I need help... Friends and motivation

Hey lovely ladies,
Ok so i was sz 10 when i got married over 10 yrs ago. I had the dancers body. Then i endured alot of abuse in my marriage and turned to food for comfort. I felt less about myself and lost my friends and family through the marriage and lost myself and my happiness and turned to depression. Over time i put on so much weight and was at a weight i had never been in my life. Finally i was free from him and started my life all over again and was in a such a good place i lost the 15 kilos i had put on and then some. Then i dated again and was in love with him and found he was a cheater aswell and then it was back to comfort food again as all my insecurities and my anxiety about never being good enough returned and i put on the weight again. So now, while im single again im finding no motivation to loose weight as i still am coping with hurt and may face reality ill always be single. Part of me wants to loose all the weight for myself for the happiness to return but now being 36 its not as easy. Im at a cross roads with how i view myself and partially think whats the point. Past week ive been walking, doing my squats etc and taken before pics of myself so when i loose the weight i can compare and visually see a difference. I need motivated ladies here to chat with and im thiniking about starting Myfitnesspal again. I still have my account i just need to start using it again. Anyone have any before and after photos they are willing to share and great stories to tell so i can turn this around and be happy again? I need help :(


  • __Lora__
    __Lora__ Posts: 1,184 Member

    I went through something similar. I turned to food when I was rejected. My self esteem suffered and I'm finally working on myself. I sent a request, and wanted to say you can totally do this
  • Onypug1
    Onypug1 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey nice to meet you I will love to be your friend. Also anyone is free to add me
  • Onypug1
    Onypug1 Posts: 6 Member
    Also I wanted to say you should do this for your self. I'm still at the beginning of my weight loss journey so I don't have any pictures but we can do this together and work hard to love ourselves.
  • Rinou93
    Rinou93 Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hi ! Nice to meet you ! I know what it is to find comfort in food. I've done that all my life. I sent you a friend request. I started at 129 kg, I am now at 115kg and my goal is to be at 65. We can do this ! :) Anyone feel free to add me