Anxiety tips

anamarie1183 Posts: 5 Member
Any tips on how to deal with anxiety without med? Food is not an option.


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Exercise? Talk to someone? I don't know. When my anxiety gets bad I have to go for meds. A few weeks on them helps get things back to normal.
  • kms234
    kms234 Posts: 132 Member
    What about meditation or acupuncture? Essential oils can also help support you during times of anxiety.
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    Talk to someone, write, solve small problems and complete easy tasks to help work toward feeling a sense of control
  • Sgt_Pepper33
    Sgt_Pepper33 Posts: 194 Member
    I've been working on anxiety (and depression) issues for 12 years. I am on and have tried many different medications with varying effectiveness. However, one way that I have found to help myself with anxiety issues is a very common practice known as "mindfulness." There are many books and audio guides to help people understand the concept and try it out. I am finally taking it seriously and working on it each day, the only way I can see to really get good at "living in the moment." I find I am often panicked about the past or the future, rather than focusing on the here and now, and mindfulness has been integral towards helping me cope.
    Here is a link to audio clips for meditation/mindfulness that my counselor shared with me: They say in each clip that it is okay to use and share the clips, but there is also a book that goes along with it by Ronald D. Siegel called The Mindfulness Solution: Everyday Practices for Everyday Problemsif you want to take an extra step and buy that. There are a lot of other books/audios that can help with mindfulness, but as a beginner, this one has helped me. I hope you find the peace you are searching for.
  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 610 Member
    Exercise - studies suggest that it influences neurotransmitter levels, which impact mood in a positive manner, and reduces mental stress.

    Meditation - research suggests that this can actually restructure the brain. It has also been shown to affect brain wave activity in a positive manner for anxiety and depression.

    Dietary changes - some minerals and vitamins have been suggested as methods of reducing anxiety (B-vitamins, Vitamin E, zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and selenium). Eating foods rich in these may help. Limiting or avoiding stimulants, such as, caffeine and excess added sugars. Limiting or avoiding depressants, such as alcohol.

    Counseling/Talk Therapy - talking it out and peeling back what is causing the anxiety.

    Acupuncture - physiological effects include changes in brain activity, relaxing muscle fibers, reducing inflammation, temporary lowering of blood pressure, and a great number of people report it as being very stress relieving.
  • kschwab0203
    kschwab0203 Posts: 610 Member
    I have dealt with anxiety since I was 19..I'm 36. Not that it's gotten better, but I do think the older you get and unfortunately the longer you have had to put up with it, it does get (at least for me) a little more manageable.

    If I am at work I will usually tell myself "ok time to just keep busy". I will try to find anything I can do that will get me moving around as that seems to help. Sometimes, if I get "stuck" in it, I will massage my hands. I read somewhere that it helps. Not sure if it's a placebo effect or not but I find it helps me. Also, breathing. Inhale slowly counting to 5 and exhale slowly counting to 5.

    If I am at home, I clean, do laundry- again, something to get me moving.

    If I am in the car, I turn up the music and sing loud- I dunno why, but it helps me.

    I was in therapy and on meds for years. I decided a few years ago to after some situational changes in my life to stop taking them.

    I can say that at one time in my life, the meds were most definitely needed. I'm not sure that they are a lifetime solution though. Since being off the meds, I have had to find other ways (listed above) to cope which I kind of prefer now since I don't get all the yucky side effects from the meds.
  • anamarie1183
    anamarie1183 Posts: 5 Member
    Any tips on how to deal with anxiety without med? Food is not an option.

    I normally have my attacks while working. I think I am managing it well though next school yr I will try and pick a more calm run. I drive a School bus with special needs. Sometimes my attacks happen other times but not often. I know my stress levels don't help. Recently I was upset the other evening, my husband thought I was mad at him and was ignoring me and focusing on dinner. I had a class that evening and brought my anxiety with me. I knew this because I kept rocking in my seat and pinching myself in the leg. At that point I don't know how to stop. I would notice it and stop, but within seconds start back up. I'm afraid someone will notice and think I have issues (which I do). I'm just glad school is almost over. Then I can focus more on myself.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    If you are a believer in any Higher Power, you can pray to them. Mine understands anxiety and loves me anyway.
  • HarrisHawke8
    HarrisHawke8 Posts: 70 Member
    Adopt an abandoned pet that will love you unconditionally.
  • finny11122
    finny11122 Posts: 8,436 Member
    Any tips on how to deal with anxiety without med? Food is not an option.

    Clear your mind of all thoughts , relax , be still , be quiet , zone out and let the pineal gland do it's job and enjoy .
  • GirlGettingFit37
    GirlGettingFit37 Posts: 146 Member
    edited June 2017
    I have had anxiety since I was a teen. It took me years to get it under control. I finally figured out that working out daily, avoiding caffeine, and changing my general mindset works for me. The first two are easy. Changing your mindset is difficult. You really have to get to the root of what is causing your anxiety. At one point I decided to let it go. When I start to feel that panic rising inside, I take a deep breath and when I let it go, I let the anxiety go with it.

    I know that is easier said than done, but with time it really helps.
  • mjames1319
    mjames1319 Posts: 4 Member
    I never believed it was related or would make a difference but my anxiety was so bad I was willing to try anything. Cutting out caffeine to a bare minimum has been life changing for me.
  • scarletpowerlifts9170
    I use EFT emotional freedom techniques
    Help anxiety and panic attacks after having server post natal depression.
    Look on Youtube some good videos to help x