A win-win activity for weight loss!

I have had great fun in the garden for the last few days planting yummy vegetables! I didn't really realise at the time how intense this can be as an exercise though, until I got my fitbit. So this is a great win-win situation for weight loss: having fresh, healthy vegetables you grow yourself, after burning calories to grow them! :)
What do you grow? My favourites are carrots and potatoes :p


  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    Peas, carrots, tomatoes, onions, and squash are my favourites to grow.

    And I totally agree on the win win situation with growing a garden. So many calories burned to earn yummy veggies!
  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    Yes, gardening is win win, and even more win :) Exercise, fresh veggies, being on a fresh air, getting sunshine, exercising patience - all in one activity :)

    Zucchinis and cucumbers are great to plant since you can have them in abundance from 3-4 plants.
    Tomatoes are a must have in my area :) Beefsteak, plum, cherrie, red, yellow...we love them all! For me, they are great light dinner on their own with a slice of hard cheese.
    Paprika is also one of must haves in my area. One of my favorite salads is grilled paprika.
    Eggplant is great to grow although I am bad at preparing it.
    Lettuce is pretty easy to grow and great quick salad.
    Corn is great support for beans and make delicious grill for summer evenings.

    Melons and watermelons are great for fruit lovers and hot summers :) I love to slice them into cubes, leave it in the fridge and take it as a snack when going to the beach.

  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    I love radish. They always grow and do well and add a crispy spicy bite. Also see to veggie us about 6 weeks.
  • LonghornGirlNC
    LonghornGirlNC Posts: 28 Member
    We grow a few veggies (tomatoes, peppers and squash), but we have several flower beds and plantings all around our one-acre yard. Agree with all comments above. Gardening is a great form of exercise with so many benefits!
  • TarahByte
    TarahByte Posts: 125 Member
    I quit doing vegetable gardens because I was the only one that ate the stuff and it actually cost more than buying the vegetables for one person, BUT I'm going to plant Jack-be-little pumpkins this summer just for the fun of it and because I love Halloween.

    I do have a Meyer lemon tree that I got this year though and it's thriving.

    Now I think I need to make some sort of greenhouse for my lemon tree and all of my hibiscuses this year before winter.
  • lksmeeton
    lksmeeton Posts: 45 Member
    I'm in Kansas. We have tomatoes, squash, green beans, green peppers, okra, cucumbers, cantelope, and watermelon. I love to garden except for the weeding part!
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    Tomatoes, peas and mini bell peppers.
  • lzbthcwik182
    lzbthcwik182 Posts: 12 Member
    Tomatoes and peppers are in. Will plant beans, beets and carrots mid summer. Lettuce and peas in August for a fall crop