Hello - I'm a binge eater with depression trying to get in control x


I'm a binge eater undergoing treatment and I also suffer from depression. I need to lose weight and ultimately get healthy and it's really hard when i'm a binge eater and chronic overeater.

Would love some friends and support xx


  • goonyaboya
    goonyaboya Posts: 13 Member
    I'm a bit of a comfort eater. Sometimes I don't know when to stop until the hole pack of biscuits are gone. Its strange that when I finish I feel worse about myself then when I started. I am hoping the change of my eating habits with the use of this app will help. We all need some support sometimes feel free to add me. :)
  • trevorw52
    trevorw52 Posts: 48 Member
    im the same feel free to add me
  • dolezalovaeli
    dolezalovaeli Posts: 24 Member
    I'm a binge eater myself. The first step is admitting that you have a problem so you're good on your way! Take it one day at a time, the key is to tell yourself you only need to manage today. Don't stress over tomorrow, next week or the rest of your life, just focus on today. Good luck on your journey!
  • CNG24
    CNG24 Posts: 432 Member
    I hear ya, hun! I'm in your same boat. Severe despression/anxiety bit to mention the overeating part. Sometimes I don't even realize how much I've eaten. Feel free to add me and we can support each other!
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    I am very similar, comfort eating has been a part of my life since I was 13! It's time to break some bad habits! Feel free to add me!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member

    I'm a binge eater undergoing treatment and I also suffer from depression. I need to lose weight and ultimately get healthy and it's really hard when i'm a binge eater and chronic overeater.

    Would love some friends and support xx

    I have both issues also (in addition to being diagnosed diabetic)

    The best thing I was told when I first started out was that "I was NOT making a big change in my life, I was making a series of small changes". That really hit home for me and made the task ahead much less overwhelming. Each small change was achievable.

    Change #1: start eating regular meals of real food instead of constantly grazing on whatever. I didn't count calories or log or anything

    2: When I got into the habit of regular meals, I started logging and counting calories (about 6 weeks later)

    3: I got an inexpensive fitness tracker and tried to get 2000 steps per day (about 2 months after starting to eat better)

    4: I upped my step goal gradually and began to walk around the neighborhood. Met neighbors, local dogs being walked, watched birds and local wildlife. Really helped my moods. I didn't take music with me. I found it kept me in my head too much and being able to interact with the environment lifted my depression.

    5: I started going to water aerobics classes

    Start out by doing what you can for now, you can add more things later. Also, you WILL have a day here and there when you overeat. It is just a day and really doesn't mean anything in the overall picture.

  • Trillychan
    Trillychan Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I have the same problems as you. I have been dealing with binge eating since I was a teenager. Depression and anxiety appeared a few years ago and I've always had a hard time dealing with it. Feel free to add me and I hope you can achieve your goals!