Anyone doing intermittent fasting?

cranda58 Posts: 11
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
If this is a new concept to you and you want to know more, here is a pretty good overview:

The basic premise is incorporating periods of fasting into your diet, either daily for 16-20 hours or 1-2x a week 24 hour fasting periods. Even though from a first glance it seems to go against everything typical diets and weight loss methods preach, I've been doing some research and I've only found good things about this plan not only for burning fat, but also for overall health.

I just read the ebook "Eat, Stop, Eat" and it makes a lot of sense... I think I'm going to give it a try and see what kind of results I get and was just wondering if anyone else has tried it and what kind of results they are seeing.


  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
  • rkascak
    rkascak Posts: 224 Member
    that sound kinda crazy, this one guy put it quite well

    "A tip to avoid putting your body into starvation and keep your hunger satisfied is to eat every 2-3 hours, even if its just somethin small, also keep the protein up, drink lots of water, and keep exercising and you should be fine. Your body will let you know if you are in need of more calories, give it a shot and if you don't feel good or arn't seeing results, make some changes... Don't stress too much about it, keep workin and you'll find a groove."

    Now that sounds better

    im not saying the fasting idea wouldnt work, just doesnt seem good at all... my boyfriend would kill me if I didnt eat for 16 hours straight
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    I do IF daily, have gotten great results. Lost 5inches from my stomach, and dropped 17% bodyfat in 2 months. Email me if you want more info. I know how these forums get. So I probably won't be back here.
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    So, what did you think of Brad? One of the trainers here does ESE, and he's seen some great results... I've done a few, usually, I try once a week, it's hard because I'm actually a T1 diabetic so there are days if I don't adjust my insulin right, I NEED to eat..
  • SaiKami
    SaiKami Posts: 2
    No and that sounds like a terrible idea. Obviously you can do what you want and no one can stop you but in my opinion that doesn't sound safe healthy or smart. I'm not 'dieting' or anything just not smoking, exercising the amount of calories I ate the day before (or mostly trying to) and so far, so good. It feels natural and as Margaret Cho once did, I haven't pooped my pants while driving cuz' I wanted to be skinny.
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    I do IF daily, have gotten great results. Lost 5inches from my stomach, and dropped 17% bodyfat in 2 months. Email me if you want more info. I know how these forums get. So I probably won't be back here.

    Do you mind me asking? Why are you using Shawn Phillip's pic as yours?. I've met both Shawn and Bill, so I KNOW that's not you...
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    I do IF daily, have gotten great results. Lost 5inches from my stomach, and dropped 17% bodyfat in 2 months. Email me if you want more info. I know how these forums get. So I probably won't be back here.

    Do you mind me asking? Why are you using Shawn Phillip's pic as yours?. I've met both Shawn and Bill, so I KNOW that's not you...

    Where does it say "TIS ME?" I have stated on other forum topics it's shawn phillips. I also have used arnolds picture, and the hulk. Do you think the post above yours, is her picture?
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    that sound kinda crazy, this one guy put it quite well

    "A tip to avoid putting your body into starvation and keep your hunger satisfied is to eat every 2-3 hours, even if its just somethin small, also keep the protein up, drink lots of water, and keep exercising and you should be fine. Your body will let you know if you are in need of more calories, give it a shot and if you don't feel good or arn't seeing results, make some changes... Don't stress too much about it, keep workin and you'll find a groove."

    Now that sounds better

    im not saying the fasting idea wouldnt work, just doesnt seem good at all... my boyfriend would kill me if I didnt eat for 16 hours straight

    The quote you have there is total BS, BTW. You need to be without any food for about 3 days before starvation mode kicks in, studies have confirmed this.
  • georgiag111
    georgiag111 Posts: 424
    I do IF daily, have gotten great results. Lost 5inches from my stomach, and dropped 17% bodyfat in 2 months. Email me if you want more info. I know how these forums get. So I probably won't be back here.

    Do you mind me asking? Why are you using Shawn Phillip's pic as yours?. I've met both Shawn and Bill, so I KNOW that's not you...

    Honestly ALOT of people on this site uses pictures that is not them self - alot uses them for motivation or goals on how they want to look or others use pictures because they dont want there pictures on the internet or to share them
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    that sound kinda crazy, this one guy put it quite well

    "A tip to avoid putting your body into starvation and keep your hunger satisfied is to eat every 2-3 hours, even if its just somethin small, also keep the protein up, drink lots of water, and keep exercising and you should be fine. Your body will let you know if you are in need of more calories, give it a shot and if you don't feel good or arn't seeing results, make some changes... Don't stress too much about it, keep workin and you'll find a groove."

    Now that sounds better

    im not saying the fasting idea wouldnt work, just doesnt seem good at all... my boyfriend would kill me if I didnt eat for 16 hours straight

    The quote you have there is total BS, BTW. You need to be without any food for about 3 days before starvation mode kicks in, studies have confirmed this.

    I didn't want to say anything to that poster, but yeah you're right. 72hrs.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I like the 24-hour fasts best, but I also like to do 12-hour fasts daily. (Easy with my overnight shifts. Stop eating at 3am, start again at 3pm.)

    I like to fast once a week, but I haven't been the past few weeks for personal reasons. Starting back up this week. [:
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    I do IF daily, have gotten great results. Lost 5inches from my stomach, and dropped 17% bodyfat in 2 months. Email me if you want more info. I know how these forums get. So I probably won't be back here.

    Do you mind me asking? Why are you using Shawn Phillip's pic as yours?. I've met both Shawn and Bill, so I KNOW that's not you...

