I need to lose 100+ lbs. and I have 13 months to do it!


I am going on more trips next year and I want to feel GREAT about myself! I HATE my arms! I am 35 and I sometimes feel like I am 50! I don't know what I should do, eating wise! I need to change bad habits! I eat out too much, drink pop (diet coke is my weakness) and I love sweets! I just don't know if I should try for LOW carbs, replacement meal shakes, etc. ANy ideas? I need help! I say I have 13 months to lose weight because I am going on a cruise next year! but I want to lose weight for MANY reasons! It is always my new year's goal!! Thank everyone! Please add me! I am from Utah, stay-at-home mom to two boys and I have a wonderful husband!


  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    I'm going on a cruise in November and feel the same way! 100 lbs in 13 months is a tough goal, counting on 2 lbs a week is very tough to maintain.
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Don't mean to sound snarky but you say you feel like you are 50 sometimes ? You nailed it on what you need to do to change.
    No fad whatever. Just get serious with CICO. Weigh and measure everything you eat. 2 lbs a week is possible, especially at first but not long term. Go for 50 lbs overall which is much more reasonable and you will feel much better !
    I am 58. Have lost 49 lbs and at my goal for two years now. And I feel about 45. Good luck. :)
  • sosteach
    sosteach Posts: 260 Member
    I agree with the other posters. USE mfp to record everything and eat real food to keep it sustainable.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    Here's my best advice:

    1. Buy a food scale if you don't already have one. Log everything you eat consistently for a week or two. Be sure to weigh your solids and measure your liquids so you are getting accurate calorie counts. After you have that down move on to step two.

    2. Set up MFP with a reasonable deficit. 2 lbs a week may be reasonable if you have a lot to lose, but keep in mind that will mean cutting back by 1000 calories a day below what your body needs to sustain your weight. In short, this will mean eating very differently than how you have been eating and may be difficult to sustain. You can always try it for a couple of weeks and if you find you are having trouble sticking to it lower your goal so you can eat more calories.

    3. Go over the data from step one and figure out what you can change or modify in order to meet your calorie goals. You don't want to make short term changes, but long term ones that you are willing to live with. Maybe the answer is lowering your intake of sweets or swapping high calorie beverages for something else or eating more veggies. You won't know until you've logged consistently for a couple of weeks to know what your eating habits are like now. You'd be surprised at what logging will reveal.

    Most of all, take things a day at a time. There will be set backs, there will be bad days, and the weight isn't going to come off overnight, but if you commit to it the weight will come off. You can do this. Just a day at a time and a pound at a time
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    i did low carb high fat (LCHF) and lost 120 pounds in 10 months. look into it
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    everyone else already jumped in with great advice...good news is your diet coke (your biggest weakness?) is 0 calories so no reason to dump that!