I'm 18 and I weigh 170 pounds

I'm 5'3 as well. I want to lose weight and fast but how could I do that? Such as what workouts and what meals to eat.


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    you didnt gain it fast, you wont lose it fast.

    put your stats in mfp .learn how to weigh your food on a food scale. eat the the calories MFP gives you. if you work out, only eat about half of those calorie burns back.

    a safe amount to lose per week, in general, is 2 pounds. minimum 1200 calories per day.
  • arianaaasantiago
    arianaaasantiago Posts: 7 Member
    @callsitlikeiseeit I gained twenty pounds in a month.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    @callsitlikeiseeit I gained twenty pounds in a month.

    put the fork down.
  • FreyasRebirth
    FreyasRebirth Posts: 514 Member
    @callsitlikeiseeit I gained twenty pounds in a month.

    Maybe you should be in a doctor's office instead of here.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    edited June 2017
    Why does it need to be fast? The problem with fast, is you can lose muscle as well as fat and it's all too easy to regain the weight.

    To lose the weight you need to be in a calorie deficit, there are no special workouts or meals.

    Set your MFP account up, pick an accurate activity level and choose a rate of 1-1.5lb per week.
    Get some food scales and weigh your food to accurately log it.
    Log your normal intake for a few days and see where you are taking in extra calories.
    Make small changes to your diet to get down to your calorie goal, this could be by eating smaller portions, substituting foods/drinks or changing the way you prepare/cook meals.

    Exercise isn't required to lose weight, however, incorporating some strength training is good for maintaining your muscle and cardio is great for overall health.

    Once you have gotten used to your calorie goal, you can focus on improving your nutrition, which although it won't impact weight loss specifically, it can help you feel fuller for longer and ensure you are getting adequate nutrients.
  • FreyasRebirth
    FreyasRebirth Posts: 514 Member
    @callsitlikeiseeit I gained twenty pounds in a month.

    Maybe you should be in a doctor's office instead of here.

    Seriously, gaining a lot of weight very quickly can signal organ failure.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    edited June 2017
    Step 1: Calculate your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure): http://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/

    Step 2: Buy a digital kitchen scale. They don't cost more than $20 and are essential.

    Step 3: Choose your calorie goal. Losing 1 pound a week is a good starting point, and you'll need a 500 calorie deficit (from your TDEE) to lose that amount. (Example - if my TDEE is 2000, I will want to eat 1500 calories a day)

    Step 4: Track your food intake as accurately as possible. Use your kitchen scale for everything! Stick to your calorie goal. Eat whatever you want - satiating foods are a good choice.

    Step 5: Lose weight. Be aware that fluctuations are totally normal. Check out apps like Libra (Android) or Happy Scale (Apple) that allow you to track your weight loss trends - as long as the trend is going downwards after a month or two, you're on the right track.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    @callsitlikeiseeit I gained twenty pounds in a month.

    Maybe you should be in a doctor's office instead of here.

    Seriously, gaining a lot of weight very quickly can signal organ failure.

    Or the development of an extra set of organs.
  • vivelajackie
    vivelajackie Posts: 321 Member
    When I think of my own weight gain leading up to here all I can think is that gain had to be steady as hell. Around 8 I weighed what you did. By my early teens I'd finally surpassed 300. By 16 I'd tacked on another 80lbs. Like dude. Weight can snowball. That being said, sustainable weight loss happens slowly.

    You have to relearn how to adequately take care of yourself and break the emotional ties to food and the bad habits that brought you to this point.

    The biggest thing you can do is set your profile up with an accurate activity level setting. Don't over-estimate how active you are. Then, log. At first, do an experiment. Log what you currently eat. See what is fluff and filler. Can you live without it? Probably. Can you reduce the times you eat it? Sure. Good. After the initial shock of what you're eating rubs off hop on Amazon and get a kitchen scale. Used it and log. You don't have to starve to lose weight.
  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    @callsitlikeiseeit I gained twenty pounds in a month.

    Look to the forums for people dealing with Binge eating issues. I assume this might be what you are dealing with if you are gaining that quickly.

    However you will need to temper your desire to lose weight fast in reality. you will likely be able to lose in the range of .5-2lbs per week depending on your progress and it wont be linear.

    you can do it!
  • AmaliaLav
    AmaliaLav Posts: 16 Member
    Dont get stressed beautiful. Take your time, realise that to loose weight and to stay fit you need to spend some time on it. Work out and eat healthy daily!

    Use the app for motivation and set your calories goal!

    Speak to anyone here I am sure theyll be more than happy to help you!

    Im sure youll make it!! And I can see from your picture that you have an amazing figure!!! Good luck!! xx
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited June 2017
    I'm 5'3 as well. I want to lose weight and fast but how could I do that? Such as what workouts and what meals to eat.

    A simple thing to start doing now: is to start logging what you are eating, and pay attention to how much you are moving.

    In recent weeks/months, have you been gaining weight or holding steady? If holding steady, then a simple 'eat less, move more' will result in weight loss. If you have been gaining though, accurately tracking your calories in will be crucial. Aim for about 1500-1700 calories per day to start with. If you've been gaining, this is lower than you were eating but not so low as to be very difficult to do. Keep in mind though that if you're drinking regular/sugary soda or tea or juices, those will add up FAST. Drinking more water or low cal/no cal drinks can save your calories for food that will fill you up.

    As you are 18, I am guessing you have limited control over the foods available to eat. If you have any influence at all, either in making meals yourself or in making requests, aim for lean meats that are baked/grilled rather than fried in oil/breading. Eat more vegetables. Eat smaller portions in general.

    Walking is a great way to start with exercise.