Worried about looks after weight loss!



  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
    I had lost 110 but gained back 40 and yes I have loose skin on my inner thighs and upper arms. I hate it but I'm gonna continue losing cuz I'd still rather be healthy and I hope one day maybe I can get the excess skin removed once I reach my goal weight.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,387 Member
    Lost around 60 pounds (1/3 of my body weight - to 120lbs at 5'5") and don't have a huge amount of loose skin . . . and I'm 61years old. There's some when I'm in plank position with torso bare, a little on inner thigh, etc , but nothing that's obvious under clothing. Mine kept shrinking over at least the first year of maintenance, too.

    One caveat: True loose skin is thin, like folds of fabric. Pull up a pinch of skin on some body part with a minimal fat layer, like the back of your hand: Not thick.

    Bigger folds on the body, like 1/2" thick or more, are skin with some remaining squishy subcutaneous fat underneath. Sadly, we don't lose fat starting from the outermost layer, then proceeding neatly to successively more inner layers. Fat cells may deplete anywhere within the fat mass as we lose, making the fatty area more squishy or droopy. (Think about a water balloon with only a little water in it but no air - droopy/squishy- compared to a water balloon that's plumply full of water - holds its shape.)

    If you reach goal weight and still have some squishy-fat left, consider recomposition: Lifting weights to add muscle and slowly reduce fat while eating at maintenance calories.

    Regardless, we pretty much all look and feel so much better without the excess weight that a little loose skin pales as an issue in comparison.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    I have some on my tummy. When I was 33 I lost 80lb. In a high waisted bikini it's hidden. My husband doesn't care about it and he is the only person besides me who sees it.
  • LadyLilion
    LadyLilion Posts: 276 Member
    I'm more worried about my face. I have friends who lost quite a bit and where they previously had firm faces, they now have lines and sagginess. We're talking 100 lbs...not 50, but still. I hate the thought of having wrinkles because my fat is no longer filling them out.
  • doittoitgirl
    doittoitgirl Posts: 157 Member
    Honestly you probably won't know til you lose it and if you're predisposed to it theres not much to do except losing weight at a steady pace and exercising. Some people get saggy skin from 50lbs at 26 and some people dont get any after 75lbs at 50. It's your genes (and possibly skincare if you don't take care of your skin like using sunscreen). Just worry about being healthy. I'd rather be a healthy weight with bingo wings than overweight with no loose skin.