Daily calorie goal to lose - changes with exercise?

I walk enough to burn 500 calories - my goal for calories increase by that 500.
If I am on a 1,500 calorie plan - does this mean I can eat 2,000 calories and still lose weight? or do i stick to the 1,500 and ignore whatever I burn exercising?


  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    ​Please see this article, and search for answers to Frequently Asked Questions and other helpful articles, on the MFP Help/FAQ pages...

  • lpnrn
    lpnrn Posts: 1 Member
    kathie6251 wrote: »
    I walk enough to burn 500 calories - my goal for calories increase by that 500.
    If I am on a 1,500 calorie plan - does this mean I can eat 2,000 calories and still lose weight? or do i stick to the 1,500 and ignore whatever I burn exercising?

    You need to add the 500 calories burned. You will eat 2000. If is to low of calorie you will get headaches and will not function properly. Good luck.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    kathie6251 wrote: »
    I walk enough to burn 500 calories - my goal for calories increase by that 500.
    If I am on a 1,500 calorie plan - does this mean I can eat 2,000 calories and still lose weight? or do i stick to the 1,500 and ignore whatever I burn exercising?

    Make sure you actually walked enough to burn 500 calories... that's 2 hours or 6-8 miles
  • david_1988
    david_1988 Posts: 9 Member
    That's the idea, but keep in mind that the calorie burned estimates from MFP are estimates and aren't 100% accurate. The general suggestion from people is that you should 'eat back' half of the calories it says you've burned.

    Personally, I just don't bother entering steps or workouts into MFP at all. Instead, I'd used a TDEE calculator[1] and set a calorie goal based on that.

    [1] like: https://tdeecalculator.net
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    exercise calories are not always accurate so I would eat back maybe half of them for a little while and see how it goes. I personally do not eat back more than 200ish of my exercise calories as I do not weigh and measure everything that goes into my mouth so I leave plenty of room for error in my calories to make up for it. I have been doing it that way for 6 months now, down 60lbs so it works for me, may not work for others tho. Now when there are adult beverages to involved I will work out extra to make room for those beverages B)