Stay-at-home-moms 2/2-2/8



  • Good Morning Mommies,

    How is everyone doing this morning? The 10 yr old woke up this morning with a scratchy throat and coughing some, I did send him to school with some cough drops so we will see if I get a call or not. He seem in a pretty good mood by the time chores were over with so will see. I heard Elizabeth (2yr old) coughing some last night also so I suppose we are in for a round of the crud:ohwell: :grumble: . I am off to go pay some bills but will check back later.

    Have a great day :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Morning girls!

    abetterme - My boys have had coughs and runny noses for a week. My oldest I think is at the end of it and I'm pretty sure it's just allergies here but I absolutely hate when they're sick.

    So I'm feeling pretty sore from yesterdays workout. I kind of like the shred but I get bored with it. Plus it's a lot of impact on my knee. I think I may try something different today. I've got a pilates dvd lying around here somewhere.

    I live in a super small town and we don't have a gym but I would go if we did. :grumble:

    Anyway, I'll check back in later.
  • :smile: hi im joleen i just joined today
  • Good Morning Ladies!!

    Back at it today after a week off due to injury. I got my first good workout in and it is amazing how much better I feel now (plus I get to eat more :laugh: )

    Have a wonderful Tuesday and I will try to get caught up soon.

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey Moms--

    Welcome Joleen, and all the other newbies I've been too flippin' busy to see and meet. Life remains the same around here-- read hectic as all get out. Busy, chaotic-- but, whaddyagonnado?

    We're almost done with our round of crud, to quote abetterme-- it seems to go around a couple times before it leaves. I ended with the sinus infection portion of it, but nothing major--

    Trying to re-focus on Slim-Fast. Bought it over the weekend to jumpstart my stagnant metabolism. I just let two months go by, and now I'm 4 months to goal with 20 pounds to lose-- let's go body, drop the #$!! weight already! So, gonna SlimFast it for a while, and change my exercise for a couple weeks. We'll see what happens--

    Must run-- MM adorable bed!!!!
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning everyone! And welcome to the new faces!!:flowerforyou: Well, their new faces to me anyway:wink: Sorry I havent been able to check in much lately, Ive been so busy around here and although Im keeping up with logging my calories and exercise, dont have alot of time for much else on here:ohwell:
    MM-The bed is looking sooo awesome! What a great job, you should feel very proud:flowerforyou: And good luck to you with raising the funds for the adoption, I will be keeping my fingers crossed and praying that it all goes well for you:heart:
    Well, Im sorry that I dont have alot of time again this morning. I will try and catch up later on. Gotta go get my workout in and start some cleaning and laundry! Take care everyone and have a beautiful day!:flowerforyou:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Morning ladies...just wanted to jump in and say hello before I go do my workout.
    Roni nice to see you again, and Marla I hope all illness leaves you and your home soon.
    Abetterme-I hope the crud doesn't stay to long. My son has had an evening cough for weeks now but it's not progressing to anything more. Hubby has been sick off and on all winter...typical for him :grumble: . Daughter has a snotty nose but I don't know if its cold or teething.
    Farmgirl glad you are back and healed or still healing either way. Happy you got your workout back.

    Gotta run....I have a real bad attitude about working out today so I'm gonna force myself, hopefully I'll feel better when I'm done.
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Welcome newbies!!! It's a great site and wonderful people!!:flowerforyou:

    Well I am not doing so well today! I haven't worked out and I didn't eat very well for lunch. I did do well this morning with a smart one breakfast sandwich and the for a snack I had a chocolate oat fiber one bar. Then lunch came around and I had chicken flavored Ramen Noodles. I have been craving pasta lately!! Not sure why and to top it all off Alfredo, which is so bad for ya. I just can't seem to get back into the groove of things. I am all over the place. I don't want to gain my weight back, but I want to eat whatever and drink my pop again. Has anyone ever gone through this only weeks into this new lifestyle change??

    I am just really struggling right now!!::frown:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Must see TV--

    Have fun, moms!!
  • Hello Moms !!! How are you all doing today? I am doing pretty good except for the snow and being miserable from TOM so I dont think I am gonna workout today DARN IT.... So light eating for me today. I love tax time cause we always get money but dang I hate waiting for it, our tv blew up so I need taxes to replace this dinky one I have now.....

    Cali my 6 year old has me puzzled lately she has been complaining of a belly ache daily and running a on and off temp of 100 .. It has been 3 days now not sure what to do?

