How do you go from 300+ to 200lbs? Ugh!



  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    Did this exact thing. 90lbs down. Friend me, I'll be glad to share/
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Eat less & move more to create a calorie deficit.
  • Rubysue17
    Rubysue17 Posts: 24 Member
    It's all very daunting, isn't it? Don't let it overwhelm you! My advise is not to think about loosing over 100 pounds. It sounds insurmountable! Set small goals, like 20 or 25 pounds. I started at the beginning of the year, lost 13 pounds in January, but .....0 in February. So I called a local weight loss clinic. (They push bariatric surgery and food replacements, but that's not for me!) I knew it had to be a change in my lifestyle and eating habits. By the time I got in to see the dietician I had lost 30 pounds on my own! That was on May 23 and today I am down about 6 more pounds! They strongly suggested using MFP, which I actually stumbled upon while doing some on-line research waiting to get to the weight loss clinic. I had started logging but quit in March. So I started logging again in May, since now I had a better understanding of what I was doing and up against. You have to log EVERYTHING you eat. Jot it down on paper so you don't forget all you've eaten if you can't log it right away. At first, I was just concerned with calories consumed, now I am taking a look at the carbs, fat and protein grams as well. Little steps at a time. If you drink soda or beer or alcohol, cut it out of you diet and drink only water. At least for now. You can friend me if you want. Hope you do well, don't get discouraged. We've all been there!
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited June 2017
    It'll be a lot like how I got from 250 to <150. Planning, patience, and a good calorie goal. Walking for exercise also helped. You got this. <3

    ETA And diet soda (diet dew, coke zero) made my life much easier.
  • MWaggoner3
    MWaggoner3 Posts: 2 Member
    After I had my baby 4 years ago I got on here an lost 40 pounds. I needed to lose about 130. I'm tall so it distributes so I'm not round just big. Yuck! But after regaining 10 last month I decided I better get focused on my health again. My advice is don't stop logging on here. When I got lax about writing down everything that I put in my mouth and how much exercise I was doing I completely stopped doing any of it. Then I became a yo-yo again. Now that I am back on here. I am consistently eating better and exercising. My only issue so far has been that now that it's getting hot I have water retention, so I am really having to watch sodium content/eating out or I will put back on several pounds even though my calorie count is good. WATER, too!
  • DuncanAA
    DuncanAA Posts: 4 Member
    edited June 2017
  • DuncanAA
    DuncanAA Posts: 4 Member
    Make a solid plan with realistic goals write it down and stick to it.
    Prepare yourself to become very disciplined
    Take weekly a picture of your body, much better than a scale for short term motivation.
    Weigh yourself daily for the long term motivation, don't give any attention to the weight going up and down. That is mostly due to gaining and loosing water and feces.

    Get some things in order:
    - Start drinking water, a lot of it, nice goal is +3 liter a day, spread out over the day, your kidney's can handle a maximum of about 1 liter every hour.
    – Make sure you sleep well, 8 or 9 hours, if not, change what is preventing you from a good night rest.
    Blinds, new mattress, white noise generator, whatever.
    - Try to get rid if as much stress as possible, well can't give you any advice here, don't know anything about your life.
    - Relax now and then, If you have a busy job, make some time for yourself and do nothing.

    Start with kicking the really some habits like:
    – Junk food
    – Sugar in coffee or tea
    - Drinking soft drinks and juice
    - No more candy bars
    - No more alcohol

    Pick up some good habits:
    - Start logging your food intake
    - Sign up at a gym
    - Start eating clean food, gather recipes you like
    - Start eating smaller amounts per meal.
    - Start walking about 10.000 steps a day

    If you go to the gym two or three times a week, start off slowly! I know you will be very motivated in the beginning and want to hit the ground running. You probably will have an injury within a week or two. Do some cardio and weight lifting.

    You will probably gain weight! That is due to the muscles you are gaining, at your weight it is very easy to gain muscles, you want to have a bigger muscle mass:
    1) muscles, even if you don't use them they use energy (burn fat).
    2) They motivate loosing weight, as soon as you can feel these muscles but can't see them you will understand why.
    3) Your skin will look less flabby once you start loosing fat.
    4) As you have a high muscle mass you will sooner reach a healthy fat percentage.

