1200 calories... very difficult

MMFP68 Posts: 39 Member
1200 calories a day seems to be very difficult for me to stick to. I'm trying my best, really I am, but here I am at 6 pm with only 219 calories left, and a raging appetite. Any tips or ideas how to overcome this ravenous feeling?


  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    If your goal is only 15 pounds, you shouldn't have your goal set any higher than losing 1 pound per week. You could even drop it back to losing half a pound per week. If you're set at a goal of losing 2 pounds per week, change the settings and you'll get some calories back.

    Eating a lot of protein and fiber will help you to stay feeling fuller, longer on fewer calories. So will eating often.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    So don't do it! Why are you at 1200 calories a day? Set your goal to 0.5lbs per week eat your exercise calories and it'll be EASY.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    So don't do it! Why are you at 1200 calories a day? Set your goal to 0.5lbs per week eat your exercise calories and it'll be EASY.

    ^^^THIS! Make it easy on yourself.
  • I want to type "try purging, it works" but I realize I am not that evil.

    So yeah, drop your loss goal back to 0.5 lbs per week... just like the other two said.
  • gcmiller1
    gcmiller1 Posts: 6
    If you're determined to stay at 1200, add some cardio so that you can earn calories back.
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    She may be like me, very short. No matter what I change my goal to, I always stay at 1200 calories so I have to exercise if I want to eat more than that. Could be that she has her goal set to 1 or 2 lbs though.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Not being able to see your food diary I don't know what you are eating, but what will help is eating more veggies as they are low calorie and high fiber, higher protein amounts as well. Basically you want high fiber and higher protein to help feeling full and satisfied longer. Also avoid sugar and products made with flour as it is treated by your body basically like sugar. If you just started this realize your body has some learning to do in terms of feeling full and satisfied.

    Also, you may want to reconsider your weight loss per week goal. If it is set higher that 1 pound per week you may want to switch it to 1 pound which should increase the number of calories you can eat. Also, don't forget you can and should eat your exercise calories.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    See my signature? Yea.

    Up your calories and eat your exercices calories. I am 4'11'' and 124 pounds, I would never eat 1200 calories. I eat 1350 on days I do not exercice and more when I do.

    Good luck
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    My best advice is to change your diary settings to include fiber and make it a goal to get 20g of fiber a day. Foods containing a lot of fiber are as a rule very good for you and very filling.

    Also, be sure to exercise and eat those calories!
  • MrsRadder
    MrsRadder Posts: 207 Member
    Protein Protein Protein

    Make a dozen hard boiled eggs and take them with you. It may sound strange but I eat one before I eat anything else because they fill me up :smile: Good luck!
  • arh0117
    arh0117 Posts: 185 Member
    If you do some type of exercise it will "earn" you more calories for dinner. I had a hard time with it at first too, but I am burning 500 cals a day in exercise so now I am actually consuming around 1700 instead of 1200. Hope this helps! :)
  • ceeshelman
    ceeshelman Posts: 77
    If you eat non-processed foods and stay away from the baked goods, you should have enough food to satisfy you. If you aren't satisfied after that then your daily calorie goal is set too low. Exercise is a great supplement to the 1200 calorie diet.
  • Madbleuz
    Madbleuz Posts: 3 Member
    I have the same trouble at times. I find that the meal replacement shakes can help. Also I just try to keep healthy snacking throughout the day.
  • Alissa_Sal
    Alissa_Sal Posts: 141
    Cardio! Earn yourself some more calories. I can't stick to a 1200 cal diet either, so I try to make a point to be more active.
  • ceeshelman
    ceeshelman Posts: 77
    See my signature? Yea.

    Up your calories and eat your exercices calories. I am 4'11'' and 124 pounds, I would never eat 1200 calories. I eat 1350 on days I do not exercice and more when I do.

    Good luck

    Way to go!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i exercise more so i can eat more calories... i can't eat 1200 a day, it's virtually impossible, i can do 1400-1500 without feeling like i'm going without too much, so i exercise every day to increase my calorie allowance.
  • I'm eating 1400 a day (before exercise)........and losing weight. 1200 is not necessary to lose weight unless you are super short. (Also, I believe MFP way underestimates BMR, which affects the calorie goal it gives you.)
  • PaulineLi
    PaulineLi Posts: 17 Member
    Snack on fruits. Low cals and they're filling.
  • cessidoll
    cessidoll Posts: 3
    I have mine set at 1200 calories too and it is also difficult for me to have enough calories left over for dinner (I snack all day!). I have learned to just be happy with that...it's okay to eat all day (equivalent to the recommendation of eating small meals throughout the day) and not eating what most people consider dinner. I heard it's better to eat more during the day rather than having a big meal at night anyway. So, I usually run out of calories by 6 or 7pm too...then I go workout...earn back a few hundred calories and then eat a small meal for dinner ("eat your exercise calories" like TS65 recommended!).

    Also, if you just started with this diet...then don't worry...I also find that I have a rough 4-5 days of adjustment...and then my body gets used to it and I feel much better (i.e., less tired & hungry)!
  • mislmar
    mislmar Posts: 41 Member
    I usually drink slim fast shakes twice a day and eat a low fat low cal yogurt or a slim fast bar and it seems to keep me full longer. Plus I have enough calories left for dinner. You get used to 1200 calories after a while. I have a hard time eating a big meal now because my body is used to 1200 now. Hope things get easier for ya :)
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