Some guidance would be appreciated

Hi - My name is Katherine. I am new to this group and hope that some of you can assist me in keeping on track. I started this journey about 18 months ago. All went well in the beginning with me losing about 15 pounds before plateauing. The up side was that I lost inches off my stomach and toned my arms and legs. I was rowing about 3000 meters a day 3 times per week and doing kettle bell workout 2 times per week. Then my son's wedding came and things got busy. I didn't keep as close an eye on what I was eating and exercise - well who had time for that. Then when I started back into it - I tore my Achilles' tendon. This along with being diagnosed as gluten intolerant, has tossed my weight loss/exercise program into disarray. I am now almost a full year after the Achilles injury and although I rehabbed, it still pains quite often. This limits what I can do. I am gaining weight although I watch what I eat. I am incredibly frustrated with the total lack of progress. I don't want to be the loose overweight 51 year old. I want better for me. The change in diet has helped tremendously but the gluten free food has WAY more calories. I find myself avoiding all starches. What I wonder is how can I possibly be successful in weight loss if I can't work out on a regular basis. The doctor has said the slow healing and fluid on my foot is just because I am older, and this is likely as good as it will get. That is disappointing to say the least. Any help or inspiration would be appreciated.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    Welcome. Start by logging your food. You may want to spend $20 on a digital food scale, I am on my third one in ten years and it's an invaluable tool.

    I think I could eat gluten free, just glad I don't have to...but there are lots of recipes online.

    What does your physical therapist say about the tendon? Don't give up, I'm sure there is a way to restore function - hopefully you will keep after them until you find it.

  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    [quote=" The doctor has said the slow healing and fluid on my foot is just because I am older, and this is likely as good as it will get.[/quote]

    This is such a lazy response. Have you considered going to a sports medicine clinic?
    BTW- Welcome, Katherine!

  • Macy9336
    Macy9336 Posts: 694 Member
    I agree with Heather, you should see a specialist and a physiotherapist about your foot and Achilles' tendon.
  • ZephieC
    ZephieC Posts: 162 Member
    Thankfully exercise is not a deal breaker to lose weight. It helps but you can certainly work within your limits.
    I had to do GF eating for a year and half. (my digestion is bad) Thankfully I am back to normal eating but there are lots of things you can do to manage. GF doesn't have to be high calories. I love the website The Minimalist Baker. She does lots of vegan, GF foods that are simple and actually taste good. Personally I focus on fruits, veggies, lean proteins and dairy. No gluten to worry about in those as a rule. Try replacing pasta with spaghetti squash. It is actually really good. My mother in law hates squash but liked it. I toss it with regular tomato or alfredo sauce. You have gone through a lot of changes so there is a lot to adjust to. Don't be too hard on yourself. If you aren't weighing your food that is a great place to start. Cups and spoons aren't always the most accurate and the calories sneak up so portion control is key. Small steps add up to great change so keep with it!
  • mom22boysca
    mom22boysca Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the help. I have been weighing my food for about a year. It does help with portion control. I think I just go really down when I injured my foot. I have seen a physiotherapist and have done the rehab, but it still gives me grief. I did a short kettle bell workout this morning and will seek to increase it each day and see how that works. I will contact the physio again and see if it is okay to start rowing slowly. As to the gluten free - it never occurred to me to use gluten free vegan recipes! Great idea! I will continue to log my food, watch my portions and try to build my muscles back up. Baby steps.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,482 Member
    Just on the injury. I'm 67. I want to stay active. Injuries are unavoidable for most active folks.

    But I have to stop the pain in my foot from taking over my brain. Because when it does, I end up on the couch.

    Agree that exercise is not the key to weight loss. But exercise may be the key to a positive attitude. Look on YouTube. Bet there are 100 workouts you can work with. I haven't looked but you could likely google workouts for torn Achilles and find something. Keep moving.