I have a muscular build from the waist down, so was pretty small even at that weight). I knew that 110 was not reasonable for my age and build. I wear a Petite Small in everything, and am able to maintain very easily at this weight. Bottom line, it's not the number, it's your health, and how you feel.
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    I am tempted to drop goal weight down to 155.(I'm a 5'5" male who has weighed as much as 200lbs) I am down to 165 after an original weight of 191 and a goal of 175. I want to give it a go for 6 months and just keep the goal at maintaining weight. I would be happy if 5 or more years from now I could simply say that my weight has never been over 170 from today forward.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    28, 5'10, started out at 220lbs nearly two years ago.

    I kinda picked out 154lbs arbitrarily as it was smack bang in the middle of the healthy weight range for my height and I got there surprisingly quick. About 7 or 8 months. I gained back about 12lbs due to stress and travel, and I felt really uncomfortable with the way I looked and so when I got back down to 154 I realised I still wasn't happy with my body. I carry all my excess weight around my stomach so technically I was still at risk for problems as my measurement at my belly button was still larger than 32in (for women, 35 for men). So I kept losing. I mostly maintain at 146-147 at the moment as I'm trying to recomp my body and it's going pretty well.

    I think a lot of it has to do with frames as well, which you can't necessarily see when you're obese like I was. I mean I wouldn't have said at my highest weight that I'm particularly small framed but with a wrist circumference of less than 6in, I am. So, to look and feel lean, I prefer/need to be on the lower end of the scale so adjustments needed to be made.
  • Tabbycat00
    Tabbycat00 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm 5'2. I weighed _ _when I became pregnant and was _ _ _when I got out of the hospital. My original goal was to get back to _ _but have come to terms with the realization I like my body better at _ _. All my old clothes still fit so I'm just going to hang out here and maintain. Someone once reported me on this site for posting my actual weight, they said I was a "trigger" (not even sure what that means). My point is, I ended up choosing a higher number than my original goal.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Congratulations on your success. When I went into maintenance my original goal weight was 220 pounds I would have been perfectly happy at that. screwed maintenance up totally and I went down to 204. For a while I thought what would it look like if I drop to199 or less. But the more I thought about it I didn't like how I looked at 204 I was skinny fat lost a lot of weight had flabby skin no muscle definition.

    I decided to lift and currently my weight is around 208. I don't want to sound vain, but I like the way I look in the mirror. Weight is just a number. I think it's more important and I've read this on numerous posts, I think it's more important that you like what you see when you look in the mirror instead of your weight. Weight is just a number or an indicator but it doesn't reflect who you are and how you feel about yourself.
  • kaygold
    kaygold Posts: 92 Member
    I haven't yet, but its something I've been thinking of. At 5'7 I really wanted to get to 130. I'm 3 pounds away, a 0-2 depending on brand, but man oh man my body is being really stubborn getting there. I've been thinking about getting down to 125 , with a maintenance range of 125-130, but I don't know that my body will let me get there without really sacrificing life balance :/
  • infinitynevermore
    infinitynevermore Posts: 98 Member
    My original goal weight was 125, my wedding weight. As I've lost though, I've pushed it down to 115, so if my weightlifting pushes me back up, it shouldn't push me out of a normal BMI.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,318 Member

    I hope you can figure out a way to get some respite help for a couple hours a week.


    Oxygen mask on yourself first and all that...
  • semisweetchick
    semisweetchick Posts: 13 Member
    Jean, I'm new to the community, and this is such a helpful post. Thank you for starting it all those years ago.

    I relate to you regarding the caregiving. I recently lost my mom after a decade of caring for her in my home. I feel privileged to have gone through it, but it undeniably takes a toll - physically and mentally. I wish you joy and satisfaction through your caregiving journey.

    I am not at maintenance yet, but I'm already thinking about it because it's not that far off.

    I'm 63, 5'10", fine framed, current weight 162, and my current goal weight is 145. I think this would suit me, but if I decide it's too thin I plan to revise up to 155.

    Again, thank you for starting this thread. Wishing you all the best.
  • JeanCricket
    JeanCricket Posts: 176 Member
    Jean, I'm new to the community, and this is such a helpful post. Thank you for starting it all those years ago.

    I relate to you regarding the caregiving. I recently lost my mom after a decade of caring for her in my home. I feel privileged to have gone through it, but it undeniably takes a toll - physically and mentally. I wish you joy and satisfaction through your caregiving journey.

    I am not at maintenance yet, but I'm already thinking about it because it's not that far off.

    I'm 63, 5'10", fine framed, current weight 162, and my current goal weight is 145. I think this would suit me, but if I decide it's too thin I plan to revise up to 155.

    Again, thank you for starting this thread. Wishing you all the best.


    Thanks for your post. It sounds like 155 would be a great weight for you! But only you know how you feel so trust yourself.

    Always here to help cheer you on. Going back to weight loss for about 5 pounds.

    I’m 2 years into full time caregiving with my Mom living at my house. Prior to that was 7 years caring for Mom and Dad at their home while also caring for my sister at her home. It was exhausting but also was a true honor. I miss my Dad.


  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 669 Member
    Yes. I moved my maintenance weight up 5 lbs. in my 20s, 30s, and 40s I liked myself at 140 at 5’ 9”.
    But when I got to that weight at 62, it made my face look sunken. My husband told me and then I saw in a photo. So, I gained back 5 lbs and I now have been maintaining at 145-147 for 10 months now.
  • JeanCricket
    JeanCricket Posts: 176 Member

    Sounds like a good and attractive maintenance weight for you!
    I’m 5’7’ and 63. These days if at 130-133 my face looks sunken. Not a good look. So I adjusted weight up. Currently 140 and trying to get back to 135.


    RE: Yes. I moved my maintenance weight up 5 lbs. in my 20s, 30s, and 40s I liked myself at 140 at 5’ 9”.
    But when I got to that weight at 62, it made my face look sunken. My husband told me and then I saw in a photo. So, I gained back 5 lbs and I now have been maintaining at 145-147 for 10 months now.