Avoiding the Freshman Fifteen?



  • jillyo89
    jillyo89 Posts: 19
    I saw that someone was really anti- beer and they had the notion that you are going to carry a water. Well if you do or are a drinker I would suggest just having shots before you go out to avoid all the calories in mix drinks/beer and bring out one drink for you to sip on.

    Join a club or organization on campus. My sorority used to do physical activities all the time including going to the gym, playing sports, and doing community service.

    When in the cafe, get water from the soda machines. Use the big cups. Soda and juices have so many un-needed sugars.

    Stay away from fried food. Usually there is a grilled choice when it comes to meats.
    Stay away from large amounts of sauces. Usually I would ask for a light amount of sauce.

    If you just do that stuff and cut the calories, you'll probably be fine :) Good luck!
  • B_L_A_Z_I_A_N
    if you HAVE to drink beer get the 55 select

    eat lots of veggies

    walk (if possible) instead of driving/taking bus etc

    stay active!
  • harrietlg
    harrietlg Posts: 239
    it's really hard but if you have the motivation you can do it. I actually thought going to uni would help me lose weight because i was controlling what i was eating but i ended up eventually following everyone else's bad habits and gained 30 pounds :( so keep yourself motivated, make sure your fitting exercise in and good luck! :D