Quick Weight Loss

What are some really good diets that help you loose weight quickly? I know weight loss takes time and patience but with certain diets, you can loose up to 12 pounds in two weeks.


  • All those fad diets do is cause you to lose water weight. Which is great and everything....but the real goal should be to lose fat. Which takes time.
  • blynnblair
    blynnblair Posts: 274 Member
    Slow and steady will win this race, not fast and furious. You can try a fad diet but as soon as you stop the weight will come right back..good luck!
  • mommachef
    mommachef Posts: 52
    Agreed--fad diets work for a short time, but the long term results do not bear out.

    Friends have started noticing my weight loss and asking what I've done. I joke with them that I am following this revolutionary new plan--it's called EAT LESS and EXERCISE MORE. LOL!