Summer Slim Down Group

tomscudero Posts: 29 Member
edited June 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
My friends and I started an exercise group at work. Well, actually, it kind of just evolved into a group.

Anyway, it's been so much fun and going really well. I have had so many people asking about it, that I decided to start a "Summer Slim Down Challenge"

You choose your program based on your present fitness level and goals. I will be happy to assist with that. It doesn't matter if your a beginner or a pro. And workouts can be done right from your home at any time that is convenient for you.

I will be happy to help guide everyone through and be there for support. We can get in better shape, motivating each other and have some fun doing it!

Who's up for the challenge?

Message me!


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Can you give us some more information please? This is a bit vague. You said we choose the workout, but they're done at home?
  • tomscudero
    tomscudero Posts: 29 Member
    Sure. People in the group follow programs of their choice. They can be done at home. But that's personal preference. I prefer weight training and do that mostly at the gym. I have some equipment home I use on the weekends. Others Run or cycle. Some do Insanity or P90X DVDs from home.

    Point of the group is really just to share exercise and nutrition ideas, motivate and support.