Trip to Italy :)!

kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
my family is leaving for italy tomorrow afternoon, and im am so excited to go! i've wanted to go there for so long, and i think its going to be a great trip.
my only problem is i'm worried about sticking to my plan when i get there and undoing what little work i've done so far. we're going to be walking almost everywhere, and the hotels that we will be staying at both have a gym, so i will be working out as well, but i was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for good and healty authentic italian food. i'll probably be eating normally for breakfast and lunch, but we'll probably go out to dinner a lot, and i dont want to completely lose track and lose all my progress.

so any suggestions for good authentic italian food that won't kill me with calories?


  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    OMG! It's Italy!!! I'd say go ahead and fall off the wagon and don't miss a single wonderful morsel of their amazing food :) But that's probably not what you want to hear! Have an amazing trip!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,670 Member
    my family is leaving for italy tomorrow afternoon, and im am so excited to go! i've wanted to go there for so long, and i think its going to be a great trip.
    my only problem is i'm worried about sticking to my plan when i get there and undoing what little work i've done so far. we're going to be walking almost everywhere, and the hotels that we will be staying at both have a gym, so i will be working out as well, but i was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for good and healty authentic italian food. i'll probably be eating normally for breakfast and lunch, but we'll probably go out to dinner a lot, and i dont want to completely lose track and lose all my progress.

    so any suggestions for good authentic italian food that won't kill me with calories?
    Lol, what we here in the US consider a "meal" feeds a family of 3 in Italy. Your entrees will be on 9 inch plates. Just don't order "cheesy" stuff and you should be fine. Either that or hit the gym hard each day.
  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    haha well that's kind of what i'm thinking, because all ive heard about the food over there is that it's amazing! ill probably indulge a few times...or more than a few ;), but i was also hoping to see if maybe there were some delicous things that werent super bad for me as well.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Oh my goodness, Italy is my dream destination! What parts are you visiting?
    I honestly would say eat what you like, and stop when you're full, you will be walking everywhere, and that should help keep your weight in check.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I would stay away from pasta really. Talk to your family but maybe you can all order a few dishes and share so you get to taste a sorts of new things but dont have to sit and eat the whole plate. All I can really say is don't go overboard, enjoy yourself but don't go crazy.
  • erzsebet_1560
    Don't worry too much. Their portions aren't as big as the US and the food is richer, so really you can't eat tons of it. Have a wonderful trip!
  • ragazza67
    ragazza67 Posts: 4
    I're in Italy!!! first of all the food you eat there is natural and the best food you will ever eat!!!! Enjoy don't worry about it while you're on vacation, don't over do it, but remember you will be walking a lot and why not take a jog early morning or at night, sneak in a few sit ups and you're good to go!!! Enjoy!!!! I love Italy, I used to go all the time when I was a teenager, wish I could go back again.
  • FaithHopeTrust
    FaithHopeTrust Posts: 105 Member
    When i visited italy, all the pasta dishes where cooked in oil. :S
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    i'd just say opt for grilled instead of fried every time... and I know they love past and noodles but just try to have only one serving of that stuff at a meal! I always eat very little pasta anyways and I eat more of the meat and veggies! And if you want a dessert...share it with someone...or 2... all the walking will help. I went to sweden for a week for vacation and wasn't even trying to lose weight but all we did was walk everywhere and I guess I just wasn't very hungry cuz i was more interested in the scenery and I ended up dropping like 10 pounds, so now I take advantage of my vacations!
  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    Oh my goodness, Italy is my dream destination! What parts are you visiting?

    we'll be going to rome and venice, with a day trip to pompeii in between!!
  • climbingpanda
    climbingpanda Posts: 36 Member
    To be honest it's very, very easy to eat healthy in Italy, on the coast there's lots of beautiful seafood and always salad. Most normal Italians have a good diet and it's always tasty, it's just if you constantly eat pizza and creamy, feast style dishes that you'd get in trouble.

    Gelato can be tempting, but if you're walking a lot in the Italian heat (nothing quite like being in Rome in the Summer) then you've more than deserved it!

  • Tanadog
    Tanadog Posts: 18 Member
    I was there 6 years ago, and we definitely indulged in all the food and wine! However, we walked so much that I actually lost weight. And trust me, we ate a lot! Hope you have a fantastic time!
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    I went to Italy about 10 years ago for 2 weeks and LOST almost 10 pounds! Like you said, you walk everywhere, and the food is fresh fresh fresh! Not like her in the US where we pack our food with preservatives. Europeans eat very light meals. In Italy, you'll find they have a small breakfast; it usually consists of fresh bread and jellies with coffee. Lunch is probably their largest meal; usually a light pasta with a protein such as fish or chicken and a salad. Dinner is similar to lunch, but smaller and can sometimes last 2 hours. Italians love to chat! Hope this helps!

    My advice is: make good choices, but remember this is a once in a lifetime experience! Enjoy yourself!
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    Most hotels (at least the ones I've stayed in) have a breakfast spread that can feed a king (it's included). You should be able to make some healthy choices. There's lots of seafood, lots of meats...the killer is the pasta. But you should be able to do enough walking to enjoy.

    Have fun!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Avoid Pasta? In Italy??
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Pasta dishes cooked in oil? huh?

    Go! Enjoy one of Europe's most wonderful countries, with a fantastic cuisine! Enjoy yourself, try everything in moderation. You'll be walking loads. Ciao!
  • QuestForFitness
    When I went, I actually found that pizzas were one of the better 'authentic' foods you could get. Lasagna, alfredo, spaghetti are all the same as here pretty much but pizzas are made with slices of tomato instead of sauce most places I found
  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    thanks for the great tips everyone! i will certainly be enjoying myself and thinking of you!
  • Ladydi1982
    Ladydi1982 Posts: 218 Member
    I'm not sure what Italy everyone else has been to, but I was in Venice for my honeymoon last year, and a personal pizza is about the size of a medium here! And everyone eats THE WHOLE THING!!! We sat next to this little old Italian grandma when we were there and she ate faster than me! Portion control is really what you need to keep in check. Their portions are getting bigger like the US.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    One, that has always been a lifelong dream to go there..not sure why, maybe its because of its beautiful sightings and culture. So, im glad you get to have that chance! Don't worry about the food so much, just have a good time and get back on the wagon when you come back home to the U.S. :happy: