All The Right Things, But Results?? - Encouragment Needed!

Hello fellow life changers! I need a tad bit of support. Recently (as in 3 weeks ago) got back on the horse after a solid year of dragging behind it. I've been logging everything, avoiding fast food, cut way back on alcohol consumption and have been hitting the gym 5x per week doing a schedule that consists of running (2 miles), HIIT and Body Pump. My calories have stayed right at or below my goal of 1600 (except last Sunday where I ate an entire pizza..). I lost 3 pounds my first week, 2 my second and gained 4 my third. What. The. FLOWER?! (My daughter says that.)

I know this game is all about weight fluctuation and water weight and muscle vs fat, but I feel so discouraged. Not discouraged enough to quit, but I need someone to tell me what I already know: that it'll happen. Am I doing something wrong??


  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    edited June 2017
    If you've stayed within your calorie limit, there's no way you gained 4 lbs. Even eating one whole pizza wouldn't account for 4 lbs.
    If your logging is accurate (you use a scale), you're retaining water. Perhaps from the pizza; there's a lot of sodium in pizza. Check your diary for sodium.
    Have you changed your exercise habits by going to the gym 5x a week? If so, there's another reason for water retention.
    All of this will go away. The weight will drop off again soon. Just stick with the plan, drink enough water and be patient.
    Don't give up.

  • sosteach
    sosteach Posts: 260 Member
    Did you weigh yourself at a different time of day?
  • xdm9mm1126
    xdm9mm1126 Posts: 3 Member
    I weigh myself about 3 times a day. I *know* it's not healthy and that the best way to measure results is not on the scale, but I get obsessed with it. I've incorporated more strength training in my gym routine so I'm hoping that has something to do with it.

    I'm not a stickler about the scale. Breakfast and lunch are usually oatmeal and a salad so there's not much room for error. Dinner is different, but even if I was underestimating by, say 300 calories, most days I'd still be pretty close to my goal. And for me, a 5'9" 245 pound girl, 1600 calories is darn near starvation! Haha!
  • GrayRider61
    GrayRider61 Posts: 337 Member
    Just stay at it, you're doing great. And I would get rid of the scale. Focus on exercise, healthy choices, and you'll be successful.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    Did you have the pizza recently enough that the carbs/sodium would still be causing water retention? Are you at or nearing TOM? How recently did you start lifting?

    The bottom line is weight loss isn't linear. There will always be days and weeks where you don't lose, or even gain. Keep to what you're doing and if you don't see a change in another 2-3 weeks, then you may need to reevaluate your logging habits.
  • mca90guitar
    mca90guitar Posts: 289 Member
    Don't worry about and and keep going. The scale does funny things. I weigh myself once or twice a week at the same time in the morning after the bathroom. Otherwise your weight will be all over depending on your food and water intake. Even then it will still go up and down. I personally don't consider it weight loss unless i hit the new number or lower over the next few weigh ins.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,489 Member
    Stay off the scale. 3 times per day? What's the point? Just saying it's an obsession and continuing with it gets you nowhere. It just adds to the noise in your head. Fight back. A whole pizza? What were you thinking?

    Planning, focus & patience. Best plan is one you will actually follow. If it's not working, make a better plan.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    If you ate an entire pizza last Sunday, it's highly likely you are still retaining water from the carb load as well as the sodium...probably some waste leftover too.

    Other than that, my weight can easily fluctuate 0-5 Lbs either way day to day...most typically it is more like 2 Lbs or so....weight loss isn't linear and body weight isn't have to look at trends over time.
  • HMedina1963
    HMedina1963 Posts: 7 Member
    Here is my advise regarding your calorie count. I manage mine the way I would manage my checkbook: I will not spend more than what I have on my account. If I overspend, then I will end paying hefty overdraft fees (in this case we are talking retaining/gaining weight). Therefore, if I don't overspend and keep track of your expenses, then you will have a healthy account (in this case, your weight should come down gradually) .

    But, the most important thing must be honest with yourself. We will support you and encourage you. This is a team effort and we know that you can make it. best of luck!.