Petite frame, very active but very hungry and CAN'T LOSE weight!!



  • ellie771
    ellie771 Posts: 15 Member
    neldabg wrote: »
    Yes. We shorties don't have it easy. I find it much more manageable to spread my cardio out throughout the day (i.e. quick walks) in order to avoid cardio hunger. On days I knock out my 10k in one go, I need to fuel properly before or after or else I'll feel ravenous long after.

    Indeed we don't, but when the pounds come on they're visible instantly! Really appreciate everyone's suggestions on here. I might consider switching to low impact cardio and sticking to current weight routine to avoid hunger pangs and see if i can maintain cals in the 1400 range. Seems like it may work better for those who can't tolerate hunger and love to eat!
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Rozzer84 wrote: »
    You need to eat more! I used to be just like you before I started flexible eating. I'm 5'1 and my weight loss plateaus because I was starving my body of the extra fuel it needed to make the workouts in the gym actually produce any results. I started flexible eating and then reverse dieting. I worked my way up from 1200 calories to 2000 calories & look & feel the best I have in my life! If you want some help with this check out this free Facebook support group or free resources on

    you dont plateau because your body is starving, if you are in a deficit you will lose weight its all about CICO.your body isnt going to hang onto anything in a deficit.
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    Rozzer84 wrote: »
    You need to eat more! I used to be just like you before I started flexible eating. I'm 5'1 and my weight loss plateaus because I was starving my body of the extra fuel it needed to make the workouts in the gym actually produce any results. I started flexible eating and then reverse dieting. I worked my way up from 1200 calories to 2000 calories & look & feel the best I have in my life! If you want some help with this check out this free Facebook support group or free resources on

    you dont plateau because your body is starving, if you are in a deficit you will lose weight its all about CICO.your body isnt going to hang onto anything in a deficit.

    Yes but lots of anedoctal​ experience of women shows that often reverse dieting or coming out of a cut into maintenance will help them drop a few more pounds and maintains on higher calories.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    ellie771 wrote: »
    I am just over 5' which puts me with low BMR calories requirements to begin with, so attaining to a caloric deficit op top of that is really difficult. I do intense cardio 2-3x week and weight lifting 2x week. With my frame, restricting calories puts me in the very low range & the exercise makes me super hungry and unable to maintain 1300-1400 cals a day required for weight loss.

    I've been working extremely hard at the gym for 6 months now with barely any body fat reduction to show for it. Any other ladies out there with a similar plight? What do you do to keep satiated on a low calorie diet while maintaining an exercise program? Any examples of what has helped you lose weight? For context, I am about 5 feet tall and need to lose 15-20 pounds.

    Any help is much appreciated! I Am getting married in August and feel so hopeless that I have nothing to show for my work... :(

    Thank you!

    You don't say how much you currently weight...though you want to lose 15-20lb it may be that you are already a low weight and don't have a lot fat to lose.

    What is your weight and do you have an idea or est of body fat %?
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Luna3386 wrote: »
    Rozzer84 wrote: »
    You need to eat more! I used to be just like you before I started flexible eating. I'm 5'1 and my weight loss plateaus because I was starving my body of the extra fuel it needed to make the workouts in the gym actually produce any results. I started flexible eating and then reverse dieting. I worked my way up from 1200 calories to 2000 calories & look & feel the best I have in my life! If you want some help with this check out this free Facebook support group or free resources on

    you dont plateau because your body is starving, if you are in a deficit you will lose weight its all about CICO.your body isnt going to hang onto anything in a deficit.

    Yes but lots of anedoctal​ experience of women shows that often reverse dieting or coming out of a cut into maintenance will help them drop a few more pounds and maintains on higher calories.

    anedoctal doesnt mean its true,its not based on fact/scientific proof or anything else. I can claim that certain foods helped me to lose weight by burning fat. Doesnt make it true which its not but anyone can claim anything. .if they are maintaining on higher calories then most likely they raised their TDEE. many will say once they became more active that they were able to eat more food/maintain weight on more calories. its because they increased their activity.
  • Rozzer84
    Rozzer84 Posts: 12 Member
    I have lost weight by increasing my food whilst keeping my activity the same. You don't just burn calories by increasing your activity, your body burns more calories to support muscle growth & repair, brain activity & digestion (thermic effect of food). I used to think I had to run marathons & eat 1200 calories a day to achieve my body fat goals or always be in a caloric deficit. That's wrong.
    Now I workout 1 hour a day (CrossFit classes not running or endurance activity), 5 days a week. Other than that I'm pretty sedentary but I now eat 2,000 cals a day & am maintaining 103lbs with muscle. In my experience, reverse dieting works.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Rozzer84 wrote: »
    I have lost weight by increasing my food whilst keeping my activity the same. You don't just burn calories by increasing your activity, your body burns more calories to support muscle growth & repair, brain activity & digestion (thermic effect of food). I used to think I had to run marathons & eat 1200 calories a day to achieve my body fat goals or always be in a caloric deficit. That's wrong.
    Now I workout 1 hour a day (CrossFit classes not running or endurance activity), 5 days a week. Other than that I'm pretty sedentary but I now eat 2,000 cals a day & am maintaining 103lbs with muscle. In my experience, reverse dieting works.

    a lb of muscle only burns an additional 6-10 calories,fat burns about 2-4 calories. which is not much,if you lost because of an increase you were still in a deficit(which is needed to lose weight) even if it was a small one.yes your body burns calories to support your body,.that is what your BMR is( the amount of calories your body needs/burns to function and do all those things).

    The only other way to lose fat is to eat at maintenance and lift weights/do resistance training (whats called a recomp),you can build some muscle that way too. oTEF isnt as big of a calorie burner as you may think either,it still comes down to CICO

    eating more calories than your TDEE results in weight gain and that means fat too. its simple science. it works that way for increase TDEE you increase your activity which is why your TDEE can vary from day to day. no one says eat low calorie and run yourself to death. I would say that if you are eating 2000 calories and maintaining then that is where your maintenance(TDEE) is at. if you eat over that you will gain weight.