    Start doing this for a about three months, the first month you will probably gain some weight and loose that amount in the next two months.

    After these three months, you are used to smaller size meals, are used to clean food, know what your calorie maintenance is, build up some muscle mass, sleep 8+ hours a night and are stress “free”.
    Now you are ready to create a calorie deficit, keep going to the gym for cardio and maintenance of your muscle mass. (you want to loose your fat, not your muscles).
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    It's really tough losing weight and not regaining. Some great advice you were giving. Hugs
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited June 2017
    Just saw something that was shared in another post I skimmed that I know not to be true.

    Muscle tissue only contributes around 6 calories per pound:

    So adding 10 pounds of muscle (which is pretty hard to do in a deficit) will earn you ... a small cookie. Not a lot of calories.
  • shans34
    shans34 Posts: 535 Member
    Since November I've gone from 363lbs to 279. My goal is 185lbs so I still have a ways to go. You can do it. Persistence is key!
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    All good advice here....I'll add that there's no need for it to be a white knuckle ride. Cook and eat at home when you can, but if you go out to eat or to a party or on vacation, relax. This does not require perfection, it requires pretty good most the time.
  • buddhaboy37
    buddhaboy37 Posts: 6 Member
    bad_dog_ny wrote: »
    I am currently in the same boat. I started at 336 and I'm now down to 265. Setting your calorie goal in MFP is important, and creating a calorie deficit will help you lose weight. But do not underestimate the importance of exercise. While MFP only calculates cardio exercise for additional exercise calories earned, strength training is far more important in the long run. Not only does it burn calories (MFP does jot count them because they are much harder to calculate), but every pound of lean muscle also burns about 75 calories a day, even at rest. Also, especially if you are diabetic, and even if not, toned muscle utilizes insulin far better thus burning the calories you eat more efficiently. My insulin intake went from 140 units per day and is already down to 25 in just a matter of months back at the gym. It started to decline steeply in just 2 weeks, showing I was using insulin better. Plus muscle looks good, and if you can put on 10 pounds of lean muscle you will burn about 750 extra calories a day. That's over a pound of fat every 5 days. For most men it is not that difficult to put on 10 pounds of muscle, and you should not look at just your weight as a measure of fitness. You are better off at a muscular 210 than you are at a flabby 200... and the extra muscle will make it much easier to maintain your weight. I have been fit and muscular much of my life, but I slacked off after I got married, developing diabetes and other health problems. I have lost weight dieting before, but my health problems did not really start to subside until I started taking working out again very seriously. You don't have to do a lot. I strength train every other day, and do cardio everyday. I know it sounds like a lot, but here's a trick. You probably watch a fair about of television. Get a Netflix subscription and choose a program that you will only watch (on a phone or tablet) while doing your cardio. Find something addictive, binge worthy. I started with Breaking Bad which you can download so you don't even need an internet connection at the gym. Episodes are 47 minutes. Doing 47 minutes on an elliptical or a treadmill goes much faster when you are distracted in this way. Don't worry about speed, figure out your target heart rate and go from there.

    Try to keep your heart rate in that zone and you will find that suddenly you have to up your game to reach that heart rate. Watching Breaking Bad I logged over 400 miles on various machines. For strength training right now I only do 2 sets per body part every other day, and I still have not started on any core exercise, the abdomen and lower back, as I carry most of my excess weight there and it is difficult to do these. That will come later. I would also suggest super setting and circuit training to save some time. Super setting is when you work opposing muscle groups, so you do not have to rest as long between sets. So you do a set for the chest that and then a set for the back then another for the chest and then another for the back. Biceps and triceps is another good group to oppose each other. I then Do shoulders and legs, which is a combination circuit and superset. Shoulders and legs are not related, and the calf is not really related much to the upper leg. So that sort of makes it a circuit as opposed to a superset. However, when I do this routine and instead of doing squats or leg presses I do leg extensions and leg curls, that is a superset in the middle of the circuit. It also adds an exercise to my routine. Every 2 to 3 weeks you should change the exercises you are doing for each muscle group. So for a few weeks I will do a routine such as bench presses and rows two sets each, and I will switch to flies and lat pull-downs for a couple of weeks. I will do leg presses for a couple of weeks, and then switch to leg extensions and leg curls. Unfortunately calf raises are the only exercise I can think to do for the calf, but you could do them the different ways and change the angle a bit. You should also change up your cardio. I generally do treadmill on the days that I Strength train, and elliptical on the days that I do not. You can do this quicker than 40 or 50 minutes, but the longer you go the more calories you earn to eat back. As they said above, only eat back about 50% of the calories you earn. If you are using machines, be sure to enter your current weight to get a more accurate calorie count, but even that will NOT be spot-on, that's why you should not eat back more than 50%. Always get your heart rate into the target zone for a minimum of 20 minutes.

