LOSE 60 POUNDS WITH ME??? (1st post)

Hi all! I'm Kayla and I'm 20 years old. I currently weigh 196 pounds. I used to be extremely active in high school and weighed around 140. Then I graduated, got married, and moved across the entire country.. and found comfort in food. My husband just recently got out of the military and now I want to join.

My goal weight is 130. Today I started a low carb diet. I had 2 eggs with cheese for breakfast, a salad with salami and red wine vinegar for lunch, a few peanuts for a snack, then got home and was hungry so I had a few homemade raviolis :(

Does anyone else deal with food addiction? What are your tips and tricks for controlling cravings?

I hope you meet lots of people who want to work together and motivate eachother! Please introduce yourself and add me! :)


  • Jamaica4god
    Jamaica4god Posts: 22 Member
    Hi!! I'm Trish. I know the cravings!! Ugh. The thing I have found to be most effective is having a stock pile of the good stuff you want to use to replace the stuff you really want... learn need versus want and as lame as it sounds simply forcing yourself to make the switch and eat the right stuff instead. I had to make it a common rule that the stuff I crave is more of a once in a while treat and not to keep it in the house as constant temptation. That plus distraction. Eventually the cravings are not such a beast anymore and after a time you actually start wanting the good stuff! Gasp! :D Anyway, if you need motivation or a friend, I'm game. I've lost a total of 60 pounds so far and have about 55 more to go to be where I want. Blessings!

  • Nursie863
    Nursie863 Posts: 55 Member
    I've dealt with it all of my life, from childhood on. I don't think it is a problem that ever really gets resolved, we just learn to manage it the best we can. What I've found works for me is spacing out my calories and leaving the most for my evening meal. I don't keep things I can binge on in the house (like chips or cookies). Some baking cocoa mixed with unsweetened almond or soy milk heated in the microwave seems to have an appetite suppressing quality for me. If I'm starving and about to eat something unhealthy, I make myself a protein shake. It's hit or miss sometimes.
  • vettim16
    vettim16 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi I am Yvette and I do have a binge eating disorder. I battle every day and honestly I just take it one day at a time and try to "forgive" myself. I try to drink a lot of water and not let myself get too hungry. I need to lose about 40 pounds. Please feel free to add me.
  • iamjen04
    iamjen04 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm Jen and I live in Washington state. I recently started using my fitness pal and so far I love it. I have about 60 more pounds to lose. Feel free to add me!
  • Ish1313
    Ish1313 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi. I recently started LCHF.
    SW207, CW 195, GW 150. SO I definitely have some pounds to lose.
    For me, the sugar cravings are starting to go away. It is getting my head in the game that is tough.
  • edwardlewis5642
    edwardlewis5642 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I am Edward, brand new to this, joined today June 1 2017 weigh 218 lbs want to lose 42 lbs, I am 166 cm or 5"5 inch. I am a member of a gym and health club and play golf but drink too much beer!!! Diet is the most important thing so will be tracking my food from now on. Diabetic also so low carb is best for me. Wish you all the best and success in life