Moms Losing 50 (Closed Group)



  • dogcrazy79
    dogcrazy79 Posts: 4 Member
    Well I must say I didn't track my food today, but it was one of those beyond belief stressful days at work that just flew by. I know I did ok. Will start tracking again tomorrow.
  • shannonsnail
    shannonsnail Posts: 99 Member
    Hey everyone and welcome Amanda #2 (dogcrazy79)!

    Today is weigh-in day so try to post your updated weight by tomorrow if possible (if you have not already). Mine was 199.8 so I am UP....waah! Not surprised though. Once everyone weighs in I'll post a summary.

    Does anyone know if there is a way to get email notifications for this thread? Or do you have to just keep checking it?

    So, I'm considering the group to be "closed" now if everyone is cool with that. Also, please post any ideas you have on how to make this group most effective. I am not really a "leader" just a facilitator for all of us so please don't feel like you can't speak up. I know that some of us are 'beginners' here (okay, I'm a beginner, not sure about everyone else! LOL!) so keep that in mind.....we may need to start with some babystep challenges and not start off with a marathon, ok?

    Amanda #1 (arh0117), you are going to be our challenges start thinking of the first one. You can decide if you want to do daily challenges or weekly (weekly is probably better if its like a "good habit building" challenge vs just a quick one time burst of energy towards something). Personally, I'm not to the point I can do the challenges that have been posted from the other thread but I know we have a mixed group here so everyone, please speak up on your thoughts about how to structure things.

    Happy Wednesday!
  • arh0117
    arh0117 Posts: 185 Member
    Ok, since I have been assigned to be the "Queen of Challenges", which I feel is an honor by the way, here goes...

    I am going to post a weekly challenge every Wednesday (since we're starting today) and a daily challenge everyday. I am going to try and stick with the theme of the other challenge thread but modify it for our liking. I am just about as much of a beginner as it gets too, Shannon, so I won't make anyone else do anything I can't do. And if it is too tough, feel free to modify in anyway you feel necessary, or ask and I will find a way to modify it for you. Also, PLEASE give me feedback. If things are too easy, too confusing, too tough, let me know. I want to be the best "Queen" I can and serve my people in the best way possible! LOL :wink:

    *Here is the challenge for this week, 7/27-8/2:*

    --Drink at least 16 oz. of water everyday this week. This shouldn't be too hard since it's pretty easy to find a 16.9 or 20 oz. bottle of water in any convenience store or in several vending machines. Water is very important to our bodies for weight loss, circulation, mineral and electrolyte balance, and muscle repair.

    *Wednesday's Daily Challenge:*

    --25 Wall Push-ups. This are much easier than real push-ups but you still get a little burn in your arms and abs. 25 is a good number to start with for any beginner. If you feel this is too easy, feel free to up the number or up the skill level. Here is a video showing exactly what a wall push-up is. (I didn't know what they were until last night.)

    So here we go ladies!! First challenges for our group! Please post and let me know that you have completed them so I can keep a tally. Maybe we'll do some kind of reward at the end of each month or something! Once again, please please please give me feedback so I know how I'm doing and I can adjust accordingly. Thanks!!

    "Si, se puede!!" Yes we can!! (A motivational quote from a cute Disney movie.)
  • kjjm08
    kjjm08 Posts: 217 Member
    I'm fine with this group being closed now :)

    So idk what everyone does here but what about a walking/running goal for Aug? Like X amount of miles? I know some are beginners and that is cool. Just a thought.

    My weigh in is officially tomorrow but I am expecting it to be around 191.5-192.5!!! I really worked my *kitten* off this week with my eating/water and Insanity. Oh and I wasn't 197, I think it was a lot of sodium that caused my weight to be up. I was thinking it was more like 195-196 lbs :)
  • arh0117
    arh0117 Posts: 185 Member
    Got my water down, and did my push-ups nad calorie burn for today! Btw, if you are up for a challenge, Mike Training Club app is AWESOME!! Just kicked my butt big time!
  • arh0117
    arh0117 Posts: 185 Member
    Ok here's today's daily challenge:

    *50 Lateral lunges- These seem to be a little easier than walking lunges (the Thursday Mini Challenge), but they are still a great workout for your legs. This would be 50 total, meaning 25 for each side. Here's a video to help you out! For a little more burn, add some hand weights. Or if you're really up for it, do the full Thursday Mini Challenge and go for 150 walking lunges!

    Hope all is well with you ladies! Don't forget to drink your water this week and check in with me when you've finished a challenge! :wink:
  • arh0117
    arh0117 Posts: 185 Member
    Drank my water for today and did 150 walking I helped my parents move some more. Tonight we worked solely on the upstairs so for about an hour I moved boxes/bags down stairs and I am give out...going to take a very cold shower and then melt into bed...good night everyone...until tomorrow.... :yawn:
  • arh0117
    arh0117 Posts: 185 Member
    Okay ladies here is today's challenge:

    *25 Calf Raises- Do these using both legs, or one legged and do 25 on each side. This is a great way to get those nice looking legs! Let's get motivated and get it done ladies!! Woot it's Friday!!