    Just checkin'. A lot of people weren't around in the "hey day" of BFL or Absolution to know who either of these men are...

    Where does it say "TIS ME?" I have stated on other forum topics it's shawn phillips. I also have used arnolds picture, and the hulk. Do you think the post above yours, is her picture?
  • I do a 24hr fast once a week and it seems to work for me and certainly hasn't caused me any problems.

    For me the whole starvation mode stuff comes from insulin resistance, there is research to suggest eating little and often helps to control hunger, but from what I can tell that is from a high reliance on carbs which can spike insulin which in turn ultimately results in hunger once the level of blood sugar drops.

    The idea that your body will go in to some sort of panic mode because you haven't eaten for a few hours is frankly ridiculous, if it was the case it would freak out every night when you were asleep for 6 hours (plus the 3-4 hours since you ate your evening meal). As with lots of things with regard to diet the data has either been misread or more likely misunderstood.

    I eat a high protein breakfast and then generally don't eat until late afternoon/evening. It's not for everybody but it suits me.

    Just for the record my profile picture is not me...
  • porkchop84
    porkchop84 Posts: 5 Member
    For a while I was fasting every Monday and got great results. It helped put me in the right state of mind for the week, and I loved how light and thin I felt after just one day.

    I haven't seen any research showing that a 24 hour fast has any ill health effects; if anyone else has, please post. My sense is that remaining overweight has much more serious health consequences than going without food for a day here and there.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    For a while I was fasting every Monday and got great results. It helped put me in the right state of mind for the week, and I loved how light and thin I felt after just one day.

    I haven't seen any research showing that a 24 hour fast has any ill health effects; if anyone else has, please post. My sense is that remaining overweight has much more serious health consequences than going without food for a day here and there.

    How much weight did you lose over all a week- did it add to what you would have already lost anyway?

    Am thinking of giving it a try just once a week for the next 4/5 weeks so I can get rid of the last few lb before my holiday.

    I just don't want it to all pile on straight away afterwards - I would only consider doing the 24 hour one where you have dinner, sleep, then wait until dinner the following day to eat.

    Also what kind of teas fill you up best as I know I would have to drink a lot to stop feeling hungry!
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    If this is a new concept to you and you want to know more, here is a pretty good overview:

    The basic premise is incorporating periods of fasting into your diet, either daily for 16-20 hours or 1-2x a week 24 hour fasting periods. Even though from a first glance it seems to go against everything typical diets and weight loss methods preach, I've been doing some research and I've only found good things about this plan not only for burning fat, but also for overall health.

    I just read the ebook "Eat, Stop, Eat" and it makes a lot of sense... I think I'm going to give it a try and see what kind of results I get and was just wondering if anyone else has tried it and what kind of results they are seeing.

    Huge fan of IF. I've been doing it exclusively for 4.5 months. I've lost 44.8 lbs in that time span and over 10% body fat.

    Just understand it's not magic. You still need to track calories and macros and eat at a deficit. But having huge meals is a plus and I enjoy training on an empty stomach.

    My feed window is from noon to 8PM.
  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member
    I started doing IF on monday, and fast from 8pm until noon the following day (16hrs) having finished eating at 8pm, I easily make it through the night until I get up at about 6am, an that is 10 hours into my fast. The additional 6 hours is quite easy (so far) as I am so busy getting the kids and myself ready and out of the house the time flies by.

    I have started a blog where I am diarising my feelings, thoughts and progress daily. I call it an experiment as I am new to this, and was maybe a bit sceptical so thought I'd give it a try, and if things do not work out I can adapt or change the plan to what works for me. Feel free to have a look, I'll attach the link

    I have read up on this and there is a lot of studies backing up fasting, but I think people need to try it before they write it off. So far it has been a positive experience for me, but I'll withold full judgement for a week or two when I shall post my results and see how I feel.
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    One of my favorite podcasters did an episode on this awhile back.
  • LizC26
    LizC26 Posts: 319 Member
    I do I.F. && yeah you're gonna get blasted on these forums for that..HAHA...but it's worked out great for me so far, && it seems much more natural and easier to do than force myself to eat something small every 2-3 hrs....Feel free to add me, I'd love some friends that actually understood :)
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    that sound kinda crazy, this one guy put it quite well

    "A tip to avoid putting your body into starvation and keep your hunger satisfied is to eat every 2-3 hours, even if its just somethin small, also keep the protein up, drink lots of water, and keep exercising and you should be fine. Your body will let you know if you are in need of more calories, give it a shot and if you don't feel good or arn't seeing results, make some changes... Don't stress too much about it, keep workin and you'll find a groove."

    Now that sounds better

    im not saying the fasting idea wouldnt work, just doesnt seem good at all... my boyfriend would kill me if I didnt eat for 16 hours straight

    The quote you have there is total BS, BTW. You need to be without any food for about 3 days before starvation mode kicks in, studies have confirmed this.

    I didn't want to say anything to that poster, but yeah you're right. 72hrs.

    Ditto. Plenty of research evidence for the Eat Stop Eat type of fasting's benefits. none for the eat every 2-3 hours.

    I have done ESE since December last year when I found out about it. I didn't do it the past 2 weeks while I was camping due to lack of water to drink since the campground water tasted like a pool. Now that I am home I am back at it just coming off a day fast yesterday. I do one or two 24 hour or so fasts a week, basically eating supper then fasting until supper the next day. I did a slightly longer one yesterday since I had been eating until about 11:30PM Monday so I kept fasting until breakfast today.
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