Weight Loss Surgery Buddies

Hello everyone! My name is Katie and I'm almost 7 years post weight loss surgery (RNY) and have experienced regain. I'm looking for others that are in the same "situation" as me and are ready to get back on track and back to goal!


  • gotthis16
    gotthis16 Posts: 26 Member
    Im 4 years out and was 60lb up after having a baby im now 25 lb away from my lowest again
  • katiedid_911
    katiedid_911 Posts: 4 Member
    Way to go!!!! I'm up 50 pounds after discovering my love for craft beer. I know I have my work cut out for me, but I'm ready!
  • gotthis16
    gotthis16 Posts: 26 Member
    Ive actually been doing weight watchers
  • katiedid_911
    katiedid_911 Posts: 4 Member
    I've thought about doing that. I just started Plexus last week and have really been paying attention to my calorie intake, making sure I'm under my 1200 calories a day.
  • ElviGar
    ElviGar Posts: 10 Member
    Currently on my 6 month plan before my sleeve surgery in Sep. And anxious but
  • gotthis16
    gotthis16 Posts: 26 Member
    I've thought about doing that. I just started Plexus last week and have really been paying attention to my calorie intake, making sure I'm under my 1200 calories a day.
    Honestly weight watchers saved me i obsessed over calories to much lol
  • heidihobug24
    heidihobug24 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi im just starting out i have 4 months before my sergery. Id like to be friends please add me i need all the help i can get im 330 lbs ive lost 50lbs in last 4 months do to an unrelated sergery. And watching my diet. But i have a pinched nerve in my spine. So most exercise is hard to do but im getting pysical therapy so im doing better in sperts. Im hoping after i loose more weight ill be able to loose all this pain with it. I spend 80% of day in bed on bad days the good days which are rare i am up 80% day just sitting on couch i am hoping to be more active i wanna go swimming i love the water so much.... But im embaresed to be in swim suit cus of weight.but i go anyways most of the time. I try to go at least once every 2 weeks. But i wanna go more... So i hope to see you on here thanks for reading all my ramblings. Heidi
  • Mitzugirl1974
    Mitzugirl1974 Posts: 2 Member
    ElviGar wrote: »
    Currently on my 6 month plan before my sleeve surgery in Sep. And anxious but

    I get mine on Friday morning. I'm nervous and so excited. You'll get there, stick with it.
  • ElviGar
    ElviGar Posts: 10 Member
    Im happy for you, i hope every thing goes well
  • katiedid_911
    katiedid_911 Posts: 4 Member
    We are all going to do great! I don't know about you guys, but I have finally figured out that I have to focus on making a few healthy changes every week, otherwise I get very overwhelmed very quickly.
  • ElviGar
    ElviGar Posts: 10 Member
    Yes ! Its hard to completely stop or change everything in an instant, ive tried that and it gets boring and i fall off the diet wagon . Making changes as in portion sizes, sugar intake , sodium etc. little changes or switching for healthier options lil by lil seem to be something easier that i can stick to.