So, I am pretty sad after convo with friend..(long)

Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
So I have this friend that I met in college. We hit it off as friends almost right away and have been friends since then. Perhaps 11ish years now. We had some success together and then went our separate ways come job time. Then about 5 years ago I had the opportunity to work at the same place as him and took it. However that went sour because of the manager we worked for and I left. This is when it starts to get a bit more interesting.

After that, I had the opportunity to try and work on a project myself without actually having a job. Working on a video game essentially. I tried to get him interested in working on the project with me (as well as other friends) but he always had excuses for filling up his weekend free time and was too tired after work. This sucked for me as i was really hoping he would want to get involved, especially after he expressed initial interest. I even tried to include his wife so that he wouldnt be apart from his family during this time.

While working on the project, I continued to try and see if he was interested, however he would always try and push the ideas towards something he wanted to do instead of joining my project. Essentially trying to coop my opportunity into something he wanted instead of joining my project as an opportunity. Its because of this that i just let the idea that he would join in on it go. after that point, 6 months later if he asked about how it was going, I just gave no information and shut him out as he clearly wasnt interested when I previously needed him. Maybe i could have tried more to include him but even at these times when he asked about it, he immediately would turn the conversation towards his idea.

As time went on, it became quite clear in how he was talking with me that he was becoming intensely jealous that I didnt have to work a day job while working on the project. (i was using my savings to work on it full time). I would start to get snide comments from him now and then about what a sweet life it must be. ect ect..

During this period I was trying to also change the way I think about life and dealing with situations. Instead of trying to take and view the downside of everything, the glass is half empty all the time. I started to work on switching my brains way of thinking to be more positive. Focus on the good, learn from the bad but dont focus on it in a way that makes you depressed.

He has always been a VERY depressed person. Always taking the downside view of things.

Now I am at the point where I am going back to work and he sent me a msg and got to talkin a bit this past week. today he brought up that he is depressed about always missing opportunities (like bitcoin, buying stocks ect..). And I was trying to be a friend and motivate him to see the bright side of things. When he sees an opportunity he needs to jump on it and run with it, put effort, conviction and drive into his opportunities, not just mentally (which he has the drive for) but also in putting the work in to make the opportunities a reality. I used the example of the video game project where he seemed to mentally at first be interested but never actually wanted to put the work in. THIS was my mistake.

He then took this as an attack at him instead of me trying to be a helpful, motivating friend. He then spent the next hour trying to argue with me about how things went down. How it was my fault I didnt force him to work on it during the weekends. And then in the next breathe saying that me asking for him to work on the weekends for the project was an unreasonable DEMAND (lol if you are too tired after work each night, when COULD you work on something other than the weekend?). I expressly said to him several times that I am not trying to argue, That its all in the past and unchangeable, that im trying to use it as an example of motivation. He then said I was pinning it all on him why he missed the opportunity. I could see that he was becoming irrational and knew nothing would come out of this but bad news. I told him to have a great day and ended the conversation at which point he threw my words back at me (obviously in an attempt to piss me off/hurt my feelings).

Now, I feel like im losing or even have already lost a friend. I feel like his jealousy of him hating his job and me not having to work for a while has driven a solid wedge through the friendship. I know i cant express everything here, but ..

What do you guys think about this? Even if you think I am wrong, tell me. I wont get mad. I need help with this because I feel like im about to walk away from a friendship, but I am not sure if there is much of a friendship left to be honest.


  • LaPrincipessaFedele
    LaPrincipessaFedele Posts: 483 Member
    Sounds like you need to walk away, at least for a bit :(
  • LucasLean
    LucasLean Posts: 100 Member
    edited June 2017
    It sounds like he's angry that he's falling behind in life and missing opportunities and doesn't like his current situation.

    Bringing up him missing out on your video game project made things worse though, but it sounds like he has a negative personality. He couldn't just say, "you're right, do you need help with the video game project now?" But he had to blame someone else for his mistake.

    If he's always been a negative and depressing person, then maybe drifting from him would be a good thing.
  • Ben_there_done_that
    Ben_there_done_that Posts: 732 Member
    edited June 2017
    He sounds unreasonable and just because you used to be good friends doesn't mean that you still have to be. Looks like you've outgrown him and he's been the same all these years. I say make your peace and let your friendship go.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Sometimes we hold on to friendships longer than we should for nostalgic purposes. You know, things aren't so great currently... but man, remember those fun times?! Once you realize it's a toxic situation, it's probably best to walk away.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    I'd have to let it go, and the friend if necessary. He sounds like a person who isn't willing to take responsibility for his own choices in life and wants to blame everyone else. Heck, I have family members just like that. They refuse to do the right thing at the time but then blame everyone around them for not helping them dig them out of the hole they've buried themselves into. It's a lose-lose scenario, and I've had to walk away many times from people like that. It sucks, especially if you care about them, but in the end you can't help people who will not help themselves.

    What I got from your original post was that you tried too hard to get him to join in. The first time he declined I'd have let it go and found someone else to help. Maybe it is because he's married, and maybe his wife didn't want him spending time with you, or maybe he just couldn't take the chance if he's supporting a family. Either way, it was his choice. Your choice should be to move on.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    If you can't honestly be who you are with him, then he isn't a friend, you haven't lost anything you ever really had in the first place.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    I must be the ice queen because I would've cut this guy off without even a second thought ages ago.

    He's a negative nancy and I just can't deal with those types of people.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    everher wrote: »

    He's a negative nancy and I just can't deal with those types of people.

    I was thinking he was a Debbie Downer or .....

    a Pessimistic Patty or

    a Defeatist Donna or

    a Gloomy Gladys or

    a Dismissive Denise or

    an Antipathetic Allison

  • MrStabbems
    MrStabbems Posts: 3,110 Member
    A friends worth is simple.

    Does the benefit from them outweigh the effort you put in.

    If answer is No, get rid of said friend.