Get hungry

Mags10708 Posts: 14 Member
In 4 weeks zero lost. Tracking has shown me I like wine and candy more than I thought


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Keeping a food log is eye-opening.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I would also get hungry if I spent a lot of calories on wine and candy.... Neither of which satiate me! Being on restricted calories comes with lots of choices and sacrifices. If you don't want to be as hungry, you need to make choices that reflect that goal.

    In regards to not losing, how are you determining your intake? Do you weigh all solids and measure all liquids?
  • Mags10708
    Mags10708 Posts: 14 Member
    edited June 2017
    I know why i was going up 2-3 lbs a year with rising sugar, bp, and liver enzeymes. Cutting a lot of foods but weight wont budge. My first goal is not to go up and not to end up sickly and on expensive meds. But losing would be rewarding. I get so hungry on 1460 cals/day and usually land closer to 1700.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    Try a wine spritzer ie take 4oz wine and add 4oz seltzer water. It makes the wine bubbly and adds to time to drink without adding calories
  • Mags10708
    Mags10708 Posts: 14 Member
    Yes measure with spoons and cups but have not weighed food. Focused mostly on changing what I eat and eating less. I have def made progress.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Mags10708 wrote: »
    I know why i was going up 2-3 lbs a year with riding sugar, bp, and liver enzeymes. Cutting a lot of foods but weight wont budge. My first goal is mot to go ip and not to end up sickly and on expensive meds

    Cutting foods doesn't necessarily mean you're in a deficit. You need to control calories, not food types. Get a food scale, weigh all solids and measure all liquids, and make sure you use accurate database entries
  • Mags10708
    Mags10708 Posts: 14 Member
    edited June 2017
    Id be happy to lose 1-2 lbs a month for 2 years. I gained 2 lbs a year on avg over 20 years! Up is easier sneakier than down!
  • Mags10708
    Mags10708 Posts: 14 Member
    Helpful to read. Tnx.
  • Mags10708
    Mags10708 Posts: 14 Member
    I just changed MFP goal to lose 0.5/week. That raised daily calories to 1700 which is where I am landing most days. If I lost 2 lbs a month for 2 years and was happy that would be great! Seems most people want to undo 10 or 20 years of gain in 3 months! And then feel like a failure when they cant do it.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Mags10708 wrote: »
    I just changed MFP goal to lose 0.5/week. That raised daily calories to 1700 which is where I am landing most days. If I lost 2 lbs a month for 2 years and was happy that would be great! Seems most people want to undo 10 or 20 years of gain in 3 months! And then feel like a failure when they cant do it.

    Sounds like a great plan!

    I would recommend a trending weight app - you log your weight everyday, but it evens out the normal fluctuations so you can see that you're going in the right direction
  • Mags10708
    Mags10708 Posts: 14 Member
    edited June 2017
    Mags10708 wrote: »
    I just changed MFP goal to lose 0.5/week. That raised daily calories to 1700 which is where I am landing most days. If I lost 2 lbs a month for 2 years and was happy that would be great! Seems most people want to undo 10 or 20 years of gain in 3 months! And then feel like a failure when they cant do it.

    Sounds like a great plan!

    I would recommend a trending weight app - you log your weight everyday, but it evens out the normal fluctuations so you can see that you're going in the right direction

    Do you know a good trending weight app? Ive decided to weigh once a week instead of daily. It starts a bad script in my head when I weigh myself. Do you think daily is better?
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I use Libra, on my Sony....

    I find following the trend takes the negative associations with weight fluctuations away. I can see the general trend continuing to go down and it stops me freaking out that today I'm 1.5kgs heavier than yesterday (as an example). Weighing once a week wouldn't stop that for me as I have no idea if the day I weigh is a heavy or light day...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    I think when you first start there are a lot of mental games that are really difficult.

    If the scale is affecting your head, work on that. It's just a number. It's just a data point. You could also take your measurements, and take pictures of yourself to do comparisons. There needs to be some way you can gauge success or what's the point?

    I think weighing myself daily is important when I'm trying to lose otherwise I tend to miss a week, then two, then I'm eating popcorn in the big bowl with butter and sugar and the next thing you know I don't want to weigh myself at all because popcorn.

    See the trouble? Even weighing once a week isn't enough. Too easy to skip a week and then two, whether on purpose or accidentally. I'm at my maintenance weight and I weigh myself twice a week.