Barre class - What to expect?

Hi all, one of my friends has been trying out different exercise classes, and has found that she really likes barre. She's invited me to try it with her as my first class would be free, and I'm interested, but unsure what it's about. I've heard that it has aspects of yoga in it, and I happen to really dislike yoga. What can I expect when I go to this class? I'm pretty out of shape right now, am I going to struggle to keep up? Thanks!


  • crvaughn13
    crvaughn13 Posts: 5 Member
    I did a few barre classes through my gym. It focuses on core strength and balance, but I would not closely associate with a meditative yoga. I would describe the class as challenging but doable with minor modifications for me when I was first starting out and not in very good shape. Be ready for lots of squats, hip exercises, and core work.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    It's really more like pilates with emphasis on lower body and core.
  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    edited May 2017
    I've taken barre classes at a bunch of different studios. It's not like yoga at all. There's some stretching in between exercises and at the end, but that is about as yoga as it gets. Most studios go through a series of different exercises grouped by arms, legs, glutes and core in addition to a warm up and cool down. It's basically a free weight (high reps) and body weight based exercise based class that incorporates a bar. Some places are more danced based than others. Most classes are very intense and fast paced, except The Bar Method, which tends to be more slower paced and focused on form. It's kind of hard to understand the exercises and get the moves correct at first so don't worry if you're off pace, need to take breaks, or receive a lot of attention from the instructor. You should definitely let the instructor know it's your first barre class so she or he can explain and demonstrate the basic concepts of class before it begins. I love barre.

    If it's at a gym, it will probably be more like a mat pilates class that may or may not use a bar in my experience.

    You can always google barre to get a better idea about what to expect in a class. There are endless articles, blogs, and videos on it.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Why not check it out for free and see what you think? You could ask your friend about how this particular class is done, since she's attended. Most classes provide alternative moves because everyone is at a different level.
  • Amys712
    Amys712 Posts: 86 Member
    I've taken barre classes at a bunch of different studios. It's not like yoga at all. There's some stretching in between exercises and at the end, but that is about as yoga as it gets. Most studios go through a series of different exercises grouped by arms, legs, glutes and core in addition to a warm up and cool down. It's basically a free weight (high reps) and body weight based exercise based class that incorporates a bar. Some places are more danced based than others. Most classes are very intense and fast paced, except The Bar Method, which tends to be more slower paced and focused on form. It's kind of hard to understand the exercises and get the moves correct at first so don't worry if you're off pace, need to take breaks, or receive a lot of attention from the instructor. You should definitely let the instructor know it's your first barre class so she or he can explain and demonstrate the basic concepts of class before it begins. I love barre.

    If it's at a gym, it will probably be more like a mat pilates class that may or may not use a bar in my experience.

    You can always google barre to get a better idea about what to expect in a class. There are endless articles, blogs, and videos on it.

    I might have to try a class. This sounds awesome!
  • MsMaeFlowers
    MsMaeFlowers Posts: 261 Member
    The barre class I've taken taught me to hate the word pulse.. "little pulses now" I hate pulses. Lol. You should enjoy it. Do not try to pick heavier weights if your class uses them. There is a good reason for choosing 2-4 lbs. You won't be putting them down for a while.
  • fireytiger
    fireytiger Posts: 236 Member
    Thanks for the info everyone! I'm sure my legs will hate me for days over the squats, but I think I can do it anyway, lol. This is at a dedicated facility for Barre from what I understand, so with any luck the instructor will be knowledgeable and experienced with newbies. :)
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Be ready to feel the burn
  • PurpleSaris
    PurpleSaris Posts: 4 Member
    I lo ve barre, it's low impact and since it's a very concentrated workout you can see results in as little as 2-3 weeks, I only did it one month and my body transformed, my husband noticed it too. You will feel the effects immediately, good luck!
  • rubydrm
    rubydrm Posts: 112 Member
    I did barre for a few months and I LOVED it!!! In about 3 weeks, I saw a a HUGE difference in loss of inches specifically in my waist and upper arms. I also felt/noticed a difference in my butt which I LOVED!!!! I would do barre again but the only thing is, I love crossfit too and will not pay two different gym/studio fees!! Good nutrition, as always, helps tremendously. might really like it!