Major NSV for the Newbies and the Discouraged

CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
"I have to know once and for all, do we stand or do we fall?"
Colin Hay, "Road to Mandalay"

Let me tell you a story.

About one year ago, I drove myself to the ER due to chest pains, shortness of breath, and very elevated BP. 36 may seem young to fear a heart attack, but I know my family history so I took no chances. Tests at the hospital and follow up with a cardiologist confirmed that I had NOT had a heart attack, but I had uncontrolled hypertension. Due to a genetic condition, my pharmacological options are limited but we found a low dose beta blocker that helped.

In April of this year, I joined MFP. My wife had been doing it for a few months with great success so I decided it was time for me to put my house in order. The first weeks were hard, but I fought through. Hell, I think I only really recorded five days my first two weeks!

I started small. Wii tennis, walking around the block. I couldn't do a push-up. Barely 10 sit ups. The first time I got on a bike I struggled to get 6 miles in an hour.

I've had a lot of little victories in the last thee months. I've bought the new belt. I'm struggling with the fact that my clothes are too big. I bought my first large (i.e. not XL swimsuit) life? But in truth, these were trivial to me. This is about health and fitness for me, not vanity.

Today I got on my bike. I do a 15.1 mi ride on hilly terrain twice a week. I've never had a confirmed average speed of better than 14.9 mph. Couldn't seem to convincingly crack the 15 mph barrier. Folks, today I did it in 56:07. That's 16.1 mph with an average HR of 137. When you combine that with frequent BP measurements in the neighborhood of 117/76, this means I'm on my way to being rid of hypertension and the medication that goes with it.

I've seen a lot of discouraged people and starry-eyed newbies posting lately, and my heart goes out to each of them. Please do not follow this post with congratulations. (Friends can do this on my page. I accept all friend requests if you want my support or would like to share your journey.) I've cried my tears of joy but my journey is far from over and I don't want to lose sight of that. I'm not one of those awesome folks who have dropped 40+ pounds and dropped multiple clothing sizes. Not yet. But I want the newbies to know what is possible if they stick with it. I want the discouraged to know that they are worth fighting for...this has been and will continue to be a fight. Feel free to share your own big successes below, because it is together that we will help each other reach our individual victories.

Okay, my moments done. The first 5K is 32 days away, and dammit I'm not walking it!

Cheers and peace!


  • mystic2girl
    Awesome story. I also am most proud of my NSV. I have only lost 5 pounds since joining, but when I started, this former track star couldn't walk a mile in my hilly neighborhood without needing a break. A month later I am jogging it. JOGGING it. And it is because I never gave up. Tonight, I will be JOGGING 2 miles. It may not be a big deal to some, but to me it's everything and while results have been slow I can feel the difference in my body and to my self confidence. And it feels GOOD.

    Keep up the good work!
  • SMarie1219
    SMarie1219 Posts: 67
    Thank you! I often get discouraged with the success stories because I see it and think "if I had the time" or whatever and beat myself up.Your post makes me smile because it is just a great pick me up.
  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    I used to break a sweat climbing the stairs.

    I can now run 2 flights with out breaking a sweat, and walk 10 miles comfortably.

    It's all about keeping on, keeping on:smile:
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Nice post. Love to hear the success stories regarding getting healthy. Congrats, you do deserve it too!

    Okay, here's my NSV. It all started with a high blood sugar reading and possible diabetes. 3 months in, and my bs readings are in the normal range, I've lost 20 + pounds, can do Zumba w/o resting, lost 8 inches around my middle, and just got a job!!!
    I hate exercising, I hate dieting. It is not easy, but it is worth it!!!
    For a lifestyle change, this time I've taken it slow and steady. It's working this time.
    Yes, hang in their - it really does pay off in the long run. :drinker: Cheers to all of you!! :bigsmile:
  • melissa0001
    melissa0001 Posts: 313 Member
    Awesome story, thanks for sharing!
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Since joining in Feb I have gained 3 kg. Chocolate is my downfall. However in April a friend signed me up for a 5Km (3.2 mile) race. ME? It was the kick I needed. I started run-a-minute, walk-a-minute-and-a-half, 8 times. I was so unfit! My legs ached, breathing was difficult etc. But I stuck with it, 3 times a week. In June I ran the 5Km in 28 minutes. Since I have done a second 5K race and am planning to do a 10K in October. Even though I haven't kept to the healthy eating, my cardiovascular fitness is so much better! It shows me that when you have the incentive and willpower you can do anything!
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    Awesome story thank you so much for sharing it with us.

    Mine came today. Today I did 30 Ninja Jump Tucks. And I did them with perfect form! 6 months ago I couldn't even do half of a Jillian Michaels DVD.
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Awesome stories, guys! Keep it up!
  • fouchou09
    fouchou09 Posts: 154 Member
    Great post! My NSV - I gained A LOT of weight with my pregnancy, so when my son was born this past October, I didn't know if I'd ever get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes! Since joining MFP I have learned so much about nutrition and fitness and 9 months later I fit in most of my pre-pregnancy clothes, have started running and feel better than I did about myself than I have in years! It has been difficult, but I wanted to lose and want to continue to lose weight and get healthy for my family and myself. They are worth it and so am I!

    Love reading everyone's stories :)
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    Nice post man, one of the best I've ever seen! Thanks for the encouraging words.
  • kaswain
    kaswain Posts: 80 Member
    This was exactly the motivation i needed. I am coming off of a couple weeks of smaller vacations and event packed weekends and the scale is reflecting my lack of control and exercise. This is my first week back to reality and yesterday was hard and today wasnt much better but your post inspired me to keep going and to get right back on track. Thanks!
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Today I failed the 20 minute run on C25K week 5 day 3. I did however, jog a full 10 minutes without stopping. I stopped to gain my breath back, then ran another 4, then stopped to gain my breath back, then the last 4 I ran. And each stop was only 1 minute long, not the 5 minute break of the previous day's program... That felt good that the breaks were short.. I have exercise/allergy induced asthma, and today was the FIRST day, since starting with MFP 96 days ago, that I felt I might need my inhaler if I kept going.. FIRST TIME EVER! That's the only reason I stopped, because I was gasping for a deep breath...

    I've never run 10 minutes in my LIFE. That is my NSV for the day, that 10 minutes from hell that I DID do!

    Thursday I will attempt the 20 minute run again, and I know I will conquer it. Eventually.
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