    **Also, don't forget to be drinking your water--at least 16 oz. everyday!! And check in when you're done with each of the challenges! :happy:

    (I'm starting to wonder if I'm the only one here...........*crickets*)
  • shannonsnail
    shannonsnail Posts: 99 Member
    Amanda #1 I like the new profile pic with your hair down, it's so long!

    I have not had time to get on here lately (I guess no one else has either!). I am still trying to get with the water program! I've had 3 cups so far today :-) But all weekend I barely drank any and I think I might be slightly dehydrated.
  • vmwelch1229
    vmwelch1229 Posts: 19 Member
    I feel horrible !! I hopped on the scale and I've gained !! I love my kids, but it has ben hard to get the time to work out. Ladies, how are you guys doing it after coming home from work and then getting time with them and working out??? It's even worse on the weekends, please help guys. Trying to get back on track.
  • I'm still here. It was a bad weekend, hormonal and pmsy and just generally lazy and exhausted. I did get in a 4.5K walk with the kiddos after breakfast today.
  • Vivian, I'm lucky in that way. I'm a SAHM so I can toss the kids in the stroller and go for a walk during the day. Most days I need it just to get out of the house for a while.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    hi ladies
    just checking in. I took the kids to the $1 movies this morning. I have been doing alot of chasing and walking with the new puppy. We got a 8 week old lab shepard mix, he is so cute but alot of work. At first he hated the leash and tried to pull away or play tug of war but now he has figured it out and loves it, cause that means he gets to go out and run. We are also working on potty training, he has figured out the doggy door but only uses it part of the time, so we are off to a good start and he is helping me to get my exercise.........Hope everyone is having an active healthy fun week........
  • shannonsnail
    shannonsnail Posts: 99 Member
    Vivian, I work full-time and have not yet found a way to get exercise in. I'm so tired in the evening by the time my daughter is in bed.

    I weighed in today at 199. That's a .8 loss from last week but I am still above my SW. Oh well!
  • Hello ladies! Hope everyone is doing well. Just wanted to update my weight.
    SW 174.8
    CW 172.4

    Been pmsing and I am still waiting on it to start lol. So far I have been able to not give into my cravings which are sweet and salty, must have both lol So I am really glad that my will power for that stuff is strong, which surprised the crap out of me but I know it's for the best. Well hope everyone is doing well and I will check back in again soon!
  • vmwelch1229
    vmwelch1229 Posts: 19 Member
    Vivian, I work full-time and have not yet found a way to get exercise in. I'm so tired in the evening by the time my daughter is in bed.

    I weighed in today at 199. That's a .8 loss from last week but I am still above my SW. Oh well!

    Thank you !!! I don't feel alone now... I feel bad, but at least now that I'm not alone at all. It has been harder this time losing weight than it has been before and I just thank you guys for being here for the support.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    sorry i haven't been on regularly, I will start making an effort and will do the daily challenges. I know the lunges were for the other day but I am doing them today. You make a great "QUEEN", looking forward to more challenges. I need to stay motivated, with the kids being home for the summer it has been almost impossible to get to the gym. I have been walking and walking but need to do a bit more. I think I will start doing some exercise dvds.

    here is my weigh in for this week

    Screen name: themommie aka sheri
    july 20 179.1
    Start weight July 27: 179
    August goal - 175
    Aug 03: 178,9
    Aug 10:
    Aug 17:
    Aug 24:

    I have been losing only oz the last few weeks at this rate it will take 3 months to lose a lb. I am stepping up the exercise this week. I hope to see a big difference on the scale next week...........
    Aug 31:
  • Shannon, a loss is still a loss :)

    Sheri, that's exciting. Sounds like you've got a new workput buddy. I want a puppy so badly but I keep getting outvoted.

    We got out for a walk this morning, 4.5K in 50 minutes. I'm going to have to make a run to Walmart for a bike tire pump tonight, the tires in the jogger are going flat and I can't live without my stroller.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    rachel, wow good job on the walk, that is great. I love walking and thank goodness so does my puppy. He has ALOT of energy. LOL. I had to do alot of talking to talk my hubby into getting the puppy, but he is enjoying too, though........
  • tinalb28
    tinalb28 Posts: 22
    i know its been a while but i am back. broke my ankle last weekend so i might be a bit disappointed when i hop on that scale. But have not gone over my calories so maybe ill be alright. Ima start the challenges tomorrow they sound awsome!
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