    Well Mommies have a great day!!
  • Hello ladies! face6.gif Newbie (just joined yesterday!)
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    MrsBuzz what you are going thru is least I think it is. Your body is accustomed to eating certain things and you have taken those things out so it's going to crave them. I don't think it's a bad thing to give into cravings as long as it is done sensibly. You can have pasta just don't drowned it in Alfredo sauce (by the way I feel ya here I wanna go to Olive Garden for their Chiken Fettucinni Alfredo SO BAD!!!). When it comes to soda, I make sure I've had my 64 ozs FIRST and then I allow myself a of course. I know you have been very busy with your house, and eating right and exercise take a lot of mental strength, focus and planning. Your mind has been elsewhere. You just need to rethink your reasons for changin your habits and decide why its so important and then get back to it. If you need to ease into it, then do so....start with exercise or watching what you eat. However you wanna approach it. Remember this is YOUR life, you have to do what makes sense for you otherwise you aren't going to continue. Small steps still get you where you are going!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Marla thanks for posting that...I've seen it before but I needed the smile. THANKS
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    Must see TV--

    Have fun, moms!!

    that was awesome :laugh:
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    MrsBuzz what you are going thru is least I think it is. Your body is accustomed to eating certain things and you have taken those things out so it's going to crave them. I don't think it's a bad thing to give into cravings as long as it is done sensibly. You can have pasta just don't drowned it in Alfredo sauce (by the way I feel ya here I wanna go to Olive Garden for their Chiken Fettucinni Alfredo SO BAD!!!). When it comes to soda, I make sure I've had my 64 ozs FIRST and then I allow myself a of course. I know you have been very busy with your house, and eating right and exercise take a lot of mental strength, focus and planning. Your mind has been elsewhere. You just need to rethink your reasons for changin your habits and decide why its so important and then get back to it. If you need to ease into it, then do so....start with exercise or watching what you eat. However you wanna approach it. Remember this is YOUR life, you have to do what makes sense for you otherwise you aren't going to continue. Small steps still get you where you are going!

    Thanks for your support!! I know I am probably making excuses and I just need to get back on the wagon. But it's nice to have your support.!!:flowerforyou:
  • Morning Ladies!!

    I skipped working out yesterday, my knee just needed an extra rest. Hopefully today I can get back into the swing of things.
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Things are starting to look up!! :bigsmile:

    I did my workout today and plan on doing some other little workouts. Now trying to stick to my eating would be nice.!!

    Thanks to all who have been there for me. I am sure I will fall down again, but it's nice to know that I have a group of awesome women to help me back up!!:heart:

    Thanks again!!:flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Morning gang-- frustrated with my one pound yo-yo that is giving me fits-- one week one pound up, next week one pound down, next week one pound up. Arrggghhh. I hope my body's not telling me I'm at what it thinks is my ideal weight, because I'm not satisfied with that.

    We'll see how Slim-Fast and different exercises do this week. I'm going to run/walk instead of taebo/turbo and see how things go-- or maybe throw in a 20 minute turbo with the running. I definitely need to shake up this metabolism.

    Beautiful day here in New Jersey-- cold, snowy, sunny-- lovely. I have a beautiful view out my window of a snow covered corn field, so that will keep me cheered as I get my typing done today--

    God bless us all this day, my friends--
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Is slim fast a good thing to add into my diet. I am not much of a breakfast person, but sometimes I need a filler.

    What do you all think??
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Morning ladies.

    Marla it's going to be a lovely 45 degrees here today. Planning on getting out and walking today. Somedays I really miss the 4 feet + of snow during the winter that I grew up with but then again, going for a walk in February and not freezing my butt off is nice too :smile:

    Mrsbuzz-if breakfast isn't your thing but you need something to get your metabolism moving in the morning than Slim Fast might be the thing for you. I tried it for a while but I got to the point where I needed something to chew. Try it and see what you think. I liked the Chocolate and the Strawberry. If I recall the mocha or the cappucinno ones weren't that great.

    Well I have really been fighting with lack of motivation this week and the scale is definately proof of that. I'm BARELY staying in my calories and I'm barely getting in my workouts. Last week I was eating great and doing 2 or 3 workouts a day and this week BLAH!!! I don't wanna do anything. I would say it's TOM but I haven't had that since I got pregnant. I had an IUD put in at my 6 week check up and I haven't bled since (sorry if TMI). My point is that hormonally I may be going thru TOM but since I haven't kept track of my "emotional" days I don't know if that's what this is or not. But I want to eat everything....cookie dough, pasta, bread, CHOCOLATE, fried chicken....UGH!!! I've done pretty good about staying away from all of it but I am really struggling. I'm just praying I make it thru the week and next week is better. I'm off to do my workout...or at least attempt to do my workout :grumble:
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