    When I do a short workout I usually find a half-hour program to watch (Portlandia right now) I pump the elliptical very hard for the first 2 minutes and get my heart rate up, and then I maintain that for 21 or 22 minutes. I will do this sometimes on days I Strength train because for whatever reason I don't have the time to be in the gym that long. My gym is Cheap, Planet Fitness only $10 a month. If you can't afford a gym there are many exercises you can do at home with no weights at all, or with a cheap dumbbell set you can get at a garage sale. Walking is free...just keep a good pace and check your heart rate. Even if you can't maintain a HR at first, keep moving. The bottom line is you need to get moving and do something or maintaining any weight loss will be nearly impossible. And this is not a diet, it is a new lifestyle. You will always have to watch your portions and track your weight and your Fitness, and adjust accordingly. That doesn't mean you can never go to a party again, it just means that the week before or the week after you may have to be a little more strict with yourself. I know I went on for a while, but this is really important stuff and you cannot underestimate it. I did not gain my weight until I stopped my workouts. I really feel that activity is the key Fitness. Calories are important, but activity will burn those calories more effectively. START OFF SLOW, and build up as you udentify your limits. I woyld suggest abkut 12 reps per set to start, then add weight until you can't do 12...but can do at least 8. Stay there until you can do 12 again then add a few pounds.

    For cardiovascular start easy for a few weeks but monitor your heart, then push a little harder each time until you are maintaining 75%-85% of your maximum heart rate. Do some research to calculate this and determine your most appropriate zone. We can take control of this thing, and it's not nearly as hard as it seems when you first start. Good luck, and feel free to contact me directly if you need any support or advice. I am on the same Journey, but managed to stay fit for a very long time after a pudgy childhood. I simply forgot my body's natural tendencies and let them get away from me. There is no magic pill or potion, just diligence and determination. Best to you.

    Good Points above - simple and practical :)
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    DuncanAA wrote: »
    Make a solid plan with realistic goals write it down and stick to it.
    Prepare yourself to become very disciplined
    Take weekly a picture of your body, much better than a scale for short term motivation.
    Weigh yourself daily for the long term motivation, don't give any attention to the weight going up and down. That is mostly due to gaining and loosing water and feces.

    Get some things in order:
    - Start drinking water, a lot of it, nice goal is +3 liter a day, spread out over the day, your kidney's can handle a maximum of about 1 liter every hour.
    – Make sure you sleep well, 8 or 9 hours, if not, change what is preventing you from a good night rest.
    Blinds, new mattress, white noise generator, whatever.
    - Try to get rid if as much stress as possible, well can't give you any advice here, don't know anything about your life.
    - Relax now and then, If you have a busy job, make some time for yourself and do nothing.

    Start with kicking the really some habits like:
    – Junk food
    – Sugar in coffee or tea
    - Drinking soft drinks and juice
    - No more candy bars
    - No more alcohol

    Pick up some good habits:
    - Start logging your food intake
    - Sign up at a gym
    - Start eating clean food, gather recipes you like
    - Start eating smaller amounts per meal.
    - Start walking about 10.000 steps a day

    If you go to the gym two or three times a week, start off slowly! I know you will be very motivated in the beginning and want to hit the ground running. You probably will have an injury within a week or two. Do some cardio and weight lifting.

