Secret Motivation!

If you were going to be brutally honest about what your motivation is at the inner core ....the one you use to run that extra minute... mile when everything hurts and you find that last ounce of energy somehow; what is it?!


  • heatheranna2016
    heatheranna2016 Posts: 3 Member
    The way I felt before I had my kids! It's not the same anymore. <3
  • reachinmygoal2012
    reachinmygoal2012 Posts: 64 Member
    My wedding is in 3 months and I'm afraid I will hate our wedding pictures if I don't start now.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    For running - my husband promised me a meal in one of my favourite high end restaurants if I pass the 5km in one go threshold. (Specialising in amazing vegetable dishes). Nearly there.
    Other than that? remembering how far I have come and that I look so much better now. Knowing that I'll love the feeling of tired muscles tomorrow or even sometimes knowing that it will make that I can have that ice-cream I really want.
  • iwtbt170
    iwtbt170 Posts: 51 Member
    Getting back into the jeans I bought after I dropped weight last time only to wear them just once before gaining 35 lbs...went from a 16 to a 14 to a 12 (bought 1 pair of 12's wore them one time) then dummied up and now I am back to a 16/18....refuse to get back into the 20/22s I was in many many years ago

    Oh, that and hearing compliments again...oh and not feeling gross when I look in the full mirror at work!
  • LadyMujer36
    LadyMujer36 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks Ladies and you're all beautiful (: I think of my parents and my mom's mobility (or lack of) after her fight with cancer. She was so strong at the time and I'm so proud of her for fighting when she had no energy, so it keeps me going. That was a few years ago and she still has some health issues but her fight was truly amazing. Thanks for sharing (:
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    I have a lot of energy, exercising is something I crave and have always been passioned about, hence don't lack motivation,but to give my 100% to a workout, I remember what my trainer always says - Push harder, you will thank yourself later! :)

    I used to do Insanity ages ago, but that "DIG DEEPER!" still pops in my head during cardio :D