Have you ever lost weight and realized you lost too much?

I remember ages ago i was talking to a friend/old coworker who said she had lost weight and got down to whatever number she thought she would look good at, only to realize she didn't like it. I think she gained back like 10-15lbs and was happier with more weight on her body.

Has anyone experienced this?

I picked my number because it was at my lowest and actually I think I looked good then, but I don't know if I plan to lose more once I get there.


  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    Nope, this has never happened to me.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Yes most summers I end up dropping more than I like but only by 4-6lbs. (Just so active)

    I regain it by winter but I am not doing this year. I'm now at the weight I want to stay and making a real effort to not drop any more.
  • RedheadedPrincess14
    RedheadedPrincess14 Posts: 415 Member
    Yes but that was when I was young and had body dysmpohia. I was 104 pounds at 5 foot 8.5 and very sick. Eating about 700 -900 calories a day and sometimes fast for 24 hours. It was borderline anorexia. It took a long time to become comfortable with a healthy weight of 125-145 and also recomp because after all that, I have very low muscle mass
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    When I was breastfeeding my second baby I got down to 102 lbs at 5'4. When I had my third baby I used Mfp to make sure that didn't happen again.
  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    Yes, I have. I kind of had a mental dream weight, leftover from when I'd been that weight in my early 20's. When I was in my mid-40's, I tried to get down to that weight. I got about 5 lbs above it and realized my face looked really drawn and I just didn't look or feel good. I prefer to be about 10-15 lbs above that dream weight now. And my dream weight was really a very healthy weight, not underweight at all according to BMI or weight charts. It just didn't look healthy on me.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    After my first baby I dropped down in weight trying to lose the last bit of fat while breastfeeding. I was 121lbs, 5'7". It was not a good look for me. Clearly went about it in the wrong way but have since learned my lesson.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I wish.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,731 Member
    In my 20's I was somewhat anorexic and severely depressed. I lost a lot of weight. Eventually, my life straightened out a bit and I gained it back (and then some.)

    About 5 years ago I went on a diet and began running and lost weight down to my good HS/college weight (123). I looked pretty good, but that level of calories wasn't sustainable, so I soon gained back about 8 pounds before finding a good balance between CI and CO. I was able to stay there for several years. Last year I went on two long road trips and gained some weight so in October I decided to lose 7 pounds so I could begin marathon training at a good weight. When I reached my goal (131), I went into maintenance eating, but thanks to the big miles I was doing for MRT, I kept losing weight. Around the time of my race I was down to 122 lbs. Too low, but I figured I'd go back to my normal weight once I was no longer training which would be fine. I continued to track my food, though more loosely, and continued running, although at a lower level than pre-race. Two months later I think I've only gained one or two pounds. It is nice to have the freedom to stay where I am or gain, but it is weird to be consistently over my goal calories, and not gaining.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    Nope never had it. In fact being very close to my goal now (about 0.5kg) and smack in the middle of my BMI, I think I look better than I ever did before. However I have to admit it is getting used to seeing myself in the mirror in this shape.
    Also I have put a lot of effort in toning through resistance training. Had I not done that I think I may have felt differently about this weight.
  • sunfastrose
    sunfastrose Posts: 543 Member
    Yup. Hit my original goal of 120, then went all the way to 111. Too low - started to feel the bones in my butt when I took a bath. At 120 now and it's a good number; would like to have my body be better, but that's more about getting off my lazy *kitten* and doing more strength training.
  • MaddMaestro
    MaddMaestro Posts: 405 Member
    Lol no. I'm still overweight even after dropping 70. But at least I'm not obese anymore.
  • cs2thecox
    cs2thecox Posts: 533 Member
    Yep. I get to a point where if I lose about 1kg then I go from slim and athletic to scrawny, particularly across my chest when too many ribs are suddenly visible!

    I've worked hard on muscle mass for the last year, but am now working hard to find maintenance to avoid the scrawny thing again. I'm currently 60kg, 5' 5.5" and 16% body fat. I don't want to lose more!
  • rjan91
    rjan91 Posts: 194 Member
  • cocobot2013
    cocobot2013 Posts: 46 Member
    Yes, from 180 at 5 ft 9 I got down to the lowest of 113, put some weight back on this winter/spring after a few years of being too scared to gain and I'm around 130 now, I feel much better I have a bit of curves back, more energy and took up strength training and the best part is more calories
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    Last summer my running training load was heavy and I dropped from goal (130) to 123lbs really quickly even though my calories in were insane. At my height that was too much and I brought it back up to goal.
  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    Yes! I went from 283 to 155 quickly I felt so skinny. My hips and repibs were easily visible. Too low! I'm 213 now hoping to get down to 170 this time around. I'm lifting weight so hopefully I will look healthier :)
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    I am aiming for what would be my lowest adult weight ever. Would even be lower than my high school weight. Still within the healthy BMI range, but towards the lower end where I've only ever been in the high end. I have a larger frame so if I look horrible or too thin I'll put on a few pounds.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I have never been in the normal weight range as an adult so I haven't experienced this particular scenario, but I know I have a general look I'm aiming for, and it happens to be higher on the body fat spectrum than many people aim for. If I find myself getting leaner than I would like to be, I know for a fact that I will want to regain some weight. I mean I will try to get down to a normal BMI but I may or may not decide to regain to a slightly overweight BMI if I'm not fluffy enough for my liking.
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    yes i did lose more than i wanted to. i had a number in my head, but i just wanted to fit comfortably in my pre-gained weight clothes. It turns out that when i reached the number i wanted, my clothes didn't fit any more properly. I ended up much smaller than anticipated. Granted, i like how i look, i was just hoping to avoid buying new clothes.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Not really.... But I lost weight purposely for a competition and gained a messed up headspace in the process, so thought I looked attractive that lean (and stayed at that weight longterm). Looking back now I realise I looked like a skeletal preying mantis.... And if I compete again I have a better mindset and know I can't stay that lean!