    You will probably gain weight! That is due to the muscles you are gaining, at your weight it is very easy to gain muscles, you want to have a bigger muscle mass:
    1) muscles, even if you don't use them they use energy (burn fat).
    2) They motivate loosing weight, as soon as you can feel these muscles but can't see them you will understand why.
    3) Your skin will look less flabby once you start loosing fat.
    4) As you have a high muscle mass you will sooner reach a healthy fat percentage.

    Start doing this for a about three months, the first month you will probably gain some weight and loose that amount in the next two months.

    After these three months, you are used to smaller size meals, are used to clean food, know what your calorie maintenance is, build up some muscle mass, sleep 8+ hours a night and are stress “free”.
    Now you are ready to create a calorie deficit, keep going to the gym for cardio and maintenance of your muscle mass. (you want to loose your fat, not your muscles).

    what a bunch of garbage advice! most of it wrong/totally unnecessary!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Mavrick_RN wrote: »
    DuncanAA wrote: »
    Make a solid plan with realistic goals write it down and stick to it.
    Prepare yourself to become very disciplined
    Take weekly a picture of your body, much better than a scale for short term motivation.
    Weigh yourself daily for the long term motivation, don't give any attention to the weight going up and down. That is mostly due to gaining and loosing water and feces.

    Get some things in order:
    - Start drinking water, a lot of it, nice goal is +3 liter a day, spread out over the day, your kidney's can handle a maximum of about 1 liter every hour.
    – Make sure you sleep well, 8 or 9 hours, if not, change what is preventing you from a good night rest.
    Blinds, new mattress, white noise generator, whatever.
    - Try to get rid if as much stress as possible, well can't give you any advice here, don't know anything about your life.
    - Relax now and then, If you have a busy job, make some time for yourself and do nothing.

    Start with kicking the really some habits like:
    – Junk food
    – Sugar in coffee or tea
    - Drinking soft drinks and juice
    - No more candy bars
    - No more alcohol

    Pick up some good habits:
    - Start logging your food intake
    - Sign up at a gym
    - Start eating clean food, gather recipes you like
    - Start eating smaller amounts per meal.
    - Start walking about 10.000 steps a day

    If you go to the gym two or three times a week, start off slowly! I know you will be very motivated in the beginning and want to hit the ground running. You probably will have an injury within a week or two. Do some cardio and weight lifting.

    You will probably gain weight! That is due to the muscles you are gaining, at your weight it is very easy to gain muscles, you want to have a bigger muscle mass:
    1) muscles, even if you don't use them they use energy (burn fat).
    2) They motivate loosing weight, as soon as you can feel these muscles but can't see them you will understand why.
    3) Your skin will look less flabby once you start loosing fat.
    4) As you have a high muscle mass you will sooner reach a healthy fat percentage.

    Start doing this for a about three months, the first month you will probably gain some weight and loose that amount in the next two months.

    After these three months, you are used to smaller size meals, are used to clean food, know what your calorie maintenance is, build up some muscle mass, sleep 8+ hours a night and are stress “free”.
    Now you are ready to create a calorie deficit, keep going to the gym for cardio and maintenance of your muscle mass. (you want to loose your fat, not your muscles).

    DO NOT FOLLOW THIS. Seriously??? A liter of fluid an hour????

    A lot of it is unwise and just plain wrong. Keep reading for better advice.

    Did you actually read the comment? "your kidney's can handle a maximum of about 1 liter every hour." (Emphasis mine)

    There's a bit that's wrong (weight gain due to exercise is more likely to be water retention, usefulness of "clean" food is arguable) but it's mostly solid. Just a lot at once.

    OP, I'd suggest simply weighing and logging everything you eat for a week or so. It's a damn pain, but it does get easier with practice. And it will help you become more aware of portion size and how much you've been eating. That will help you figure out what changes you want to start with.
  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    ^Beat me to it!

    OP all you need to do is plug your stats into the calculator to get your calorie goal then be careful with logging. Weigh and measure what you can, don't guess. Take a long-term view and try to add some exercise now/later, when you can. Read the stickies if you have time. All it takes is persistence - don't let the odd bad day set you back, just move on and stick with the plan. Good luck!